Chapter 8: Ch8: Drop your weapon
"This is the police. Drop your weapons immediately."
Neville started lowering his weapon slowly but number 2 wasn't moving. They were behind the sedan and Miss Blaire was in the backseat, the police were in front of them. If bullets started flying she could get hit.
" I said drop your weapons now!" One of the police shouted.
Neville put down his weapon but he saw number 2 raising his and the officers noticed it too.
" DROP YOUR WEAPON!" shouted an officer.
Number 2's gun dropped on the ground and his body followed closely behind. Soon blood flowed from the hole between his now lifeless eyes.
And Neville complied getting on his knees, putting his hand behind his head. The police officers approached the vehicle cautiously checking the surroundings. They gestured to each other and one moved to check the vehicles while the other, the one that had been making demands, moved towards Neville.
When he reached close enough, he kicked the guns away from Neville all while aiming at him. He then circled behind Neville strapped his gun then took Neville's hand putting a knee on his back pushing him down.
He reached for his cuffs.
" O'Brien, there's a woman here, she looks like she's the hostage." The other police officer shouted while opening the door.
" Miss, are you okay?" The officer stretched his hand for the woman to get out of the car.
" Sir, there is a… ugh." Neville groaned as the officer increased the weight pressing on his back.
" QUIET!" O'Brien shouted as he glared at Neville while roughly cuffing the man.
He then patted Neville's pockets and found his wallet. It could have been empty if it didn't have his bank card, ID, and driver's license.
O'Brien reached for the driver's license and identified him. And put the DL in his pocket.
Picking him up by his cuffed hands, O'Brien began speaking…
" Neville Grey, you have the right to remain-" In the middle of telling Neville his rights he saw the stunning Miss Blaire.
" Officer, that gentleman there is my driver." She stated her tone formal.
" What!? We were alerted of two gunmen! He clearly had a gun!" O'Brien's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he looked at Miss Blaire.
" He should be able to explain that but please let him go." She requested.
" Tsk. Why didn't you say something earlier!" O'Brien jerked Neville's body as he screamed at him while forcefully reaching for his cuffs to free him.
" I was told to be quiet," Neville responded as he bent and moved his wrists in a circular motion.
And this made O'Brien more irritated.
" The other shooter is there." Neville pointed in the direction where he had left the tied-up shooter.
" Rookie, go confirm." O'Brien reeling in his anger, calmed down and ordered.
"Yes." The other officer went into the woods, with a flashlight checking tracks to locate the man.
Meanwhile, the three were left behind in silence, and O'Brien's hand was rested on his gun so if someone made a suspicious move he would be ready. Minutes later the rookie came out with a tied man who had a swollen face and dried blood on the corners of his mouth.
" …" O'Brien could only watch in silence.
" No way! What did you do? What happened? No no no no no." Number one after seeing number two shot started shaking his head in disbelief. He felt different emotions all at the same time anger, grief, hate and pain.
" He was just a kid! Who killed him? Don't be quiet, who killed him?" he was angry and he broke free from the rookie and ran towards the three. O'Brien's hand was still on his gun and he was going to pull it out.
Luckily for Number 1, he was electrocuted by Rookie before he got any further and fell on the ground unable to move but he was looking at the corpse of Number 2 while tears streamed down his face.
" Take him to the car. I'll call some people to isolate the area."
Minutes later the area was isolated with the crime scene tape. Witness control was done where Miss Blaire and Neville were separated to prevent them from influencing each other on how they recalled the event when their statements were being taken. Photographs and samples were taken from the scene, pictures of the bullet shells, cars, the corpse and guns. They also took samples of DNA and fingerprints.
" You were shot at twice before Miss Blaire got out of the car, where you were separated and managed to get the gun from the attacker" summarized the officer.
" Yes." Said Neville as the medic cleaned, and sterilized the scratches on his face before patching it up.
" Okay."
" Mr. Grey, we meet again." They turned their heads to see Mr. Bright heading towards them.
" This is not your case Bright, so why are you here." The officer stopped him from coming any closer.
" I know, I'm here with a friend. Anyway Mr. Grey, you were involved in another incident with a Blaire, once it's a coincidence, the second time it's a…" he was interrupted.
" Are you seriously using this chance to question him Bright?" the officer said.
" Nah, I was just greeting an acquaintance, but this case may be mine so don't get to attached." Said Bright as he walked away.
" Asshole." The officer muttered under his breath.
" Sigh. Anyway… Mr. Grey will contact you if we need more information. Have a pleasant night." Said the officer with a curt nod as he walked away.
" So what now?" Thought Neville as he looked at the sky. He started walking, his appearance now was messy, almost a quarter of his face was patched up, his shirt was dirty, so were his coat and pants. What's worse he didn't complete his drive and the car was damaged.
As he walked he heard O'Brien offering a ride to Miss Blaire, right now everyone here knew who she was.
" Miss I can give you a ride," O'Brien said.
" My people are already here, but thank you for the offer." She replied immediately declining.
She walked to a vehicle that had come, a Rolls Royce Wraith. A man, possibly middle-aged with an earpiece and dark shades stood at the door. He was standing outside the taped perimeter. Miss Blaire walked to it as the officer held up the tape for her to pass.
By now Neville was walking looking at his phone wondering if he can get a cab.
It was 8:37.