The First Strong

Chapter 4 - School flower squad leader

Dong Wenbin was so mad that Lin Yun and Li Rong were both scared by the sudden change of Shen Lang. At this moment, I heard drinking and rushed to Chen Jin!

“Going a step further, I broke his finger!”

Shen Lang looked at them both coldly.

This immediately caused them to stop and brake, and their eyes were on the ground.

Shen Lang’s foot stepped on the back of Dong Wenbin’s hand, and he had to use his fingers to force it. It’s really possible to step on it. Although this is not their start, but if something goes wrong, they can’t get away with it.

Dong Wenbin has just been crazy, but now I hear this, it is also cold sweat. If you really put your fingers on a comminuted fracture… this can’t be suffocating!

“In the next two steps, I will break his neck!”

Shen Lang screamed and then lifted another foot.

He still focused on the heel, but after all, the one-leg support, a lot more heavy, let Dong Wenbin cry sore. Li Rong and two even saw the raised feet, it seems to step on the throat of Bin Ge!


Now, this situation has already made them wonder what to do. If they step on their throats, the consequences… the two people who almost scared the urine, can’t take care of the others, and quickly go to obedient.

Shen Lang retracted his foot support, or stepped on his palm, and the other foot stepped on Dong Wenbin’s face.

“Whose face is not?”

Dong Wenbin couldn’t resist this moment, and Shen Lang’s madness just recklessly shocked him, and he only replied with tears: “I’m shameless…”

Shen Lang looked down at him, his feet turned, and he stepped on his other side, and his face was red on both sides.

Dong Wenbin saw that he didn’t talk. He thought that this answer was not satisfactory. The pain on his face made him humiliate and fearful. If he really stepped on his neck…

“I will lose you two hundred pieces… I won’t ask you for trouble later. The previous thing will be written off. How?”

Being trampled on the face, he barely spoke, faintly feeling the taste of the sole.

From a young age, he is very good at using money to solve problems. Since it is not enough to make a face soft, then take the money to solve it. Today, he only extorted two hundred waves, and actively compensated two hundred. If he was beaten, he should be able to pass.

Shen Lang sneered a sigh, with Dong Wenbin’s character, can it be written off? It is nothing more than thinking that “the hero does not eat before the loss”, and then retaliate.

“Three hundred … no, five hundred!” Dong Wenbin quickly added.

Unspeaking, he felt a little flustered, his pain, and the humiliation of being trampled, so he really wanted to get out early.

“A thousand! A thousand lines? You said by your own conscience! In the past few years, I have not asked you to go to a few hundred.”

Dong Wenbin was a little excited. Shen Lang was a poor ghost in his eyes. Blackmail was just a fun, never really expected to get much money.

Shen Lang’s family was in poor condition. He knew that he would save money from junior high school. There is not much money, but if he steals dozens of pieces, he will tighten his belt for a week!

Just like robbing him two hundred pieces now, it is more difficult and more difficult than Dong Wenbin’s loss of two thousand pieces.

He took out his mobile phone, removed his foot and opened the video.

“Dong Wenbin is too careless. How do you wrestle so badly? Let me help you to send you to the hospital and give me two thousand? Don’t you?”

When I heard the words in front of Shen Lang, Dong Wenbin hated it, which is tantamount to asking him to admit that he was not beaten! The latter actually asked for two thousand pieces, which made him extremely angry!

Why not grab it!

I will forget that they are robbing the waves.

Now that the two younger brothers are not there, he is even more unable to fight, let alone be ruined, that is, he will be seriously injured, and it is not a matter of two thousand.

‘Oh, you are waiting for Laozi! ’

“Yes… I accidentally fell, Shenlang classmates, trouble you to help me, send me to the hospital, I voluntarily give two thousand pieces of compensation!”

Speaking of the word voluntarily, he almost bit his teeth. However, he does not care about video, anyway, retaliation is also a private means, not to find a school or an alarm.

Shen Lang stopped the video and the phone shook him.

Dong Wenbin touched the wallet with another hand and said with anger: “You take it yourself!”

If you change to the previous Shen Lang, then dare, now Shen Lang is to ask his people to cure his body. Pick up the wallet and take away all the cash inside. The rough point is more than two thousand. It is also the living expenses of Dong Wenbin this week.

Watching all being taken away, even if this money is nothing to him, Dong Wenbin is very depressed.

The bank card can be cashed at any time, and the mobile phone payment is more convenient, but he likes to open the wallet to reveal the feeling of a lot of cash, and the result is now taken.

Shen Lang looked at the time and ignored Dong Wenbin on the ground. He left and went to the teaching building.

Dong Wenbin cursed in the back, not to mention sending the hospital, actually help not help him!

Lin Yun and Li Rong did not go far. They were nervous and flustered. They were discussing whether to go to the teacher or to call the security guard to save people. Seeing that Shen Lang left, he quickly ran back.

When Shen Lang went down to the teaching building, he saw a person coming out in front of him. It was their squad leader who fell in the name was rare, and the rain fell even more beautiful. In this county, count In the past few sessions, she also has no controversial first school flowers, and is the kind of beauty that looks more and more eye-catching.

She is still the first grader in the total grade, and the classes are very good. There are very few leisure and play after school, and I can read the electronic version of the books with Kindle at any time. It is not limited to the history of literature, and it is quite extensive. It is very young and gives people the feeling of reading poetry and full of economics.

The teachers praised her and even admired her, and almost confirmed that she could lock in the best university places for the school.

Her weakness is sports, nothing special, just like ordinary girls. There is also a cold personality, in addition to a few girls, and other classmates are flat.

In the past, I used to double the hard work of Shen Lang, learning almost at the bottom, of course, there is no intersection with her, and occasionally encountered on the road, will bow down and pretend not to see, to avoid greeting.

The current Shen Lang is not the same as before, seeing the excellent rain, no inferiority, no arrogance, just a random observation.

Seeing the deep waves, it seems that the rain fell, and then stopped.

Shen Lang did not stop, as before, did not say hello. But when she walked by her side, she heard her open her mouth.

“Are you OK?”


There are no other people nearby. Now they are only here, and they are classmates. They should be asked.

“I saw them and you go there.” Rain did not turn to look at him, said faintly.

The waves were stunned. When they looked at them before they left him, the rain fell on the upstairs. Maybe hesitant to report to the teacher, now she is here… is it ready to see if he is being bullied?

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