The Dark Lord Harry Potter

Chapter 76: Loyalty and Flames

"My Lord." Draco Malfoy called, before bowing slightly.

"Draco, you wanted to speak with me?"

" We did my Lord," Pansy replied from next to the blonde, before biting her lip in hesitation. "We… have a request."

"Something to do with the holidays no doubt."

"Yes, my Lord. Have you ever heard of the phrase, 'jus primae noctis'?"

"A supposed ancient tradition in which the Lord would be given a bride on her wedding night before the husband. What of it Draco?"

"Well it isn't all that 'supposed' my Lord. The Muggles got the idea from before them and the Wizard culture completely split, and although there are few true 'Lords' remaining, the tradition is still expected, and welcomed, to those who swear fealty."

The raven-haired boy quirked an eyebrow at the two teens, before gesturing to continue.

"It is also more… extensive than that my Lord and…"

"Draco and I were hoping to do some 'bonding' this holiday break, but first tradition states we ask for your permission… and allow you… well…" Pansy's voice trailed off, a faint blush adorning her cheeks.

"Ah, so you two want to shag but you aren't allowed to until I say you can…"

"Uh actually my Lord…" Draco muttered, his eyes shifting around in embarrassment, "we can't do anything until you say we can… and are offered first rights."

Emerald-eyes blinked once, in actual surprise, before glancing over to the girl, whose blush had deepened considerably. "What you are trying to tell me is that you have to ask my permission to… even kiss?"

"To be alone with each other…" The Parkinson heiress whispered in correction.

"But also, I am supposed to have my way with you first… such an odd set of traditions you have Draco…"

"Lordship is more than just authority, it is a sign of superiority. When we took our oaths, we are acknowledging you as greater than us, my Lord. Pansy has been… quite excited over the prospects of being worthy of your attention and touch."

"As you said last year, it is an 'honor' for me to have my way with your betrothed." Harry mused, earning soft mutterings from both teens.

"Perhaps we could think of it as an… early Christmas gift?" the Parkinson heiress inquired shyly.


Hermione Granger sighed happily as she sat curled up on the couch in the Slytherin common room. How strange to think that just one year prior she had been sitting alone, crying and feeling miserable at the mere thought that her parents didn't want her and that her own housemates hated her existence. Now she hadn't even bothered to plan on returning home and couldn't care less about whether her parents would be in the country or not.

As for her housemates, she had found that spending time with either Neville or Ginny was quite enjoyable, and once they had gotten used to her the Slytherin girls were very kind as well. Sure, they asked for advice on schoolwork occasionally, but there wasn't any of the demand that there had been in Gryffindor, and instead often pointed out minor corrections she could make in potions or other classes. More than that though, was the fact that she had begun sneaking out in the evening, and simply having 'girl talk' with the others her age.

Even now, with nearly all the Slytherin House returning home for the holidays, she found it was a peaceful quiet, rather than one of stress and loneliness.

"Ah Hermione, enjoying a book in front of the fireplace I see."

A grin split her face as she turned to greet the raven-haired boy. "I am Harry, would you like to join me?"

He nodded and took the spot next to her. "I assume you will be joining us for Christmas morning?"

"If you will have me."

His smile turned sultry, "Anytime and anywhere my dear, you know that."

The bookworm's face lit up in a pretty blush, "You best be careful Mr. Potter, or else I am going to have to put this book away and take you up on that offer."

"And you had best be careful my dear, or else I will be spending the remaining days until Christmas ravaging you." he whispered back, before his lips found her neck.

Moments later she had wrapped her arms and legs around him, and he had carried her up towards his room, the girl's book left forgotten on the couch.


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