The Divine and the Damned

Chapter 44: Switching Sides

I felt strange... powerful in a way that was both thrilling and worrisome.

It was as if some sort of aura had suddenly enveloped me, like a cloak had wrapped around my skin.

It was something dark, something powerful, something that seemed to course through every cell in my body. And I knew it wasn't just me who felt it. Mrs. Vlad, Dragos, and Rafael all turned to look at me like they could sense it too.

"Mother," Dragos spoke, nearing me. His brows were knitted in a frown as he cupped my face, his eyes studying me seriously "I don't think she should use anger as an anchor. I think she should remain calm, for now"

"Remain calm?" I bit out harshly, stepping away from his touch, my face slipping from his fingers.

I didn't understand why I'd suddenly started feeling so angry, so consumed by a rage that burned like wildfire.

It was like I couldn't control it.

"Remain calm?!" I repeated, releasing a dry laugh "I'm surrounded by vampires, who I didn't even think existed, till like days ago!"

Dragos stared at me silently. "Dragavei said I was your anchor"

Slowly, he inched closer "Focus on me. Just me" his voice was soft, coaxing. "Your anger is heightened probably because of your powers. Trust me, if you can just calm down..."

Suddenly, Azrael walked in on us, after having been absent for a week, oblivious to the entire situation.

Silence fell, as all eyes turned to him, and I felt another surge of uncontrollable anger well up inside of me.

"Mother, Dragos. Raf..." he began, pausing as he noticed my unusual expression. He turned to his brother, seeking an explanation. "What's the matter with..."

"You!" I cut in, my voice taking on a serious, frightening tone I barely recognized. I turned and headed toward him.

Before Azrael could respond, I extended my hand, unleashing a powerful blast of energy that sent him flying.

The rest of the family gasped in surprise, shocked by the sudden display of power.

Even I was surprised. Suddenly, it seemed like I knew what to do and how to control my abilities.

Gritting my teeth, I went after Azrael with surprising speed, but the vampires were quicker. Dragos reached me first, restraining me as I struggled against him.

"Let me go! I won't let him hurt me again!" I yelled, fighting to break free. "Let me go, Dragos!!!"

"He won't hurt you" Dragos assured. "Not while I'm here"

Azrael groaned in pain, his shirt burnt off and his chest severely scarred from the blast.

"I haven't come to fight," He managed, raising his hands in surrender, through his pain.

"Then why are you here?" I demanded angrily.

Azrael slowly got back on his feet, wincing "I..." his eyes locked with mine, seeming sincere. "I am on your side now,"

His reply shocked everyone.

Dragos let go of me when I'd finally calmed down and faced his brother.

"On our side now?" He asked, the disbelief evident on his face "Not that I trust you but, why would you change your mind?"

Azrael hesitated before replying, he stared down at his shoes, unable to look into our eyes. The struggle was obvious in his expression as he finally spoke. "For a long time, I've lived in the darkness, swept up by my desires and ambitions" he began "I never really took the time to realize the pain and destruction caused by my actions"

For a while, he was quiet, before raising his head to stare at his brother "I no longer wish to continue down that path any longer. I want to make amends... to do better, not just for myself but for all of us" He looked at his mother, his face softening. "I'm sorry for being such a disappointment, Mum"

She was immediately moved to tears. "Oh, Azrael" she cooed, going to him and drawing him into an embrace. "My sweet, sweet boy"

"I may not be able to erase the past" He continued, looking at Dragos, then his gaze shifted to me "But I can strive to create a better future. And that starts with standing by your side, and earning back your trust"

I stepped away from Dragos, my gaze on Azrael distrustful. "What if this is some ploy of his?" I questioned, my eyes never leaving his."What if he's trying to get you to trust him so that you can let your guard down? And when you all do so, he kills me!!"

"You seem more than capable of defending yourself," Azrael retorted, his voice low. He winced again quietly, causing Darcia to inspect his wound.

"It doesn't look like you're healing, Azrael," she said worriedly.

"I am, just slowly"

He looked at me. "I know you have no reason to trust me, I've been an..." he cleared his throat. "...ass to you. But allow me to redeem myself. There will be vampires coming for you. I will fight for you"

Dragos who had been quiet the entire while, finally spoke up "I'm happy you've had a change of heart, brother" he said to Azrael.

I couldn't understand how Dragos could trust him so easily, but then I reminded myself that they were brothers. Dragos had known him far longer than I had, for centuries. If anyone could tell whether he was sincere, it would be him.

"Mother was just training Dawn here," Dragos said to him.

"I see" Azrael responded "Doesn't seem like she needs any training though" he muttered, staring down at his wound.

"I'm not going to apologize for hurting you" I snapped in anger. "I don't regret doing it, either. I'd do it again and again"

Everyone was so trusting of him. I couldn't blame them, he was family and had never been the recipient of his hatred.

"If it'll make you feel better, get on with it"

"Azrael" Darcia scolded. "Why are you always so eager to get yourself hurt?"

She strutted back to the middle, where we had stood before the interruption.

"Now, let's get back to what we were doing" She gestured for Rafael and I to assume our previous positions.

"Perhaps Azrael should take my place" Rafael suggested in a grumble "He could be the motivation Dawn needs," he said.

"I'm certain I'd do more than knock him off his feet if he took your place" I responded confidently.

"Easy now, feisty" Dragos interrupted, standing beside his mother "Remember to never use anger as your anchor" He advised, then added amusingly, "Instead, use your undying love for me"

Everyone made a displeased sound.

"Perhaps you two should go back to bed" Rafael ventured, pointing in the direction of the mansion. "We can excuse you both for the day"

"No one said you had to be single" Dragos struck his shoulder playfully and released a laugh "That reminds me, you've been single for how long again?"

"Coming from someone who didn't have a girlfriend till like a month ago, after centuries of being single" Rafael retorted. "Don't tackle me, tackle your brother. He's been single for as long as I can remember"

"He probably scares them all off" I chipped in coldly.

Rafael snickered "Did you hear that, Azzy?"

"Don't call me that" he warned.

Dragos leaned against a tree "Perhaps I should pair him with Elizabeta" his face brightened "Oh, I forgot. I killed off her father... poor Flavius"

"Leave Azrael alone" Darcia interrupted defensively "Enough banter, back to your positions, you two"

Rafael and I did as we were told.

"Remember what I told you, Dawn," she said "Shut out everything, except the sound of my voice. Reach out to that pull inside of you. Don't fight it, embrace it" She continued "Feel the earth underneath your feet, feel the air around you"

At first, nothing happened, but then I felt a slight stirring in the air, a soft breeze brushing against my skin.

A smile spread across my face as I realized I was succeeding.

"You're doing it," Darcia said. "Keep going, let the wind respond to your command"

"You're almost there, baby. Keep going" Dragos encouraged.

Encouraged by their words and my progress, I pushed harder, channeling my energy into shaping the breeze to my will. Soon, the air was swirling around me, whipping my hair and clothes as if in response to my every thought. Gradually, I left the ground, the wind lifting me in the air. Surprisingly, I wasn't terrified by this.

I kept my gaze on Rafael and directed the wind toward him. At first, he resisted, using his enhanced strength to maintain his stance, but as the wind's force intensified, he was pushed back several meters.

The family applauded me, Dragos moving closer to guide me back to solid ground.

He pressed a kiss to my forehead "That was amazing, babe"

"Thank you" I replied happily.

"Good job, Dawn" Rafael commended as he regained his footing. "Proud of you"

Azrael had also risen to his feet, nodding in my direction. Reluctantly, I nodded back.

"You did well." Darcia pulled me into a warm hug. "That's enough for now. You've made remarkable progress for your first attempt."

"Thank you ma'am" I replied, feeling exhilarated by the experience. "I never imagined I could wield such power" I admitted quietly.

Now, I had no doubts about who I was.

"There's still a lot to discover" she continued. "And we must teach you to learn to control your abilities, or else they will control you."

I nodded, knowing that my journey as this... divine being was just beginning. Only now, I was more determined to master my abilities, and with the guidance and support of the Vlads, I knew it was going to be easier.

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