The Demon’s Claim

Chapter 13: chapter 11 witches didn’t exist

After Odetta and Cass made love throughout the night, morning arrived. Odetta woke up to find Cass gone from the bed.

Where was he?

Panic crept in as she scanned the empty room.

She regretted giving herself to him. Had he left her?

Was she that bad in bed?

Memories of her ex's infidelity resurfaced.

Was it because she wasn't good enough?

Tears stung her eyes…..Just then, the door swung open.

"Cass!" Odetta exclaimed.

"Buon Giorno, bella. I brought breakfast."(good day, beautiful).

He stoood fully dressed, looking ethereal as always.

She hastily covered herself with the sheets.

A pillow flew through the air, aimed at Cass' head.

He dodged it effortlessly. "Whoaaaaa!" He laughed.

Another pillow sailed towards him.

He dodged it again.

"Che ho fat to di male?" Cass asked in Italian, his eyes sparkling with amusement.

Odetta didn't understand the words but his tone conveyed his question, (what did I do wrong)?

Odetta's pillow still hovered in mid-air, her anger and vulnerability locked in a fierce battle.

He set the tray on the nightstand, his eyes never leaving hers. "Che ho fatto di male?" He repeated, as if she could understand what he was saying.

Odetta's gaze faltered, her voice barely above a whisper. "You left me."

His expression softened. "Mi dispiace, amore." (I'm sorry love).

What the fuck was he saying?

He approached her, his hands open in reassurance.

Odetta's defense crumbled as Cassisno gently pulled her into an embrace.

"I didn't mean to frighten you. I just want to surprise you with breakfast."

Odetta clutched the sheet to her chest, her anger softening.

"Surprise?" She repeated.

Cassisno nodded. "Colozione a letto." (Breakfast in bed). He said pointing to the tray of delicious food on the nightstand.

The tray was filled with an assortment of treats: freshly baked croissant, crispy fried chicken, and a colorful salad, and a steaming hot plate of fried rice.

"You cooked this?" Odetta asked, inhaling the aroma of the freshly baked croissant.


"Wow. You didn't have to," she said, impressed.

It was a shame, Odetta thought to herself, that she he knew how to cook and she didn't.

"I wanted to," he smiled.

Just as his lips were about to meet Odetta's, she used her fingers to pin his mouth shut.

"I haven't brushed my teeth yet. My mouth stinks!" She giggled.

Cass' eyes sparkled with amusement as he removed her tiny hands from his mouth.

"I don't care," he whispered, his voice velvety.

His lips claimed hers in a tender kiss. "You're incredibly beautiful," he breathed, breaking him from the kiss. "Don't ever feel bad that you're not good enough. You're perfect."

Odetta's heart swelled.

She pulled him back for another kiss, her lips parting to invite him in.

As they deepened the kiss, he gently removed the blanket, his hands tracing her legs.

Her skin tingled.

His fingers danced across her breasts, sending shivers through her. Then his hand explored lower, finding her already wet and ready.

Odetta's passion ignited once more, and they surrendered to their desire. Afterwards, they lay naked, locked in each other's gaze.

The tranquility was shattered by Odetta's phone ringing. She answered, her expression shifting from seren to harried.

"I have a meeting; I completely forgot. I need to get home and change."

Cass' offered, "I'll drive you home."

Odetta nodded, hastily dressing. Outside his house, she waited for him to drive her home.

When she arrived, the door swung open to reveal Saskia.

"Girl, I was worried sick! You didn't mention sleeping out."

Rushing upstairs, Odetta explained, "I have to get ready for work."

Saskia followed, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Spill the beans. Did you hook up?"

Odetta's cheek flushed. "How did you know?"

Saskia grinned mischievously. "Duh! It's obvious. Your hair is tousled, you're underwear-free, and that post-coital glow is unmistakable."

Speaking of underwear, Odetta's eyes widened as she realized she'd left her underwear at Cass'

Odetta stamped her foot like a child, frustration and embarrassment mingling on her face. "Damn. Damn. Damn!" She rushed upstairs, her feet pounding the steps, desperate to escape Saskia's knowing gaze and her own mortification.

As Odetta dressed for work, a sudden headache gripped her, threatening to derail her focus. Flashbacks assaulted her mind: she and Cass' riding together, the brutal attack, his chest wounded by gunfire yet miraculously unscathed.

She remembered waking up at midnight, her voice hoarse from shouting his name. The gunshot fire still echoed in her head, making her worry sick for him.

But as she looked up, he stood before her, his tall frame hovering above the bed. He appeared perfectly fine, not a single scratch on his face.

"Sssshhhh, sweetheart, everything's fine," he whispered, his voice calm and soothing. "You need rest. Once you wake up in the morning, you won't remember anything. Nothing happened."

She felt a strange sensation wash over her, as if she was under some kind of spell. His words echoed in her mind, and she waited for further instructions.

"You fell off the bike and hit your head," he said gently

"I fell off the bike and hit my head," she repeated, her voice flat and robotic, as if she was in trance.

It was the last thing she remembered before drifting off to sleep.

But now, as she sat in the room, memories of that night began to resurface. Fragments of images flashed through her mind: the sound of gunfire, his name on her lips, and an overwhelming sense of fear.

Who was he really? And how did he have such control over her?

She couldn't shake off the feeling that she was under some kind of spell. It sounded absurd, like something out of a fairytale or a movie. But what else could explain the way she felt.

She remembered the movie she watched as a child, where a wicked witch cast a spell on unsuspecting kids. The image sent shivers down her spine. Was Cass a wizard?

No, that sounded ridiculous. Witches didn't exist. Or did they?

She pushed the thoughts aside, trying to focus on more rational explanations. But none came to mind. The only thing she knew was that Cass made her forget, and she had no idea how.

She was going to find out the truth about him. But now she had to get ready for work. She was the CEO and she had a critical meeting to tackle, her fashion empire was teetering on the edge.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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