The Dark Lord Harry Potter

Chapter 80: Confronting the Past

Barely twenty-four hours passed before the Minister of Magic was onsite at Hogwarts, making his speech before a large group of members from the press. Behind him stood the full Wizengamot, to show their support. To one side sat the entire student body of Hogwarts, along with the staff, and across from that the families of the victims.

"As many of you have heard yesterday an incident occurred in which several young lives were lost. There is much speculation as to the cause of this, but I assure you that…"

"Excuse me Minister, but is it not true that the victims have signs of Dementor exposure?"

"Well yes but this is hardly conclusive and a full investigation…"

"The Dementors," another reporter interrupted, "were placed at the school on your orders, in hopes of catching Sirius Black correct?"

"They were but the man is dangerous and is a clear and present threat…"

"Minister is it not also true that several Aurors have also been placed at the school, and that not one sign of the killer has been seen for over a month?"

Fudge gulped, before wishing he had his hat to fiddle with, and glanced around for any sort of support. Unfortunately for him, Dumbledore merely stared back in contempt, no longer showing any signs of pity for the man. Amelia Bones, along with the rest of the staff, chose to follow his example.

"Uh well you see the Dementors were never supposed to attack any children of course and…"

"Is it not true that the monsters also attacked well over a hundred students during a Quidditch game, nearly resulting in even more deaths if not for… 'the timely intervention of several faculty members and students'?" another reporter called out.

"Um no, I mean yes, I mean well that is true, but they are under Ministry control you see and…"

"Ministry control?" Rita Skeeter suddenly chimed, causing the man to pale even further. "Are you going on record as to say that the Ministry has control over Dementors at all times?"

"Well uhm…"

"Because if you are then it implies you had some hand in ordering these attacks…"

"Of course not! The Dementors clearly ignored orders and…"

"So, you put these demons amongst our children without proper protections in place!?" One of the, thus far silent, parents of the victims roared out in anger and shock. This promptly signaled the furious writing from nearly every journalist present.

"No! I mean, they usually follow our directions and…"

"What about the incident on the train!? My daughter told me that she and several other girls were nearly attacked there as well!" It was the Lord Greengrass who spoke up this time, earning even more furious whispers as several of the Wizengamot members nodded along with their brethren.

"I-I-I…" the flustered man hastily looked around to locate his biggest supporter, Lucius Malfoy, for aid. The blonde gave a curt nod before standing and striding towards the podium, which was easily given to him by the Minister.

"Families of the victims, friends of the fallen, faculty, students, members of the Wizengamot, members of the press I stand before you at the aftermath of a tragedy the likes of which has not been seen in recent times. I also stand here today to inform you that this disaster could have… should have been avoided entirely. It was brought to my attention earlier today that an individual, a mere schoolboy has uncovered a horrible truth." The man glanced over towards the students of Hogwarts, his eyes locking onto a pair of emerald-green ones before calmly nodding.

"Mr. Potter, would you please join me at the podium."

The staff stared, wide eyed, as the teen rose and walked forward, meanwhile the various camera bulbs were exploding with light, while quills were being prepared with fresh parchment.

A teenage boy stood before hundreds and cleared his throat. "Sirius Black… is innocent."


For the briefest of moments Lucius Malfoy idly considered that a single statement had managed to do what he had never been able to even in his wildest dreams, silence a gathering of reporters. Everyone, from professor to student, parent to member of the press was staring dumbfounded at the teenager standing next to him.

Then all hell broke loose.

"What do you mean Sirius Black is innocent!?"

"Have you been in contact with the accused!?"

"What proof do you have concerning this?!"

"Have you and Mr. Malfoy joined efforts in this situation!?"

"How does it feel to be the boy-who-lived?"

"What is your favorite class at Hogwarts?"

"Are you seeing anyone, if not do you have plans tonight?"

The student merely stared at the assembled group, before mentally sighing and counting backwards… from a thousand. Then he raised his hand, and all fell silent once more.

"Sirius Black was wrongfully arrested over a decade ago and placed in Azkaban without a trial. I discovered this during the summer when I was taken by the Minister to the archives to research more information about the man. Initially I was planning on informing either an Auror or professor, but I also realized that the trial manuscript may very well have been sealed for secrecy. Since I had very little knowledge concerning Wizarding law and was kept in protective custody for the remainder of the summer, I was unable to progress further until the school year."

"Why did you not inform Headmaster Dumbledore?" Rita Skeeter called out, "Is it because of an inherent mistrust between you and the Wizard? Is there more going on at Hogwarts than we realize? Perhaps something even scandalous?"

Emerald eyes blinked a few times at the questions, before the child tilted his head in confusion, "Who are you again?"

"Rita Skeeter, reporter for the…"

"So, you are a reporter, your job is to investigate then I assume?"

"Well yes but…"

"So then why are you asking me to do your job for you? Surely you can find your answers without having to rely on a thirteen-year-old student."

The Malfoy Lord hid a grin under his 'Pureblood mask' as chuckles sounded through those assembled, and the woman ducked her head in embarrassment, the boy was far more clever than they could even comprehend at this point.

"As I was saying, throughout the year I was gathering shreds of evidence, but it never added up to anything concrete. I did not want to burden the most famous, and overworked…" here a few more chuckles arose, including from the man in question and teachers, "man in our society. Besides if I was wrong and protection was weakened or even removed it could have been disastrous. It wasn't until a few days ago that I fully realized the truth."

"And what happened?" A man called out from the crowd, while others held their quills still in anticipation.

"I found Sirius Black."

More cries of shock and confusion rippled outwards, followed by further questions until Lucius himself stepped in, "Perhaps if you give the poor boy time to speak he will answer you. What none of you seem to realize is that Mr. Potter is not used to such celebrity and interviews, coupled with the recent tragedy I believe that a little professionalism is more than warranted."

The blonde stepped back, observing that the crowd had been successfully rebuked, and gave a gentle gesture for the teen to continue. "Thank you Lord Malfoy, as I was saying Sirius Black confronted me just outside the Wards several days ago and claimed he was innocent. He even tossed away his Wand as a sign of surrender if I would hear him out. So, I did."

"Weren't you terrified for your life!?" One, slightly crazed looking man shouted earning an eye roll from the boy.

"Of what? A half-starved escaped convict with dirty clothes, a barely usable Wand, and no resources to speak of? We have had far more dangerous situations at Hogwarts for the last three years than what he posed."

"If he did not betray your parents and kill the Muggles, then who did?"

The boy nodded, before pulling out a small box from his pocket. "The real traitor." With that he opened it, pulled out a rat and tossed it into the air. Lucius reacted instantly, casting the spell to reverse an Animagus transformation and revealing an overweight man sitting on the ground.

"Peter Pettigrew, who had spent his time disguised as the Weasley family's pet rat, Scabbers."

Nearby Ron paled as he made the connection.

"H-H-Harry, so good to see you again, you look just like your father, we were best friends you know!" the man rattled helplessly, as the adults watched on in shock. "I-I just… you don't know what he is capable of! You, none of you can understand! I just… I WON'T GO TO THAT PLACE!"


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