The Demon Queen's Royal Consort

Chapter 43: Chapter 43 - Encounter - III

When we think about transmigrating to a different world, we always imagine the scene where we soar above the world, with a beautiful maiden in our arms, madly in love with us. Well, that wasn't what was happening here.

I was being held like a piece of meat. Selene's arms wrapped around my waist as she hugged me from behind. Honestly, it's incredibly embarrassing when the scene of your dreams happens to you... but in a way that makes you want to disappear from the face of the Earth, or, in this case, the face of Atlas.

Selene was as imposing as a summer storm. Her majestic wings cut through the wind with an ease that made me ashamed just to think about how I must have looked: a clumsy sack of potatoes, swaying in the air as she carried me like some awkward trophy. And the worst part? She didn't seem the least bit in love. In fact, her expression conveyed more amusement than anything else.

"Could you stop squirming?" she said, her voice echoing above the noise of the wind.

"I'm not squirming!" I shouted back, trying to adjust myself into a position that wouldn't make my cape fly up over my head.

Selene let out a short laugh, almost a snort.

The view was spectacular. The city stretched out below us, divided into three levels corresponding to the mountains. It was as if the capital had been built with Lego pieces. Its gleaming towers and bustling streets reflected the morning sun, which painted the sky in shades of blue. The wind carried the wild scent of the mountain ranges.

"Why aren't there more demons flying over the city?" I asked, curious.

"It's forbidden!" she replied simply. "Only important members of the military, the councilors, and, of course, I, am allowed to fly over the city," she explained calmly. "And you, once you grow wings, will have the status to do the same."

I swallowed hard at Selene's words. With every moment, I understood that the position of consort wasn't something to be taken lightly.

"Where are we going first?"

"We're going to meet Master Silas, the best alchemist in the Demon Kingdom and one of my six councilors."

Satisfied, I felt the atmosphere between us had become more relaxed. Selene continued flying at a moderate speed toward the east of the city. Down below, many people were looking up, noticing someone flying over the capital with a man in her arms.

It didn't take long for a large mansion with a chimney emitting white smoke to appear ahead of us. Selene ignored proper etiquette and flew straight inside, landing in front of a large section with bronze doors.

Two soldiers raised their weapons, concerned about the intrusion, but upon recognizing the figure who had arrived, they quickly bowed and greeted the queen.

"Welcome, Your Majesty!" they shouted in unison.

"Is Master Silas in the laboratory?" Selene asked.

"Yes!" replied one of the soldiers, apparently the guard leader.

"I'm going in."

Both soldiers looked at me with curious gazes. After all, it wasn't every day that you saw the Demon Queen carrying someone in her arms through the sky.

I felt a pang of discomfort at the way they looked at me. It was as if they were comparing me to something, or someone.

'Whatever, I already have enough problems to worry about!'

"Let's go!" Selene said, pushing the copper doors and entering the laboratory.

I followed by her side. The laboratory was incredible, unlike anything I had imagined for a world like Atlas.

There was a long section dedicated to the furnace, which stretched across the entire laboratory like mining tracks. It was about seventy centimeters high, and the flames burned intensely. Above the furnace, several cauldrons steamed with different liquids, taking advantage of the heat from the flames. In the center of the laboratory, an old man with a blindfold was sitting next to a tall, well-dressed young man, chatting about something.

The sound of our footsteps caught the duo's attention, and they quickly turned toward us.

"To what do I owe the honor of your visit, my queen?" said the bald old man with the blindfold politely.

"Your Majesty," greeted the young man beside him. He was about 1.80 meters tall, with a slender build, glowing skin, emerald green eyes, and striking red hair.

"Master Silas, it hasn't been long. But, as I said, I've come to visit you," Selene replied, ignoring the young man and focusing on the senior in front of us.

"Of course, of course."

"So, I finally have the honor of meeting the candidate for my queen's royal consort," he said, approaching me with his hands behind his back. Although I was sure he was blind, I felt like he was analyzing me completely.

Meanwhile, the young man behind him furrowed his brow, showing clear dissatisfaction, but he didn't say a word.

"Interesting... I sense a very strong energy coming from you, young man. Much more intense than someone of your age," he placed his hands on my shoulders, and I felt a slight shock run through my body. "Hmmm..." he murmured, satisfied. "It seems Master Elian wants to keep his secrets under lock and key. I can't see anything."

I bowed my head politely, even though I wasn't sure if the senior could perceive my gesture of respect, before responding.

"Yes, Master Silas," I replied courteously. "Master Elian is a bit paranoid about secrets."

My words seemed to please the senior, who gave a broad smile. The young man behind him, however, turned red, his fists clenched.

'What the hell is this? Am I living the underestimated cliché? Was he some candidate for the queen's suitor? Does he lack brain cells?'

"Very well, young man. The queen told me you need arcane affinity stones to make a weapon."

I glanced sideways at Selene, trying to figure out what to say, but, surprisingly, she remained serene and didn't intervene.

"Hmm... I think so!" I replied, still unsure.

"Very well. Since I couldn't probe you, what affinity are we talking about?" he asked, curious.

Again, I furrowed my brows, hoping Selene would intervene, but nothing happened. She had left the entire interaction up to me.

'Now what? Do I reveal all my affinities? That can't be. Before we left the castle, she forbade me from saying I'm also a warrior. I'll play it safe.'

"Yes, Master Silas. I need electricity stones," I said confidently.

"Hmmm... Now it makes sense why Elian is here personally to train you. You share a very powerful affinity."

"And also gravity," I added.

The faces of the senior and the young man twisted in disbelief.

Now I was sure this was a test. Selene's words echoed in my mind like a bell.

'Everyone will know that you are the most talented mage of our generation.'

It was impossible for the most talented mage of this generation to have only one affinity.

"Dual affinity? With two such special attributes... Now it makes even more sense why Elian is training you."

"Tsk... Two affinities don't prove anything!" said the young man, without a trace of respect.

'There it is. The cliché of the disgruntled one. Am I going to have to fight him before leaving here? Am I stronger than him? I only awakened a week ago...' My mind quickly analyzed the situation.

The signs were clear: parading me around in full view above the capital, bringing me to this place, this young man clearly unhappy with my presence...

This is definitely going to be a messy episode. And Selene is behind it. But why?

I glanced sideways at Selene, checking if she would express any dissatisfaction, but she continued acting as if she weren't even there.

"Who's the young man?" I asked Silas.

"Ah, this is my grandson. A talented mage from my family who has been studying alchemy with me since he was a little boy. Come and introduce yourself, boy."

Walking arrogantly toward me, he said with harsh words:

"I am Thadeus Ferrox Umbra," he declared, not even extending a hand for a greeting. "And you don't have the qualities necessary to stand by Her Majesty's side."

'I knew it. The moment of chaos.'

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