Chapter 49: 43
It's been a couple more days of Sailing with a couple of stops at some docks that Jaune at first thought that the ship had arrived at Vacuo... but he found out that it's just a stop for the sailor to rest for half a day or so..
Jaune had rationed his food and currently have about 60 to 70 percent left of it in his bag, he figured that he would need some food for later when he go travel to Shade.
Does he have the Liens to but some food? Yes. Would he still rationed his food to save some Lien? Yes.
He think that its the smart thing to do in his situation considering that he would not have any source of income and Shade Academy would only provide Shelter and foods.. so he need to save his Liens if he need to buy some important stuff in the future..
Jaune probably need to find a job or do some errands to get some money, it's not like Shade Academy will give their students monthly allowance considering that they themselves is in need of money to support itself.
If it was Atlas Academy, They would probably give their students monthly allowance... but then again, Atlas Academy is really wealthy considering that its you know... in Atlas.. and is also a part of its Military...
Jaune guessed that Artoria would probably be join Atlas Military... she would thrive in there with her personality and discipline...
It's been a while since Jaune had talked with Artoria, and the last time they had talked with each other was a couple of weeks ago and it turns our that Artoria had found herself a friend there.
Which is good for her because Artoria isn't good at making friends... from what Mordred had told him, the students in their combat school always tried to stay away from Artoria.
Not because they hated her or Artoria did something to them.. its just that they just not fond of Artoria's militaristic like personality...
Not that Jaune himself mind Artoria personality... but he himself would agree that people need to get used to Artoria's personality to be friends with her.
And it's not like Artoria is always cold or things like that.. Jaune knows that she is kind and would banter with Mordred sometimes... Mordred may not say it but Jaune knows that she misses Artoria...
Speaking of his family.... he hoped that his family isn't that.... panicked... well who is he kidding, his dad probably is in the lead with his search party and Jaune wouldn't be suprised if he used his connection with the Headmaster of Beacon or some high ranked Hunter to help his father search for him.
Mom.... mom would probably cry..... Jaune really hated that he had most likely made his mother cried... the others would probably sees his mother cried in front of them for the first time... if Jaune was there, he would see it for the first time too..
Saphron would probably have a lot of gray hairs because of the chaos the house is most likely in because of him.. she Jaune know that she would most likely take over mom's duties and take care of the younger children like Noir, Blancheur and especially Olivia...
Artoria.... Jaune don't think that Artoria know that he is gone.. the other would had hidden the fact that he is missing from Artoria for the time being... as for how long before they tell Artoria? Maybe in a week... or 2 weeks at the longest... not that Jaune would blame the others for not telling Artoria, Because Jaune himself doesn't want Artoria to know as to not stress herself out... she doesn't need to worry about him, she have her Hunter training to prioritize... but Jaune knows that when they eventually tell her.. she would demand either dad or mom to get her back home so she can help search for him...
Jeanne? Well... she would probably cried.. a lot.... and also prayed for his safety too.... Jaune doesn't know how or why, but she is suprisingly the most religious out of the whole family... none of the family members is as religious as Jeanne, not close at all... they all believed in the brother gods, but do they worship them? No... and that's why it's suprising that Jeanne is the one to prayed to the brother gods the most..
Noir and Blancheur? Well Noir would probably quiet down for quite a while... Blancheur would become even quieter... Jaune let out a sigh because he feels really Guilty about the fact that he had most likely made the loudest member of the family become as quiet as her twin... and Blancheur would be even quieter than a mouse.m and all of that is his fault...
Olivia would be old enough to understand that something is wrong... but hopefully she doesn't realized that Jaune isn't with them anymore...
As.... as for Mordred?... Jaune.... he... he felt the most guilt for her... he doesn't know how much grief Mordred is in... fuck.... she probably cried the most.... and If Jaune know anything about Mordred... he would know that she would be a recluse inside her own bedroom.. Jaune doesn't know what to think about the fact that he had turned his sister... his love and spirited sister into a former ghost of herself.... he really... really hope that she taken care of herself... Jaune doesn't want her to get sick because of him... what if she starved herself because she doesn't have the mood to eat dinner without him? Jaune doesn't remember any breakfast or dinner that Mordred had eaten without him... if Juane could bring her with him, he would... God fuck he would... but he can't...
He really... really hoped that the other took care of Mordred in his stead... its the only thing he can do now... hope... hope that everything is alright with Mordred... because he know that she is the one who took him leaving the hardest... and he once again hoped that this doesn't sour Mordred and dad's currently relationship... he really doesn't want her to blame their father for the fact that Jaune had to leave to be a hunter.m. but he know that it's a fool's wish...
A few hours had passed from the time Jaune had been stuck in his head thinking about his family.
Right now Jaune is preparing himself to sneak out of the ship, he had gone out of his hiding spot and currently perched ship's anchor preparing himself to jump to the docks as soon As it's close enough.
He need to be fast and stealth because a lot of the crew is on the deck now as they prepare to dock, thankfully it's dawn right now so it's still a little dark and the darkness hidden Jaune slightly.
"Prepare the anchor!" As soon as Jaune hear one of the crew members shouted out to prepare the anchor, he used reinforcement on his legs and jumped onto the docks and start running as quietly as he can into the buildings and alleyway.
Jaune let out a breath as he poke his head out of the alleyway to see the ship and used some reinforcement on his ears to eavesdrop if the crew member hear him or sees him jumping off onto the docks.
"Deploying the anchor now! Prepare yourself"
"Aye Aye, captain!" One of the crew members shouted out.
"Stop being playing around!" That voice is one that Jaune recognized.. that's Mr.Rock's Voice...
"Aye Aye, Captain." Another crew member different that the first one answered back to Mr.Rock.
"Dumbass... the lot of you..." Mr.Rock let out a sigh and Jaune couldn't help but let out a sigh of his own because it looks like they doesn't notice Jaune...
Hopefully his father or the others suspect that Jaune had stowaway on his ship because Jaunw didn't exactly hide the fact that he had helped Mr.Rock with his ship....
His father and the other most likely suspected that he had been kidnapped.. and his father wouldn't exactly think that Jaune had run away to be a hunter.... its been years since Jaune had give them any sign that he still desired to be a hunter.. only Mordred knows about it...
Jaune then shakes his head before he walks even further into the town and starts to look around.
The town isn't.... really in a good condition.. that Jaune can see with his own two eyes... Jaune never expected that Vacuo would be anything like Vale... but.. but he doesn't expect this...
He can see some of the building's roof had been torn away -probably from the sandstorm that Mr. Andrew had told Jaune that had hit Vacuo a couple of months ago...- a few walls with... holes the same of some plates and as he walk even further down the town, he can see that its not any better...
On the contrary, it's even worse than the house near the docks.. why? Well some of the building is gone.. as in.. fly away gone.. wait.. that's not an apt description... how could he say it.. some of the building looks like it's been ripped off the ground by the sandstorm and what's left is some of the floors and foundation miraculously Still standing...
Jaune had only meet a couple of people that is up and about, probably preparing to start their day... which is obvious now that he thinks about it..
A few minutes had passed when Jaune heard a pained cry in the distant, which made his legs moves to where the sound is located on its own.
When Jaune finally realized where he is going, it's too late (not that he wouldn't go to the sound without his legs moving on its own) because he is in the mouth of an alley and see a couple of men trying to... Rob a couple of kids around Jaune's age..
One of the 2 kids, the boy, have a black eye as he shield a girl with his his body, while the girl have some bruises on her arm..
"You know what to do squirt.. move away...." one of the thugs moves closer to the boy which made him cover the girl even more with his body.
"Go away! Fuck you!" He shouted at the thug which earned him a kick to his ribs.
"Ugh!" The boy let out a pained cry.
The other thug put a hand on the thug number 1's shoulder and let out a chuckle.
"Hey, don't hurt him too badly... you know I like it when they are still awake..." thug number 2 told thug number 1.
"I know... the brat deserved it anyway... you got the boy, I got the girl this time..." thug number 1 answered back to thug number two before he start to open his belt.
"Yeah... let's see how this one fare compared to the last brats we dealt with." Thug number 2 also start to open his belt.
Jaune is still in shock at what he is seeing but he quickly shakes his head and run up to the thugs and used a low level reinforcement to kick thugs number one head in the wall, imbedding thugs number 2's head into the wall with a bone crunching sound before Jaune quickly hook his feet on the back of thug number 1's head and uses it to slam him head first into the ground and Jaune can see some blood pooling slowly at the small crater..
Jaune let out a pant because of the adrenaline that is coursing through the vein at the fact that this is the first time he is fighting another person other than Mordred but she shakes his head to clear his brains and quickly go to the kids.
"Hey, hey! Are you two okay?" He reach out a hand to the boy which the boy flinched away before he sees that Jaune is also a kid like him.
"You.... what... what happened to the 2 fuckers?" He slowly stop covering the girl's body with his own and sit up straighter to look at Jaune who is standing over him with his hand offered to the boy.
"Well... they're..." Jaune look back to the two man that he had... subdued.... "they're taken care of..."
"Yeah.. I can see that now.... thanks.." the boy thanked Jaune but Jaune can't helped but look at the two man..
He had thought that these despicable man only wanted to rob the kids... but.. it turns our that their plans was something much.. much more disgusting... Jaune can see the both of them still breathing... as faintly as they could..
But Jaune couldn't feel a little bit sorry for them, Jaune could guess why but it's obvious enough... he also think that he wouldn't feel guilty if they died.. as shocking as it sound even to himself.. but he couldn't care for their lives...
Something deep inside Jaune is telling him to pull out his sword and finish the job.. but he shakes his head out of that thought because even if he didn't kill them, they both already got what they at least deserved... both of them doesn't looks like they have their Aura unlocked and Jaunes did kicked them really... hard on their heads.. with reinforcement no less... Jaune can feel the crunching sensation that his feet felt from their skull...
Jaune wouldn't help them nor would he ask someone too help them.. if they survive at all.. they probably have brain damages from the traumatic brain injury and also the cracked skull...
"You...." Jaune quickly turn his head back to the boy as he heard his voice. "What's your name?"
Jaune stays silent before he give the boy alongside the girl who sneak a look at Jaune from behind the boy's back a smile. "My name is.. Jaun-... John...."
"John Luna.."
[You could read up to 10 chapter ahead if you support me on patr30n. At patreon . com / Zaneninjacat for only 10 dollars. And give me powerstones cause fyi.. if i reached 150 powerstones, the next update would have 3 chapters.]
[AN: BTW.. before you say that Jaune is acting OOC.. there are good reasons for that... as for what that reason is? I know you guys are smart enough about what is Jaune's.. "situation".. I am not exactly subtle with the lore that I gave... its easy to put two and two together, but I won't spoil it if you guys still didn't managed to figure out why Jaune is acting like that.]