Chapter 2: Chapter 1
The space ship was flying through space Naruto was amazed at everything he saw the stars the moon so close he could almost touch it the heat from the sun Naruto sits back down then looks at everyone in worry and asks where are we going they look at him with a puzzled expression then ask didn't you buy your ticket Naruto says yes but they just said that it was leaving the planet nothing else.
They all look at each other sigh then say we are going to Tatooine Naruto asks what kind of planet is that they say a desert one he asks how many planets will this ticket get me to he shows them his ticket it's a general ticket only good for 3 uses and it doesn't say what planets he can or can't visit just that after 3 uses he will have to buy another ticket before that though they give him his ticket back.
They ask him do you have any money Naruto says yes i have every type of currency the earth has they frown knowing that even if he was the richest person on earth he still wouldn't have enough money to buy the better tickets as they take different currency in order to help him they push a button that summons a droid to them it rolls over to them it's tall lanky shiny is on a rolly ball and speaks in a robotic voice.
Did someone call for me one of the people says yes sorry to bother you but this young man pointing at Naruto needs to exchange his currency for the currency he'll be using in the future the droid understands then pulls out a currency converter machine Naruto opens a scroll and a slug wallet appears in his hand under his cloak he opens it and slides every bill inside the machine this goes on for 3 hours everyone including the droid thought that Naruto would never run out of money.
When he was finally done the machine gave him his choice he could pick cash , coins , or credits he chose all 3 which put less stress on the machine as it didn't have to put all of his money on one or the other the total amount he put into the machine forgetting exchange rates was $999,999,999,999,999 when they saw that everyone about passed out from shock wondering where this guy has been hiding and how he acquired all of this wealth like he did.
Naruto got his money put it in his wallet took out some money then asked how much for the best ticket that allows me to fly wherever i want for life no questions asked the robot says 1,000,000 credits Naruto hands him the credits he is given a gold card that doesn't have his name on it but he doesn't want his name on it he seals away his wallet inside his cloak then puts his card in his pants he gives his ticket to someone who looks like they don't have one.
The person he gave it to wasn't poor but was wounded in battle and didn't have the strength to move to buy one so he stayed where he was Naruto examines him and gives him first aid treatment he opens his kunai pouch pulls out a mini first aid kid and which he makes bigger with a little trick then begins cleaning the wounds he also strips off his clothes washes them gives him spare clothes then uses his clothes for bandages and sews him up where he needs it he also gives him a shot of antibiotics and uses disinfectant on a wound on his back.
Next he pops his arm back in place as well as his knee then goes and gets a bag puts ice in them puts his clothes on them gives them to him gives him pain meds a shot of booze and tells him to still go to a hospital the guy thanks Naruto he says it's nothing but to be honest you're my first human patient i've been trained to treat humans and animals but i've only ever practiced on animals until now the soldier is shocked at this but nods Naruto says who knows maybe i'll finally put my sword away and become a doctor.
The soldier looks into Naruto's eyes and despite the kids age on his face he has the eyes of someone who has been at war for centuries and is tired of fighting the soldier says maybe but i doubt it the universe will always seek out strong warriors no matter where they choose to hide themselves Naruto says you're probably right so where are you headed he says i'm finally going home you should join me Mandalore would love to have a skilled doctor like you.
Naruto says sure why not but i'm not staying i want to explore everything this universe has to show me the soldier says even if you were immortal it's impossible even if you had your own ship you could never see every planet there's far too many Naruto says let me worry about that besides i've got nothing but time.
The first stop is Tatooine Naruto wants to go see it the robot says make sure that you're back here by tomorrow or we leave without you Naruto nods he steps out of the ship everywhere he sees is a dusty horizon with a light blue sky the planet is incredibly hot also there's sand as far as the eye can see Naruto even though is getting hot doesn't take off his cloak because he knows people will steal it besides it has way too many valuable things in it.
Naruto stays in town exploring he hears new languages that he's never heard before he sees a droid translating for two people wanting to buy a ship so he waits until it's over before he walks up to the droid he taps it's shoulder it gets startled but Naruto says relax i'm not going to hurt you i just want some information the droid relaxes a little bit then asks what kind of information.
Naruto says i'm new to this planet as well as alien languages and i was wondering if you knew of a way or a place where i could learn every language that you know the droid understands immediately where this stranger is coming from as it took him awhile to find Japanese in his memory banks but he did the droid says there are two ways one is an implant which i'm certain that you don't want to do because it involves them cutting your head open to do it Naruto says nope next.
The droid says there is a book store i could take you too here on Tatooine but it's expensive also to learn as many languages as me which is 6 million you would have to buy the protocol droid package which costs 1 million dollars to buy Naruto says fine with me just take me there the droid does so it orders exactly what Naruto wants every language there is the droid asks will that be cash or credits the store says credits i'm running out of credits.
Naruto hands over the exact amount in coins cash and credits surprising the shop keeper as well as the droid Naruto says well i'm all cleaned out now i gotta go find a job after i learn these languages the droid next to him asks in a robotic voice sir what did you spend the rest of your money on Naruto shows him the gold card he bought the droid scans it hands it back and understands why he bought it.
The droid leads Naruto to the same ship hub he met him at and asks do you have any experience in anything Naruto says hunting fighting and healing the droid asks how much experience do you have with space travel Naruto says today is the first time i even knew it was possible the droid was afraid of this then the droid went over to some mechanics and pilots who often frequent Tatooine.
Everybody came over to Naruto seeing him obviously not from here as he wasn't dressed for the desert climate still the droid serves the Hutts so they can't refuse him when they reached him everyone says hi they introduce themselves the mechanics as there are only three of them and four pilots the first mechanic is a kid wearing just a shirt with a racing logo on it and pants with comfortable shoes he has brown hair and blue eyes he's interested in pod racing or any kind of racing really his name is Dexter.
The next mechanic is a young man in his teens he's the more wild out of the mechanics as he is a weapons nut always looking out for the best weapons he even smells like gun oil he has blonde/ black hair from the grease in his hair he has blue eyes he's wearing a tactile vest camo pants with steel knee pads and combat boots his name is Matt.
The next mechanic is an old man who looks to be almost 70 he's wearing a thin blue sweatshirt dark brown leather apron goggles on his head gloves on his hands black pants his hair is a combo of black and grey he has brown eyes he is the more laid back of the three but like them he has his obsession and that is ships not just spaceships but every kind of ship there is his name is Nathan.
The pilots don't have an obsession like the mechanics they just want their ships to work so they can get to their jobs and back to Tatooine the pilots don't give out their names in fact two of them leave because they have to meet a deadline soon or lose out on the smuggling ring they are apart of these two are legitimate pilots not criminals the two pilots or the mechanics don't even know why they were called over.
The droid takes them aside says to them i need you to assess this young man see if he's worth the time it would take for me to intoduce him to anyone influential also my wires may need to be looked at but i think that he's hiding something the mechanics laugh at this as does the pilots the droid is getting angry and asks why is that funny i'm being serious nobody has the right to hide stuff from the Hutts or those that work under them if they do they should be executed.
Dexter laughs at the droids face so much so that his sides are hurting he calms down puts on a serious face and asks what planet are we on right now the droid says Tatooine but idk what that has to do with anything Dexter sighs and says i'm 8 years old and i've figured this out if we really showed everything we were really capable of or how much we really knew about how the universe really works or how your boss pays for everything the only living being besides the Hutts would be the animals as they would kill everyone else.
Dexter says droids wouldn't be immune to this because think about it if they are just going to kill anyone who's ever been involved with their business then they won't need you anymore the droid rolls away in defeat knowing the kid is right one of the pilots touches Dexter's shoulder squats down looks him in the eye and says kid that was extremely foolish you could have just signed every person on this planet to an early grave had that backfired on you.
Dexter says i know but what would you have done ignore him while he rambled on about how that basically everyone who doesn't conform to his ideas deserve to be executed the pilot says idk but now you have made it feel defeated for probably the first time lets go meet our new friend and deal with this later they walk over to Naruto he's been checking out the spaceships curious as to how man could invent something like this just when he was about to head inside of one that was for sale he was stopped by the group.
Naruto steps away from the ramp a little miffed that his sight seeing was interrupted he heads over to the group of people who stopped him on the outside he has a calm cheerful demeanor on the inside he's sizing them up as one would for an assassination the pilots feel a chill run down their spines when their eyes meet his little do they know that Naruto is using Genjutsu to steal information from them he does the same with the mechanics.
Once he has all of their knowledge he cancels the jutsu with a snap of his fingers next they get to talking about the planet Naruto says he's not from here he's from the Milky Way the pilots frown at that as it's the weakest and poorest galaxy in the universe however they won't judge him because he was born there the mechanics on the other hand are curious about which planet he came from when asked he said Mars Naruto asks why are we talking to each other.
Dexter says the droid wanted us to help you out as he has other appointments today Naruto nods then asks how did we go from creating swords and spears to building one of these he points to the ship behind him they look at each other then look at him and Nathan says young man we have been able to travel through space for the last 3,000 years Naruto looks at him carefully he can tell that he's not lying then asks how come those in my galaxy have only been able to do it in the last 400 years.
The pilot says because the technology in your galaxy compared to the rest of the universe is essentially in the stone age Naruto sighs then asks do any of you know what forging is or what blacksmiths are the mechanics answer yes they do Naruto asks do any of you know what plumbing is electrical engineering , carpentry , masonry , or architecture is everyone nodded then Naruto says lead me to your shop as we need this discussion to happen away from those people spying on us.
Everyone nodded and took Naruto to their mechanic shop the pilots followed in curiosity not really wanting to get ambushed by whoever was eavesdropping once they get there Naruto is disappointed in how messy it is he sets that aside for later he waits for everyone to get inside closes the door puts on the closed sign then they head to the back room where there's no cameras watching them.
When everyone is seated Naruto reaches into his cloak does a handsign and pulls out 3 big rolls that surprise everyone not just that he hid them under his cloak but because of what the labels say on them and the dates on each of them the first one is the blueprints for the very first boat dated 8200 BCE the next one is the blueprints for the first weapon ever made dated 4000 BC the final item is the blueprints for the first car ever made dated 1886.
The three mechanics can't believe that they have this kind of history sitting in front of them their eyes go back up to Naruto's he says i'm willing to give you three every blueprint i have as i don't have the mechanical skills to bring them to life but only if you teach me how to work on this new stuff as everything i'm about to give you i can fix it with my eyes closed but building it from scratch is beyond my skills.
The mechanics understand where he's coming from it's one thing to repair other people's screw ups or just something that is falling apart but it's another thing entirely to completely build something out of nothing Naruto says i may have skills in other construction jobs but i was never the one in charge i was just told where to go what to do and how to do it everyone nods at this.
One of the pilots asks do you even have a way of travelling the universe Naruto shows him his card the pilot sighs at seeing the gold card almost wanting to destroy it Naruto sensing this asks was i duped the pilot says no you weren't but now everywhere you go every time you use this card they can track your whereabouts Naruto asks can't they do that with a ship too because even on Earth some of the cars there had tracking devices in them.
The pilot says yes they do but if you know what to look for it can be removed so nobody can track you down Naruto asks then why did you stop me from looking at the ships in that lot earlier the pilot says because those ships are horrible those are for tourists who know nothing about spaceships they get tired of paying for public transportation and end up paying 10 times what you spent on this card.
The pilot hands the card back to Naruto who says maybe this can come in handy now that i know how it works the pilot says if used right you could make whatever enemies you acquire think that you're on a completely different planet Naruto asks how many times a day can this card be used the pilot says 3 even though it's for life and there's no name on it be careful as if someone were to steal this they could use it for bad things.
Naruto nods then pulls out every blueprint he has on every weapon car boat submarine airplane and siege weapon ever made including the crossbow the mechanics think that they have hit the jackpot in meeting this guy but before they can do anything Naruto puts his hands on all of the blueprints then says we should make copies of these as i don't have any more the mechanics were about to until the pilot whose been silent this entire time.
Stops everyone and says we should think before we act we don't want these copies getting in the hands of the Hutts everyone nods then they use their private copier and make thousands of copies once they are done they look at Naruto who looks like he has a plan running through his mind Naruto asks is there anyway to find out which shops like this are or aren't under the Hutts or any other organization that would make them betray us in anyway.
They talk amongst themselves come back to Naruto and says there is but you won't like how Naruto asks who do i have to kill to figure this out they look at him completely shocked not expecting that answer but they collect themselves and say currently every mechanic shop in the universe other than the ones on this planet is being held hostage by the crime syndicates and their crime families or warrior clans.
Naruto asks what would i have to do to get them involved in this project everyone looks at each other then says you would have to pay them off, kill them all or somehow blackmail them to do what you want Naruto sighs then says lets get started here on this planet before we move on to another one they frown at this but don't argue with him before anything else can happen they fall asleep.
Naruto does the transformation jutsu turning himself into Obito when he attacked the leaf village when Naruto was born he's wearing an orange swirl mask with one eye hole with an active sharingan a plain black cloak with a hood on it he does a few more hand signs and goes into the ground then heads to the gangs on Tatooine once he gets there he goes into an alley pops up from the ground and approaches the gangs.
His first thought was simply to kill them all but he realizes that this place isn't like home he bets that each of these smaller gangs work for some bigger ones so instead he uses the sharingan's power to manipulate them to accept $9,000 for everything that they own and have under their control a lawyer comes by he gets manipulated to writing a contract so that they can't come back with violence or say that they got cheated later when everything is written and everyone signs.
Naruto heads to the alley turns back into himself then undoes what he did but left the memory there that it was a fair deal after that he approaches every single shop and gives them everything he gave the others the only blueprints he doesn't have is for anything nuclear or atomic or any missiles that can destroy an entire country just low level ones like from a tank or rocket launcher.
Every shop is excited to get started on this project he tells them do the weapons in secret and last and start with the bladed ones first they agree to he also asks for 9% of the total sales that they make from everything including the weapons they agree after that he heads back to the others who have woken up when he gets back into the room they wonder where he went he shows them his contract and they can't believe what they are seeing.
They are surprised that he only spent a total of $45,000 for their entire properties Naruto asks what's next they say other than going to the other shops Naruto shows them another contract with every other shop on Tatooine where he gets 9% of every total sale from the blueprints he gave them Nathan says you got ripped off you could have gotten alot more from what you gave them.
Naruto says i know but i'm not a greedy person besides i have plenty of money so it's no big deal also you guys have to sign this contract as well they check and see that there is a spot left for them to sign date and initial also state the name of their shop like the others did most of the others are named after their favorite tool but these guys shop is named WRS it stands for weapons racing and ships the pilots see a few things in the contract that worry them.
They ask Naruto about them he says each shop must agree to either focus on the ships or the cars first the weapons have to be last also for everything they sell i get 9% but not until everything about the shop is taken care of first like the overhead the payroll the bills and everything else and finally if they start with weapons first i'm allowed to cancel the contract at any time also when they get to weapons they must start with bladed ones as not to raise suspicion.
The pilots nod at this then drop their concerns Naruto says oh yeah when it comes to the bows the crossbows keep them in the back pocket then do the oldest one there is to help with whatever war is going on also there are 8 old siege weapons they are the trebuchet , ballista , catapult, siege tower, battering ram, hwacha, boeotian flamethrower, the sambuca Naruto says these are to be built in order from which does the least damage to the most damage.
Everyone agrees then the pilots take Naruto to buy his own ship in Mos Eisley it takes awhile but once they get there the day is half gone and they find a shop selling ships there are several different types star destroyer , transport , smuggler, bombers, shuttle, sleeper, starfighter, freighter, yacht , and salvage hauler Naruto goes with a sleeper the ship he chose was a Corellian Vanguard - Class Light Corvette the thing about sleepers is that even though they look big they can be customized to be anything you want they are perfect blank slates.
The ship itself only cost $100,000 which is fine the other parts that Naruto is looking at like the best shields they have the best guns the best hyper drive the best engine for this ship and a few secret weapons for later cost another $300,000 plus another $100,000 to have someone teach him how to install everything it takes several days to learn everything but once he does he kicks everyone out takes the ship to the private ship yard he bought.
Then gets to work on doing everything he wants to it once he installs everything himself because he doesn't trust his teacher only the manuals given to him which he can't read but he has his clones learning every language from the thing he bought once they are done with a language they dispel one then summon another so he gets that knowledge while they constantly keep going until he has learned every language which takes him a whole year to learn.
Once that is done he reads the manuals gets everything done and removes the tracking device so no one can track his movements he also gets rid of the ship's signature so no one can track him by that either next thing he does is leave the paint job alone the same thing on the inside he even doesn't register the ship so it can't be tracked once everything is done he fires up the ship leaves the planet and heads towards a new one.