The Fate's Requiem

Chapter 3: Chapter 3. Serena's Conquest: Monster Palace(1)

His father was shocked after Lucas announced that he wanted to create his own guild.

Ademar said, " That is not possible, Lucas. For you to create a guild, you must be atleast 15 years old and must have 5 founding members. ".

Lucas said, " I know that father, don't worry about it. I have decided about whom to make the guild master and about all 5 founding members. ".

Ademar asked, " Oh, who's gonna be the guild master then? ".

He answered, "Serena.".

Everyone was shocked because Serena was the maid Lucy assigned to take care of Lucas.

His father asked, " Are you sure about this Lucas? ".

" Yes, I am. ".

His mother said, " Son, I understand what you meant to say but we can't force Serena, you must ask her how she feels about this. ".

Serena was standing there and listening to their chat.

Lucas asked, " What is your rank? ".

She replied, " I am C-Rank Arbiter, lord Lucas. ".

" Do you have any problem in becoming my guild's master? ".

She said, " No, I don't. ".

Lucas said, " So, it's settled now. ".

His father further asked, " What about the founding members? ".

He replied, " Oh, don't you worry about that father. I will let you know about them soon. ".

His father said, " But there are more requirements. The guild master must be atleast A-Rank and the founding members and the master must have cleared a monster town in a group. I can arrange you a monster town but I can't help Serena in increasing her rank. ".

He asked, " Can you arrange me couple of monster village and palaces? ".

" Yes, I can. But if you are thinking of training Serena all by yourself then I won't allow it Lucas. You just came back to us and we don't want to lose you again so that's why Rudolf will also go with you when you go to train Serena. ".

Rudolf was the personal butler of the house and the most skilled. He was an A-Rank and was perfect to become the guild master but Lucas didn't want that.

His father further said, " Well, I must go now as I have a very important meeting and Lucas don't you worry, I'll arrange the guild master license for Serena but till then you gotta make her A-rank somehow. ".

Lucas said, " Leave it on me, father. ".

His father further said, " I will also arrange you couple of monster villages and palaces and will send you the pass in few hours. ".

" Okay father. ".

His father went to the Arbiter Organization and Lucas, Lucy and Arthur had a couple of chit-chat after that and in few hours an Arbiter came to their house and gave Lucy the pass of 4 monster villages and 12 monster palaces. They were not enough to make Serena an A-rank but Lucas had it all figured out.

Without wasting any time they went to the monster palace first to let Serena experience some combat because she never fought a monster. Rudolf was also with them.

Serena had brown hair, blue eyes and a very calm voice. She had long hairs and a ponytail hairstyle and a fair skin color. She was longer than Lucas in height but shorter than Rudolf. Her height was 5'6 whereas Lucas height was 5'2.

Rudolf was a 52 years old man. He had scars on his face and a fair skin color. He had medium size white hair and a very deep voice. His height was 6'1. Rudolf was very skilled in fighting because he once was the member of a very well known guild but after few injuries he had to retire and became Grant house personal butler. Rudolf fighting style was unique. He used a dagger and could control fire. Whenever he fight, he create a flame shield and enchance the dagger's power by engulfing it in fire.

All three of them reached the monster palace and Rudolf said, "Lord Lucas and Serena, stay close to me. I have been entrusted you two by madam Lucy and sir Ademar and it's my duty to protect both of you. ".

Lucas said, " Don't worry about me and Serena, Rudolf. I will take care of her, so you better worry about you. ".

Rudolf gave a smile and said, " Such confidence is not good, lord Lucas. ".

Lucas also gave a smile and all three of them entered the monster palace. Serena was silent and she was shivering. Lucas noticed that but didn't say anything.

In the first floor were some fat goblins who had very less attack power and speed but their defence was average. They were perfect for Serena to start her training.

Lucas asked to Serena, " Do you know about your power, Serena? ".

Serena answer, " Yes lord Lucas, I can summon red crystals and use them for both offense and defence. ".

"Oh, show me your power by attacking on that fat goblin. ".

Serena summoned few red crystals, they were not very big in size. The crystals size was of the palm of an adult but they were very sharp. The crystals striked the goblin and killed it in one shot.

Lucas said, " Try to use one crystal at one goblin. ".

" Oh, okay lord Lucas. ".

There were seven goblins alive and she also had seven red crystals left. She launched all of her red crystals on all the remaining goblin and all of them died.

" Very good Serena, you are really impressive", said Lucas.

She thanked him and said, " It's all because of your advice, lord Lucas. ".

Lucas said, " My advice? ", " No, it was all because of your talent and believing in me. ".

Serena gave a smile and they moved to the second floor. The second floor was full of monster dogs. Monster dogs had very high speed but their attack power was not much great but was greater than the fat goblins.

Lucas warned Serena to be on her guard. She summoned seven red crystals and Lucas said, "Don't summon all seven this time. Try to summon only three and use the rest to create a red crystal shield. ".

" Okay, lord Lucas. ".

She did as Lucas suggested and launched all three of the red crystals at one monster dog.

There were 13 monster dogs and all of them noticed Serena and charged at her. Rudolf tried to go and help her but Lucas stopped and said, " There's no point in helping her, Rudolf. If we really want her to reach A-rank in a short time then we have to let her face danger many time. ".

Serena was shivering and one of the dog jumped on her. Lucas shouted, " Use your shield to protect yourself, Serena! ". Serena heard him and did as he said and then summoned her red crystals and killed three monster dogs. Her red crystals were so sharp that they were easily able to pierce the monster dog's skin.

Lucas asked, " Serena, can you create something like a knife or an axe with those three crystals!? ".

She heard him and tried to create one and was successful in creating an axe. She had a shiled and an axe, a perfect combo. She massacred rest of the monster dogs and cleared the second floor.

Lucas praised her and said, " You really are a talented one, Serena. ".

Rudolf said, " That is not true, lord Lucas. ".

" Huh, what do you mean, Rudolf!? ".

" The maids of the Grant family are intructed to train everyday. It doesn't matter whether they fight or not but it is compulsory for them to train to save themself from worst case scenario and to become the sword and shield of the Grant family. That is why Serena was able to do as you said. ".

" Oh, I see. I found it quite weird too. ".

They moved to the third floor, then to the fourth, then to the fifth, then to the sixth and finally, they were at the throne room, the seventh and final floor. There was no monster on the final floor but only the king. The king of the monster palace was a golem made up of iron, more like an iron golem. The golem had two short swords but they were wider than normal one. Their width was around 50cm and they were even more wide at the edge.

The golem got up from it's throne and charged towards them. Serena did the same, she had her shield and axe. The golem used it's short sword it was wielding in it's left hand and throw it at Serena. Serena blocked it using her shield but in the next second, the golem attacked at Serena using the short sword it was wielding in it's right hand. Serena's shield broke down and the golem again swinged the short sword in it's right hand at Serena and Serena blocked it using her axe.

Lucas knew that the golem was too much for Serena but he was still not helping her, he wanted to see the inner potential of Serena.

The golem had more strength than Serena and it throw back Serena using it's raw strength, picked it's left hand short sword and jumped on Serena. Serena barely dodged it and created another shield. She was waiting for Lucas' advice to defeat the golem and after few minutes Lucas said, " If you are waiting for my advice then forget about it because you are by yourself in this battle, Serena. ".

She didn't expect that and started shivering. Her legs gone numb because now she was getting cornered by the golem. The golem launched a strike of the short sword it was wielding at it's right hand and again broke her shield and then using it's left hand short sword it broke her axe too. The golem then tried to cut Serena in two pieces using it's right hand short sword but before the short sword could touch Serena, she disappeared.

The golem was confused, so was Rudolf.

The golem looked behind it and saw Lucas was carrying Serena on his hands and when Serena looked at Lucas face and realised that he saved her, she grabbed Lucas and started crying. She thought that she was going to die and Lucas said, " It's okay Serena. I will push you to your limits but I won't let you die, I promise you that. ".

He also gave her a soft smile and then went to Rudolf and left her in his care. He summoned Bogeyman, asked him for his swords and went to battle the golem.

The golem was angry because Lucas took it's target away from it. The golem charged at Lucas but in a second, the golem lost both of it's hands and then in the another second it lost both of it's legs. Rudolf and Serena were watching the battle and both were shocked to see Lucas' capability. When golem was going to slice Serena, Lucas stopped time and that's how he saved her. If Lucas didn't have the time control power then Serena would have died.

The golem was laying on the ground poweless. Lucas said, " Say, do you wanna die or live? ".

The goldem said in a cracking voice, " I want to live... please spare me. ".

Lucas said, " I can spare your life but you will have to become my subordinate, my companion. ".

The golem said, " I would do anything you say. ".

He then grabbed golem's head and chanted, " Ascend. ".

A mark formed at the chest of the golem and it became Lucas' subordinate. They all cleared the monster palace and Lucas received the reward for clearing the monster palace. Serena was tired now and when Lucas came to her, she was unconscious. All three of them returned home and it was already night time and they started at evening.

When all three of them reached home, Lucy was surprised to see Serena's condition. She asked to Lucas about what happened to her and Lucas told her that it was only fatigue. Rudolf was carrying the reward and gave it to Lucas. Lucas refused to accept it and said, " I don't deserve it. The reward belongs to Serena as she cleared ninety percent of the monster palace. When she wake up, please give the reward to her. ".

Some maids came and took Serena to her room and Lucas went for a shower and Rudolf also went to rest.

After the shower, Lucas went for dinner and after dinner for sleep.

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