The Divine and the Damned

Chapter 40: "And they will die"

I shrugged tiredly, folding my arms across my chest. "What if I don't want to? I don't want any of this, Dragos"

His face softened. "I know. I never wanted this either. I never asked to be the Alesul, but here I am" he sighed. "You won't be alone. Rafael and I will be here to guide you every step of the way."

"That's right" Rafael nodded in agreement. "We'll help you harness your powers"

"Powers?" I asked in incredulity. "Did you just say powers?"

"A responsibility as serious as protecting humanity from the reckless actions of vampires isn't a small feat, it requires equally vast power. Don't you think?" Rafael said, raising an eyebrow. "And let's be real, the Divine Purge sounds like a title that comes with some serious abilities. You didn't assume it was just a fancy name, did you?" He asked his tone playful.

"I still can't believe this is real... That this is happening"

Another humorless laugh slipped from my lips "And that I'm being told vampires exist, and I have a purpose to stop them from hurting humans"

"If I could have my way I'd have loved to remain new to all this" I muttered sadly. "I already have my hands full with enough responsibilities"

"Well, there is also a range of abilities the books hinted at, that you possess" Rafael chipped in. "I've been doing some research on my own"

"Abilities like what?" I demanded, on edge.

"Enhanced strength, accelerated healing and speed, telekinesis... Pyromancy"

I guffawed in unbelief "Pyromancy? This just keeps getting better."

I fought back a burst of laughter. "Me? You really think I'd be able to manipulate fire, the most dangerous element of them all?"

Dragos sat on the arm of a chair "Somehow, I believe the color of your hair is connected to it. It's just a theory, though" his eyes drifted to my hair "I had someone look into your family history a while ago, and it's quite astonishing really, there's no record of Scottish, Irish, or even Welsh ancestry, famous for their red-haired heritage" he explained. "No Viking or even Celtic roots, no hints of ginger-haired relatives from the British Isles or the Iberian Peninsula. Your red hair is a mystery, Dawn"

I touched my hair, staring into space "My mother and I always wondered how I was born a redhead. As you said, none of my parents or family had Scottish or Irish blood"

My eyes flickered to Dragos "Well, I guess there is something good about all this, after all. If Azrael tries to harm me again, I could burn him to a crisp"

Dragos and Rafael sniggered.

"How did you come to discover what I am?" I asked.

"You resisted my compulsion" Dragos replied "That's where it all began. On your first day, at night, I tried to..."

"Yes, I remember" I cut in, nodding vigorously and pointing an accusing finger at him. "So, that was you trying to compel me. I noticed the change in your eyes, but you dismissed my worry as a reflection of the light"

He nodded. "I had to"

I paused for a moment, thinking. "Why did you try to compel me in the first place?"

Dragos sighed, taking a moment before replying. " I almost gave in..."

"Gave in to what?"

"Feeding on you"

Rafael whistled slowly. "So, you almost did it? Your mother's plan almost worked after all"

I paled, my entire body growing rigid. "You tried to eat me?"

"I wouldn't have killed you, just fed a little" Dragos replied hurriedly "Feeding from the source is something I haven't done in centuries. Rafael can testify to that"

"He speaks the truth" Rafael chipped in.

"But you almost did, and from me," I said. "Why?"

Dragos' shoulders raised in uncertainty. "I don't know," he remarked sincerely "I guess I was having one of those nights where you didn't think before acting"

I remembered his face that day—how miserable and tired he looked, so I chose not to push it any further.

Exhaling deeply, I ran a frustrated hand through my hair, my mood changing again. "So, what's going to happen to my life? And my plans? My plans to go to college... my mother... the few friends I have... Everything."

"No harm will come to your friends or your mother" Dragos spoke with assurance "But I'm afraid college will have to wait"

After a long moment of silence, I looked up at Dragos. "So, in all this, I exist strictly to ensure humans are never overrun by their predators—Vampires like you both?" I asked. 

Dragos gave a single nod. "Yes. Every reckless feeding, every human turned into one of us, weakens humanity's position. The Purge... you, exist to stop that. You protect the humans. You stop vampires from tipping the scale"

"You're here to protect them," Rafael added. "To ensure their survival at all costs. And you've been imbued with great power to do it." He gave a wry smile. "Heck, you can kill any bloodsucker you want. This is why even the dark order was scared of you"

Dragos turned to frown at him. "Yes, but it is vampires who threaten the survival of humans that would become her responsibility. Rogue vampires"

"Vampires are egotistical," Rafael said to me "They've ruled the top of the food chain since the beginning of time. So when they realize something exists above them…" he gesticulated "A predator that can hunt them down... take them out... they'll want you dead. It doesn't matter that you're not after them. You're the ultimate predator now, and that alone is a threat they can't ignore"

"That's why the dark order wanted you dead by all means, even though they didn't admit it" Dragos chimed in.

I blew out a breath, my head starting to ache. "This is too much for me to take in. I- I need time to process all of this"

Dragos drew closer and wrapped his hands around me, caressing my arms gently. "Sure. I know it's a lot to take in but remember, no one can know about this, not even your mother. And your powers are awakening, you have to be very careful"

My head dipped and a sob slipped from my lips. I couldn't believe this was real.

I couldn't believe vampires existed and I'd come close to losing my life to one, and the man I loved was like their King, and if he hadn't intervened in time, I might have died, leaving my sick mother alone in the world.

I also couldn't believe I was not an ordinary human, but a living weapon in the eyes of vampires... a force made to wipe them out.

It was crazy.

"Hey, hey" Dragos spoke softly, tipping my chin up to look at him. "We'll face this together, okay? You're more than just a supernatural vampire-killing entity to me, you know that, right?" He chuckled, his eyes growing emotional "You're… you're my very soul"

Tenderly, he tucked a hair strand behind my ear and smiled "My little inferno"

My eyes watered, my heart melting at his words. "But I don't even know where to start" I squeaked.

"Start by trusting me. We'll take it one step at a time. No rush"

"But vampires... those with the same ambition as Azrael will come for me. Won't they?"

"Yes," he said, effortlessly casual yet dead serious. "And they will die."

His words should have reassured me, and in a way, they did, but they also terrified me.

Dragos smoothed down my hair "If only you were there to witness how I cut down those who threatened to harm you, this would be the least of your worries" he pulled back to gaze into my eyes lovingly. "There's no need to fear these feeble nightwalkers"

He said, and I saw something other than love hidden behind those eyes. I saw a hint of something else, something more.

I saw a serious determination to protect me. I saw an unshakable loyalty that stirred my soul.

And I loved him even more.

"That is why you were covered in blood earlier" I whispered in realization "How many people had to die for me, Dragos? How many more are yet to die?"

"Those weren't people" he scowled "They got exactly what they deserved. And so will anyone who tries to hurt you."

I was silent for a moment before speaking up. "Please take me home. I have to go home. I have to see my mother too, and…" my voice trailed off. "... I need some time off… some time alone, please"

Suddenly, I felt the need to get away from it all… from this place. From living with the thought that I was surrounded by a family of vampires.

I noticed Rafael give Dragos a disapproving look, but he ignored him.

"I will take you home," he replied, holding my hand "You should know I'm trusting you more than anything by doing this."

Relieved that he wasn't going to keep me prisoner, I nodded "Yes"

"Don't try to run. I'm letting you go because I understand how overwhelming the entire situation is" he said "Mother is on our side, but still, she won't be pleased to hear that I let you go. Just remember, the quicker you try to process all this, the better"

"I understand" I replied in relief "And I promise I will come back"

He kissed the back of my palm "I will wait for you"

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