The Dragon's Queen (High School DxD)

Chapter 2: C2 - 『A Beginning?』

Issei's POV

What just that now?

I just questioned myself as I tried to processing for what happen a minutes ago. After Ryou's sudden confession.

Slowly, I raise my hand to pinching my cheek.


Welp, it wasn't a dream.

'Was that just a confession I was in early? Ryou confess to me. A girl confess to me!?'

I smile to myself as I finally get a girlfriend. Even how much I want to be so high hopes in this, I still can't stop myself. Not just because I get a girlfriend, but also she was Ryou after all!

I could still smell the smoke of Ryou's cigarette that still lingering in the room and I couldn't stop myself to think about it. The smell isn't that hurtful to my lungs, it's more like the smell of flower in the spring season.

It could be because I was so in love that I hallucinate myself?

Finally, I walk to where Ryou told me where the key of the room is, inside of locker of teacher's table. It take a few search for it but I still manage to find them. The silver key with a cow kitchen.

Closing the window and the curtain, I walk out to close the door with the key.

'What should I do with the key?'

'Maybe I will give it back to Ryou.'

I walk out for the training building, carefully to not meet with any of the girls from kendo club.

After a while, I finally found not Matsuda and Motohama as they resting at the back of old school building.

"You two!" I shout to both of them as I run toward them.

"How dare you two leave me behind. I almost get beaten you know!"

"Oh come one Issei. It isn't like we intended to leave you there or making you as a bait or anything." Matsuda say.

"That's right, Issei. And it's not like you get caught." Motohama continue.

"Grr... I will surely get you two next time."

Then, there is something that caught my attention as I see something or someone from the corner of my eyes. I look up to see a girl, a beautiful girl with a long crimson hair and a blue eyes. She was looking directly to me, making my body stiff as we both directly look toward each other.

I could feel my face heat up slightly as time passed.

"Hey, who is that?" Both of Matsuda and Motohama look at me before both of them look up toward the open window before she walk inside the old building.

"Rias Gremory, 99-58-90. She is a president of Occult Research club for three years. There is a rumor that her family is from North Europe."

"Eh..." I say slightly.

"Well, don't even dream to get someone like her. You're not even could be in the same class as her."

I just clicking my tongue at both of them before walk away.

"Forget it, I will return home first. Not like both of you, at least I have a girl waiting for me." I say to both of them as I clearly intended to make them jealous and it does work I heard them cursing at me but I just ignored them.

Ryou's POV

I lean on the wall as I was reading while waiting for Issei. I need to prepare a plan for a date tomorrow.

To be honest, I don't really quite mind of his personality or any particular thing about him. He been treating me kind if differently unlike other girl. Maybe he just thought me as his own family? I don't really know.

But what I know is he seems to have a feeling toward me as he didn't refuse to becoming my boyfriend.

Good enough then.

"Oi, Ryou!" I heard someone called for me from afar. I look to my side to see the brown hair boy who is now my so called boyfriend, jog to me.

"Did you waiting long me?" He ask as he now standing to my side now.

"No, not really." To be honest, I didn't know myself.

"Is that so? Sorry." He apologize, even though I didn't really mind it if he does.

"Don't worry about it. Let's go." I say as I slip the book into my bag.

We both walk side by side of each other. Just how now our relationship had changed, to me, it still feel as the same as before.

I look at the sky as not the blue sky slowly turning yellow and orange. Ah, I feel like wanting to take a picture of it.

"Um.., excuse me." Both of us heard someone calling from our back as both of us walking on the bridge.

She have a black hair and a pair of black eyes. Wearing a school uniform that I never learn which school it is from.

Is there any school a uniform like that?

"Anu..., are you perhaps Issei Hyoudou-kun from Kuoh Academy?" I look toward Issei if he know the girl. From his expression alone, I could tell he didn't.

"Y- yes." He say hesitatedly. He glance at me as I also glance to him.

I just closed my eyes that walk a bit far away from both of them but still at a distance where I can heard them.

In the meantime, I take out my phone from my pocket to take a picture of the sunset.

"Is there anything that I could help you?" Issei ask the girl.

I look back to both of them, or more exactly—to the unknown girl. There is something about her that make me uncomfortable. Not that I am someone who easily hate people I just meet, or feel jealousy as she talk to Issei since it was an opportunity for him to having a real girlfriend.

It might be sound cruel and disrespectful, but her aura give a vibe or something related to death.

"Hyoudou-kun, are you in relationship with someone?" I could clearly know where this conversation lead to. There is tint of pinkness on the girl's cheeks.

Sorry Issei. If it was someone else, I might help you to be your backup but—she is someone who I can't trust to hand you over.

"A- actually, I do have a girlfriend." Issei stuttering while he scratching his cheek while he slightly glance back at me a as I approach them slowly.

"Is that so." She say sadly.

"If that's how it is, could we—"

"My apologize, we both need to return home now before the sky become dark." I quickly cut her off before she could continue as I now standing beside Issei.

"And you are..."

"Ryou Fujimoto, Issei Hyoudou's girlfriend." I introduce myself while I wrapped my hand around Issei's left arm. Holding it as if it was dear to me.

"Well if ther is nothing else, please excuse us." I quickly drag Issei with me to walk away.

Third POV

'What was that just now?'

The black hair girl standing there look where both Issei and Ryou go before she also walk away.

'This is unbelievable. It seems like it wasn't be easy for me to get the Gear from that human. And just who is she!?'

She silently gritting her teeth.

'She is just aere human but why it was hard for me to get my composer together!? It almost make me to show my true appearance. If I could, I would kill both of them already.'

She walk into dark alley as she ignored the smell and trash around her.

"Hey hey hey... Look who just walk here." A voice of a man could be heard from one of a small group of man in front of Raynare.

"Hello beautiful. What are you doing alone? Want us brother company you?"

To be exact, there is four of them as. Even so, she just ignored them and walk passing them.

This make one of them pissed off.

"How dare you ignoring us!" He grab Raynare by her shoulder, before the hand fall on the ground as the blood flow from the cutted hand of the man.

"What– Argh!!" He scream in agony as the pain finally hit him. Making three other man look both confuse and scared.

"Don't even think to running away." She say in dark and low tone before she her clothes thorn away, showing her black feather wings and a black clothes that showing most of her skin.

Even so, these man didn't have time to mesmerizing over her body as what they see is something that could kill them.

A long black spear like froming in her hand as she walk slowly toward them with a clicking sound from her heels.

It didn't take long to end them all as their strength can't even match with the fallen angel. She wiping a blood that stained on her cheek with her tumb.

"It seems like the plan had changed."

Issei's POV

"My apologize, we both need to return home now before the sky become dark." I heard Ryou's voice as she just beside me. But what make me taken a back is the fact that how she holding my hand.

I could feel her soft body on my arm and her warmness spreading through her hand to mine. I could feel my face heated up.

"And you are..."

"Ryou Fujimoto, Issei Hyoudou's girlfriend." I kind of surprised of what that coming from her mouth.

Ryou sometimes, or mostly keep something like this to herself or being secret from anyone even though they're strangers. That's why I didn't told both Matsuda and Moto hama about my current relationship with Ryou.

Even how confuse I am, I could tell that something inside me feel as if I was at could nine because of what Ryou say.

"Well if ther is nothing else, please excuse us." With that, she pulled my hand as she walk ahead me. I didn't even manage say a goodbye to the girl early.

Was Ryou jealous?

At this thought, I feel a funny feeling in my heart as a smile carved on my lips. Letting Ryou dragging me.

"Hey, Ryou." After a while, I finally start speak again.

"What was that earlier?" I lean to her a bit.

"Nothing." She answered, we both still hand holding but I didn't mention it since if I do, she would take her hand away.

"Really. I mean.., she just a girl you know. Perhaps, are you jealous?" I start giggle but stop slowly as Ryou still had this indifferent look with her eyebrows frown slightly.

"... Issei."

"Hm?" I reply.

"Don't cheating with your partner. Especially with them who is much worse than your previous partner."

I look at her dumbly at what she just say.

"Make sure to date with a beautiful and kind woman. Especially with them you know and not just random person who you barely know their background."

I am about to reply back, but I shut my mouth and think another answer.

"Understood." I say before look back ahead us as we both walk side by side.

That look on her face, I don't like it.

I don't want her to make that kind of face. It reminds me of us from years ago. A story that I tried to forget.

After a while, we both arrived at in front of my house.

"You know, I should be the one send you to your house." I say to her.

"Nah, I don't need it. It's not like my house is far from here. No need to sweat it."

"No way. You should let me companies you because that's what a boyfriend should do, not? You're the one who said that."

She look into my eyes for a moment before a chuckle some out from her mouth.

"Fine then. You can do it next time. Maybe, tomorrow. Don't complain about this since you're the one who insists."

"That time will never come." I smirk.

"Then, good bye. Don't be late tomorrow." She let go of my hand before she walk away with a slight wave.

"Bye. Be careful on your way."

I standing there while still stare at direction she gone to. Even after I still unable see her, I standing in front of the house gate. I raise my left arm then clenching it a few times. I still could feel the warm of her.

I smile like an idiot there before I finally open the gate then walk inside the house.

Only hoping that today's event isn't a dream.

"I am home!."

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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