Chapter 17: The End Draws Nigh
The weekend was over as quickly as it started and I was back at the mansion which was busier than ever.
Mrs Vlad strutted around the house giving out orders to the staff who scurried around granting her wishes. According to her, there was a grand dinner coming up the following night.
"Tomorrow evening we're hosting a high-profile gathering, with esteemed guests from all over" She explained.
"I've already contacted some event organizers to manage the decor in our dining room, but I'm counting on you to ensure every detail is executed perfectly" She paused to fix me a very serious expression, repeating "Perfectly"
"Yes ma'am" I responded.
"I want you to oversee the setup, confirm the catering, and coordinate with the staff to ensure flawless service. I expect nothing but perfection. Can I rely on you to make this happen, Dawn?"
And Azrael was said to be a perfectionist. No doubt, he got it from his mother.
"Yes ma'am" I replied with a vigorous nod.
Darcia continued to give out instructions and I ran after her hurriedly scribbling notes on my little writing pad, wondering how she was able to strut that fast in very high stilettos. I'd only been away for two days, but I had a lot to do in a very short time.
We were both headed to the kitchen when Dragos descended the stairs with Rafael by his side. I found myself freezing, my heart skipping a beat.
He had been an entirely different person on Saturday. He was more gentle and compassionate. Humane.
Like a spoiled child, I'd cried in his arms, and like a caring father, he had comforted me.
The memory of how close we were that day—how his arms were wrapped around me, one hand smoothing down my hair, the other giving me a gentle pat on the back, sent shivers down my spine.
It was a memory I would never forget.
For a brief moment, Dragos' head turned to glance in my direction before he left the mansion with Rafael, and in that infinitesimal moment where our gazes held, my stomach flipped.
Suddenly, Mrs Vlad stopped walking, swirling around to face me.
"Dawn?" She called.
"Yes, ma'am"
"Do you have what to wear?"
I shook my head in the negative, wondering why my employer was concerned about my choice of outfit for their grand dinner.
I was merely going to be serving alongside other waiters who were going to be dressed formally.
"No ma'am but I suppose I could find something classy enough to wear"
Darcia gave a disapproving look "No. No. No. As head of staff, you should be dressed differently. And I won't have you 'find' just anything to wear. You see we are very traditional people here, I'm sure I've made that clear. During dinners like this, we like to go back to our roots" The matriarch explained "And unless you think you can find a proper Romanian dress in one of those knick-knack shops out there then you don't have a problem"
My thoughts instantly went back to the portrait of Rose and how she had been clad in traditional clothing. At least I now had an answer to the question that had pricked the back of my mind ever since that day.
I had wondered why the lady was dressed so anciently in the portrait.
I looked at Mrs Vlad "I guess I'm going to have a problem, ma'am"
Darcia smiled triumphantly " I should be able to find you something that fits"
She gave me a very slow once over, studying my physique, and I shifted uncomfortably on my feet.
"It'll be on your bed before the night of the occasion. Do you know how to get into an ancient dress?"
"I'll figure it out. Thank you very much ma'am" I bowed gratefully.
Mrs Vlad dismissed the topic with a wave "It's no problem, now run along and carry out your duties"
Without a moment's hesitation, I departed to do as I was told.
Soon, the hours passed. The day turned to night and everything was in place for the grand dinner the next day.
I stood at the end of the banister, waiting for my mother to descend the flight of stairs with Azrael.
As usual, she had forced me to dress for the occasion even though she was aware of my hatred for her traditional grand dinners.
It was a thing my father introduced. Twice a year, vampires from three different clans including a few members of the Dark Order came to feast and banter. The aim was to promote familiarity and oneness among all.
Every time that happened, my mother always wanted me to look presentable. She wanted them to take one look at me and conclude that I was indeed the Chosen One.
I checked the watch on my wrist. It was 10:00 pm. The guests had begun to arrive, their engines revving at the main gate. Thanks to my supernatural hearing, I was able to pick up on their presence.
I lowered myself onto a step and began to scratch my chest, feeling annoyed by the itchy fabric of my shirt.
My mother was supposed to be down fifteen minutes ago but women could never be trusted when it came to getting dressed on time.
As I waited, Dawn's door opened and she stepped out. She struggled out.
She was wearing a silky floor-length Romanian dress that was overly embroidered. The low neckline was intricately designed with stitchwork and showed the tips of her bosoms.
The bodice was fitted, flattering her figure, the skirt flowing to her feet.
Her vibrant reddish orange hair was in curls that hung down her back and on her neck was a small, shiny heart-shaped necklace.
The dress belonged to Rose, but she looked breathtaking in it.
Slowly, I stood, watching her intently.
Dawn looked breathtaking, and for the first time in centuries, I almost found myself at a loss for words.
To my surprise, seeing her wear the dress that once belonged to my late lover didn't annoy or disgust me. Nor was I mad at my mother for giving it to her.
I knew it was a deliberate attempt on her part, to provoke me as payback for breaking her vase and table. But, I remained calm, which was very uncommon, feeling nothing negative towards either of them.
But I wasn't certain why.
Dawn looked in my direction and noticed me staring at her. Fixing a charming smile, she gathered up her skirt and curtsied.
My throat went dry, but I managed to respond, "Not bad"
Then trying to sound as unaffected as possible, I added "You look beautiful"
It was in fact, the truth. She was stunning. I'd noticed it before, but now… now I saw it more clearly.
Perhaps, it was the Romanian clothing she was wearing, but her beauty was affecting me more than I let on, and I found myself getting pissed with myself for being so… taken by her.
Dawn was caught off guard by the compliment and tried to mask the stupefied expression on her face.
I did not make a habit of complimenting people on their appearance every day, so when I did offer a genuine compliment, it clearly surprised her.
"I do? Thank you, sir Dragos"
It was then my mother descended the flight of stairs with Azrael on her left side.
She was dressed in an opulent, floor-length deep burgundy satin gown with a lacy mix and ruffles. The bodice was fitted, highlighting her waist. The embroidery, complex and exquisite, ran from the neckline to the waistline.
I wondered about the number of days it would have taken to embroider the gown.
It was a masterpiece, worn by another masterpiece. My mother, Darcia Vlad was a striking beauty, even at six hundred and twelve years old.
Her gloved hand extended to me. "Come on, Dragos," she said "Let's go welcome our guests"
Without words, I took her hand and fixed myself on her right side. Together we walked out of the mansion gracefully to welcome our arriving visitors.
Shortly after, the vampires were seated at the grand dining table, feasting. Five members of the Dark Order were present alongside five vampire clans of which there were three representatives. All together, they were twenty, excluding our family.
"I've had a dream" Petru, leader of the Dark Order suddenly announced across the table "A rather odd one"
"You have dreams all the time, Petru" Traianus, second-in-command, joked and some vampires burst into laughter.
"It is different this time" The old vampire's eyes were round and shiny "I beheld a great fire coming towards us, engulfing us all"
"Perhaps this is a sign," Decius said thoughtfully "A warning that the vampire hunters will soon be upon us again" he looked at Traianus, eyes shimmering with anxiety "The end is nigh"
A sudden uproar of conversation erupted among the vampires in the room and my mother clinked her glass with a fork to get the place back in order.
"Please, there is no cause for panic" she declared in a calm, authoritative voice "Petru's dream could signify various things, but ultimately, it might just remain a mere dream"
Azrael continued reassuringly "Our purpose tonight is to celebrate and enjoy ourselves. Let us not allow these unsettling thoughts to ruin the wonderful evening".