Chapter 25: A Rose in the Dark
YEAR 1482
Dragos sauntered along the streets of Nis, searching for his next prey. When he drew close to an isolated alleyway, he heard the screams of a woman piercing the night.
It was a cry for help.
Unbothered, he continued walking, because it wasn't in his place to involve himself in the affairs of humans until he heard it again. And again.
Dragos stopped in his tracks, unable to put it at the back of his mind anymore, and walked into the dim alleyway where he saw two men ripping the clothes off a young woman.
She fought back desperately but was no match for both of them.
Dušan, the first man, laughed maniacally, his leering gaze transfixed on her breasts which had come exposed in the event of their barbaric acts. He roughly pushed her into the arms of his partner, Uroš.
"The heavens have blessed us with a pretty one" Uroš exclaimed gleefully. "There's no letting you go now"
Dragos could smell the lust coming off them in waves.
"Leave me!" The young woman cried out, desperately trying to ward them off, but her efforts were futile.
Annoyed, Dragos started to approach them.
Dušan's head snapped up to look in his direction. "Who goes there?"
They both rose, while the woman remained on the floor, wrapping what was left of her clothes around her body as she trembled with fear.
"Laying hands on a woman without her consent is a bestial behaviour." Dragos voiced out.
Both men exchanged glances and concluded trying to rush him simultaneously, but they remained unaware of what awaited them.
They had no idea he was no ordinary man with no ordinary strength.
Before any of them could predict, Dragos seized his first victim, Uroš, with his vampiric speed and savagely bit into the main artery in his neck, severing it brutally.
The woman screamed, while the other made an attempt to flee but couldn't get far.
Dragos grabbed him and viciously went for the jugular, ripping more savagely than the first.
The woman had gotten up, her eyes, widening in realization of what he was.
"Please do not harm me" She cried out as Dragos walked towards her.
She couldn't run. Her left leg had gotten sprained during the tussle with the miscreants.
Quietly, she watched Dragos take out a piece of cloth from his coat to wipe the blood from his mouth and chin.
"You're a vampiri" She uttered in fear, shifting back "My blood is stale, I assure you! It will upset your insides" she voiced out with bravado."You would be granting yourself a favour if you release me"
Dragos threw back his head and laughed, stopping when he was an inch away from her. "I have no interest in your blood, woman. However, I am going to have to make you forget everything you have beheld here tonight"
"Please don't. I won't breathe a word to anyone, I swear" she spoke hurriedly "I don't care what you are, I've encountered many as mundane as I am but with hearts as evil as Lucifer himself. You saved my life and I am forever in your debt"
Dragos paused and looked at the woman for the first time. She was stunning. Her hair was dark as ebony, her skin, as smooth as alabaster. Lips, lush and full, eyes as pretty and clear as the blue sky.
There was no question why those men were further drawn to her.
"Take me with you" She pleaded, latching onto his arm "Make me like you so I won't cower in fear when facing my adversaries"
"You know not what you ask" Dragos ground out angrily, shaking himself free.
"I know exactly what I ask" She replied stubbornly. "Give me the strength to strike down my enemies"
It was an uncommon thing for a human to plead so desperately to become a bloodsucker.
"So, it frightens you not, knowing what I am? Knowing that I could very easily dismember you right where you stand?" He questioned, circling her. "And you're willing to leave everything behind...your family to go with a bloodsucking stranger?"
Her face took on a sorrowful expression "I have no family"
Miserable blue eyes gazed up to look at him "I am alone in this world, and I fear my presence would not be missed even if I die"
Dragos was silent for a moment. He spoke up after giving it some thought.
"Well, if you are to come with me, I should at least know your name," he said lightly and a beguiling smile broke out on her face.
"Rose" She replied, eyes glittering with tears "My name is Rose"
Darcia followed her son into his chamber, her face contorted in anger "What were you thinking, bringing a human into our home? Are you out of your mind?!"
"No, Mother" he responded "I am not"
"What has gotten into you? First, you kill a member of the Dark Order and now you bring home a human to a house full of vampire workers"
"Mother, you say it like it happened yesterday" he groaned "That was four years ago"
"It doesn't change anything. You're still as unpredictable. I demand an explanation and it had better hold good reason"
Dragos picked up a decanter of liquor and silently poured himself a drink.
Further irritated by his silence, Darcia snapped, "Bringing a human here is not acceptable! If you want to feed, you feed outside our home to prevent raising suspicions. You're aware of this rule, so why do you still choose to disobey?"
"Azrael has been bringing humans into our home ever since I was a decade and one, mother" he stated, downing the contents in his glass in one smooth gulp and pouring himself another. "I failed to hear you voice your disapproval. Not even once. In fact, it was like you never existed during my training"
Darcia hesitated, then replied "That is different"
"This case is different too, Mother"
Dragos set down the glass and strolled towards her "I don't intend on eating her, neither do I intend on making her my pet. She's going to be a new member of this family after I turn her"
Darcia forced out a laugh "Jesting is not your calling, Dragos Nicolae Vlad III"
"I do not jest" he responded seriously and she glared daggers at her son.
Underneath all that anger was worry. Her last born had been acting out of control and she had not the slightest inkling of what to do or how to handle him.
Azrael was on a trip, and he had chosen not to reveal any information about his destination or the purpose of his journey.
If only Andrei were alive. Days like this only made her miss her husband more.
He was a strong man who always knew what to do and how to handle situations.
A grimace curved Dragos' lips "Are you jealous, Mother?"
"Jealous?" She released a short laugh, her hand flying to her chest "Why would I be jealous of a mere mortal?"
"You've been the only woman in our lives for a long time. It's okay to get jealous. But you have nothing to worry about"
He came to stand beside her, placing both his hands on her shoulders "No one can take your place in my heart"
Darcia moved out of her son's reach, red with embarrassment "I am not jealous!" She shrilled.
"The girl has no home to call her own" he explained walking to his bed "The streets have been her dwelling place for months. Recently, she sought employment at a tavern, but was dismissed for refusing to lie with its patrons"
Dragos sunk into his bed and stared at his mother "Her life has been nothing but torment, and she yearns for something more"
His mother stepped forward "If you wanted to aid her, you could've gotten her a befitting dwelling place or given the lass a bag of coin!" She assessed her son like he was a stranger "It is not like you to express interest in adding to the vampire community. Why would you want that?"
"Mother, I am merely granting her a favor. I am being of assistance. Besides, I have nothing to lose" he kicked off his boots and went farther into his bed "I thought one of your innumerable desires was for me to reclaim my compassion? The girl did plead with me to be turned into a vampire"
"She pleaded with you?" Darcia guffawed dryly "Perhaps she is not well acquainted with the perks associated with vampirism. The insane hunger for blood"
Dragos tilted his head and arched a brow "Yes, Mother, the girl is fully aware of all the... disadvantages"
Darcia suddenly stilled in realization.
"This means she knows your vampiric nature. For her to demand this of you it means you have shown her your vampiric nature. Have your wits forsaken you?!"
Her son sighed "I went hunting in the dead of the night and found her. She was on the verge of a grievous assault"
He leaned back against the pillows "So I swooped in to rescue her from her plight and gave her oppressors the death they deserved"
She looked alarmed "Their bodies...what happened to their bodies?"
"I already disposed of them. For Dragavei's sake, you people need to stop doubting me"
She folded her arms across her chest and continued stubbornly "How did you dispose of them?"
He frowned "If you desire that I delve into gory details then I would be very pleased to oblige, Mother"
Dragos suddenly sat up in bed, visibly annoyed "I shall narrate to you every step. Every decapitation process and..."
Darcia waved her hand in dismissal "I will trouble you no further"
She exhaled deeply "Just exercise caution at all times. I do not approve of this. But, if you still choose to turn her, then there shall be no further issue."
He stared into nothingness, his mind filled with the memory of the woman's face he had rescued.
"There is something about her, mother. I sense something in her. Perhaps it is potential"
His eyes flickered to his mother "She shall prove to be an asset, not a hindrance. A valuable addition to our family"
"Very well, do as you wish. Where did you place her?"
"In one of the rooms upstairs. I'll make sure she's properly fed" she headed towards the door.
"Thank you, mother!" Dragos yelled after her.
She turned briefly to smile at him and left the room.
If helping the lass was indeed a sign he was getting his humanity back, who was she to oppose it?