“The Fallen Hero’s Return:Saaransh’s Legacy”

Chapter 3: The Battle-2

In previous chapter we saw that saaransh and hero's started their final fight with the demon king vorkhael. Vorkhael got so angry that he went in his rage form to kill all hero's and finish this battle quickly. But the hero's were also giving it their best and 100 percent. So let's see who will win this battle.

Saaransh:- guys we have to kill him before he reaches his full strength because then it will get too complicated and difficult for us.

Ryu jin:- you're right saaransh we gotta keep up the act and pace of our combine attacks to kill him because he is way too much powerful for us

Yun seo:- yes, captain you're right lets keep up the pace and keep attacking him again and again till he die

(They were talking while continuously attacking and clashing with vorkhael)

Vorkhael:- humans you all will die here by my hands. No one will leave my palace alive(laughs)

Saaransh:- you better pay attention to me vorkhael. Infernal blizzard slash(he swung both swords together,releasing a massive wave of fire and ice that freezes and burns vorkhael)

Ryu jin:- (performs his move to help saaransh)

Thunder gale slash(swings his sword at the high speed, creating a razor sharp wind blade charged with electricity, cutting through vorkhael and shocking him too)

Yun seo:- glacial mirage(creates illusion of herself made if ice confusing vorkhael. While the real yun seo attacks from the shadows)

Vorkhael:- you damn weaklings, you lower beings. You think you can fight me?no you cant (laughs). Oblivion descent ( leaps high into the air bringing his long sword down with such immense force that the ground shatters creating a shockwave of darkness that erases everything in a wide radius)

Saaransh:- damn it(blows away because of his attack)(spits blood)

(Looks at yun seo because she was so close to vorkhael attack)

Yun seo:- (unconscious)(body is covered with blood,Blood flowing from head)

Ryu jin:- damn it(says while spitting blood)

Saaransh:- ryu jin its just you me and kang ha left. We dont know where, baek do went(spits blood)

Kang ha:- (runs to saaransh, ryu jin and yun seo)guys are you okay?(binds vorkhael with a binding spell) i can only keep him like this for 30 seconds. (Uses a bit of healing magic on saaransh, yun seo and ryu jin)

Ryu jin:- thanks kang ha. Now me and saaransh can fight. Atleast yun seo will not die now because you stopped her bleeding

Saaransh:- (dull eyes)(dashes at vorkhael without saying anything)

Ryu jin:- wait saaransh(dashes alongside him)

Saaransh:-(clashes blades with vorkhael again)

Ryu jin:- (clashes too)

Saaransh:- kang ha assist us with your strongest spell

Kang ha:- buy me one minute i have to prepare it(starte preparing for the 8th circle magic spell)

Saaransh&ryu jin(unison):- no worries one minute is piece of cake

Vorkhael:- well done you humans. For standing after having a taste of one of my strongest attacks but now you will see hell. Abyss tyrant domination(ultimate move)(converts his long sword into colossal blade of pire darkness embedded with crimson red flames unleashing a world- shattering downward slash that distorts the reality itself)

Ryu jin:- got caught up in his attack(almost lost his life)

Saaransh:-(pulls him back by his collars)fuck it idiot dont rush alongside me i got plans

Saaransh:- just one ultimate of your ryu jin can you please

Ryu jin:- yes, but i have energy left for just one ultimate

Saaransh:- that would be more than enough

Ryu jin:- (spits blood but stands and grabs his sword handle tightly and performs his ultimate)(ultimate move). Skyfall judgment(channels lighting through his body,increasing his speed to unparalleled level, allowing him to unleash 100 slashes in a single instant)

Vorkhael:- (got hit with ryu jin ultimate)(spits blood) hahaha i lost blood after i dont know how many years. But now you all will die a respectful death humans

Ryu jin:- falls unconscious

Saaransh:-( catches ryu jin and places him near yun seo)you both did your role now leave it to me

Kang ha:- i have prepared the spell saaransh. (ultimate move) apocalypse inferno(channels all his magic into the sky,summoning a rain of fire meteors, burning everything to cinders in an unstoppable inferno storm)

Vorkhael:- (got hit and started taking after effect damages too)

Saaransh:- well done now leave this upto me kang ha

Kang ha:- yes leader its all you now haha

To Be Continued

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