The Demigod Guide *DRAFT*

Chapter 1: 1: ZOË

Hi, I'm Zoë Kimburland, daughter of Pluto, Roman god of the underworld and riches. I'm 18 years old. I have volunteered to help young demigods just like you.

While doing that, I'm going to tell you about my demigod adventures.

Now, I know what you're gonna say.

"What's a demigod?"

"I'm not the child of a god!"

"How do gods have children anyway?"

I promise, when you get to camp, all your questions will be answered… more or less, at least.

I'll tell you one of my adventures.

It was June 12th. I was 13, I think. I was with my then boyfriend, current enemy, Joshua Finnagan, son of Athena, who was 14, and my friend, Rebecca Harris, daughter of Ares, who was 13 as well.

We were in, I think, maybe Georgia. I had just killed a gorgan. Joshua had killed maybe 2 or 3 different monsters. Rebecca, though, was a killing machine. We heard a rustling sound coming from the woods to our right. She said,

"Zoë, give my your knife and stay here. I'll be back."

"Becca, look at me." I said.

She did.

"Be careful, okay?"

She smiled a cold smile, looked at me and Joshua and said:

"Never. I'll be back. Promise."

She didn't come back.

Joshua was okay with that. He thought she was slowing us down anyway.

It's now March 8th, 2024. Becca hasn't shown yet. She will though. I promised Chiron I'd get her here safely. And I will. I assured Chiron she was coming soon, but he looked me with a load of sympathy. I wasn't buying it.

"She's coming. I promise." I said reassuringly

Then Joshua walked in.

"Yeah, right, Zoë. Didn't she promise she was coming back?"

When he said that, my eyes stung. He knew that subject was sensitive. And he did anyway.

"That's why I broke up with you, you poutana!"

Chiron and Joshua's jaws both dropped to Tartarus and came back.

"Rebecca!" Chiron exclaimed. "Cabin arrest!" Then he muttered, "For the 5th time this month..."

"I heard that!" I said, loud enough for me to hear, "Heard what?" from a drowsy Mr. D. The 'D' stands for Dionysus, in case you didn't know.

"Nothing, Dionysus!" Chiron shouted back. "Rebecca is at her shenanigans again."

"Shenanigans?! He started it!" I exclaimed.

"Cabin arrest. Effective immediately. Go. Now." Chiron ordered, so I went to my cabin, sat on my bunk and… cried. I cried. I don't know why I cried. I just did. It felt good.

At dinner, I went to the dining pavilion and waited for the nymphs to bring my food.

That's when I saw Rebecca. She was dressed in black leather, but she was by herself. She had my knife in hand and was running it up and down her arm, I didn't know why. She also had a medium-sized dog with her. I was furious and sad. I had a ball of sadness, anger, and distress, and when I saw her, it got a little smaller.

"…Becca?" I said through tears.

"Yes, Zoë?" She answered, with the same cold smile she gave me when she ran to kill the thing making the rustling.

I ran towards her, and she did the same. Our hands met, and we hugged. Two seconds. Three seconds. Then, before I knew it, I flipped her over my shoulder and pinned her. She landed with a pained grunt.

"Sorry." I said. "You need help up?"

"No, I'm fine." She said. She got up, dusted herself off, and punched me in the face, making my nose bleed and knocking me out.

I was asleep for a week and a half. Yeah. You read that right. That means my best friend throws good punches.

Anyway, when I woke up, she was at my bedside, as if she worried about me.

"Becca?" I said groggily as I sat up.

"Lay down." She said "You need rest. I have to admit, I hit you pretty hard."

"Please, I'll be fine. Don't we have a senior counselor meeting in about 20 minutes? Bring me my clothes, I'm going."

She didn't argue.

Becca brung me my clothes. She had my brother, Nico's, black skull shirt, along with my black leather pants.

When I got there, I got weird looks from, well, everyone.

Nova, senior counselor of Ares cabin, shot me a sneer. My friend, Jamie, senior counselor for Athena cabin, shot her one back.

"Stop acting like a malaka." Jamie said. "The meeting just started, Nova."

"Well, then tell Zoë not to get knocked out by her 'best friend.'" Nova shot back.

I charged at her. Unintentionally, I raised a skeleton army, which wasn't cool, because they were Roman soldiers, my kind. She was sent to the infirmary, as well as I, because I'm still learning my powers.

My best friend, Rebecca, seemed to handle her powers just fine. I woke up after a few hours and I was able to leave the infirmary. I walked out, and saw Rebecca slicing the skeletons, then holding her stomach, as if she felt what they felt. Knowing she was a daughter of Ares, she probably did.

"Hey," Becca said. "You feelin' better?"

"Not really" I replied, a little drowsy. Next thing I knew, Becca was falling face first onto the concrete.

"Whoa!" I said as I caught her. "Someone get the Apollo cabin! Rebecca blacked out!"

Then, in tears, she blacked out.

I thought she'd died.

The first Apollo camper in the infirmary was Archer.

"What happened?" He asked.

I told him what happened.

"Oh, gods." He replied. "I hope she's okay."

"Why do you hope she's okay?" I asked.

Without hesitation, he said, "I'm sorry, just because you lost her doesn't mean we all did, you intolerant crap!"

"How was I supposed to know that, you stupid-"

That's when Becca woke up.

"Mornin', Spidey…" She said.

See, Archer was called Spidey because he looks like Peter Parker. But… no one calls him that anymore. 2 years ago, he said the only person allowed to call him that would be his girlfriend…

"Holy crap…" I said aloud.

Becca smiled her cold smile. "What are you holy crapping? That Archer's my boyfriend? That I stayed in contact with Camp Half-Blood?"

"Obviously!" I replied.

"I thought you knew." Archer felt her pulse, "You need to rest. You have a weak pulse."

"Ok, Spidey." They shared a kiss, and, for some reason, I wanted to punch that Apollo kid. I didn't, because I didn't feel like getting knocked out by Rebecca. Again.

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