The Force Sage of the Dark Side

Chapter 4: Chapter 3

Naruto heads back to his ship he inputs the coordinates for Malastaire then heads there although every instict was telling him not to go there but he does anyway the ship takes off as it does he and once it leaves the atmosphere Naruto grabs his gear from the smugglers hole seals it into a scroll hides it on his body gets rid of the seals on the smugglers hole he put the ship on autopilot so he can plot out his journey after Malastaire he puts his henge back on then uses a gentjutsu to hide it better so he doesn't have another icident like he did on Mandalore after that he uses seals to supress 90% of what he's capable of as well as hide his heart beat his scent his foot prints and makes sure that he leaves no trace behind in anyway at all.

Naruto arrives on Malastare is a forrested planet of the mid rim situated along the Hydian Way it's core was home to large reserves of fuel only found on Malastare , a toxic fuel it's the homeworld of the dug species though it was represented in the glactic senate by the Gran species Malastare Zillo beasts roam Malastare hunting the Dug species for food and for sport the Dugs spend their time hunting fighting and podracing when they're not running for their lives from Zillo beasts they have documented every Zillo beast encounter down to the very first one the book has been passed down through the years from one Dug to the next until today.

Naruto explores the planet sees that all of houses are in trees the dugs keep to themselves once he makes it into the center of the village the mayor drops down in front of Naruto then leads Naruto upto his house he asks what are you doing here young man Naruto says I'm just exploring the galaxy as I've never been anywhere except one planet my whole life the chief nods then asks how long are you staying on Malastare Naruto says no longer than a month the chief frowns as that's when they will be attacked by the Zillo beast Naruto says I already know about your problem it's written on everyone's faces that a monster has been attacking you for quite sometime.

The chief sighs then says it's pointless to lie to you if you can observe that much not being here long it's true and we've been getting attacked by a beast for centuries only we have no idea why Naruto says I will investigate for you if you do me a favor the chief nods then asks what's that Naruto says on my way here I saw several of your kind racing I want you to not only teach me how to race but how to build a racer the chief says that seems like a fair trade so what do i call you young man Naruto says you can call me Nagato he nods then says you can call me Sid everyone does because no one can pronounce my full name Naruto chuckles.

With that naruto leaves Sid's house with a copy of the map of everywhere the Zillo beast has attacked everyone it takes him longer than usual to track the beast down as he's not used to being this weak in fact it intrigues him at how strong he can become like this even Kurama is quite curious as well with Kuama's help he finds the Zillo beast's lair he sees that it's a huge beast in fact it seems quite armored but surprisingly there's only 9 of them left and the 10th body has several what looks like teeth and claw marks in it's corpse that look fresh like this happened just a few days ago the other bodies were years ago others were decades ago to centuries ago Naruto gathers the armoured hide from the dead bodies seals it into a scroll. as well as the dead bodies.

Naruto explores the cave more then sees that it goes deep into a huge cavern after that there's another cave that has a few paths one is a dead end the other is a maze of tunnels that eventually leads back to the dug village the third tunnel leads to a huge drop off that has a huge creature at the bottom of it Kurama says that it's responsible for the death of those beasts Naruto asks what would happen if I sealed off this passage way Kurama says the creature would die which is fine because I can tell that it isn't native to this planet idk where it came from but not this one Naruto asks is it too dangerous to kill Kurama says until we know what you're capable of yes it is.

Naruto nods then seals the passage way but keeps the creature alive indefinitely until he chooses to kill it Kurama sighs wondering what Naruto would need with a creature like this but doesn't question it after that Naruto heads back to the Zillo beasts he uses a seal to read their minds to find out what they eat and how often which is 2 months out of the year the rest of time they store their food for winter for hibernation Naruto sees that they need to hunt so they can prepare for winter Naruto keeps them asleep then goes hunting for their food it takes all of his training to gather the food the Zillo beasts need for winter once he gathers all of it he puts it where last years food went then leaves he heads back to the village.

Naruto makes it to the village to find a whole bunch of dugs mad and ready to kill something Sid sees Naruto then asks Nagato did you solve the problem he says yes I did what's going on here Sid says everyone is mad because nobody caught anything in their traps or snares they think that the Zillo beasts ahave hunted for winter as it's around that time of year when they do this Naruto says don't be mad but it wasn't them I did the hunting for the beasts Sid frowns everyone is about to attack Naruto but Sid stops them then asks why?

Nagato says because of what I discovered when i went into their cave this makes everyone shut up as nobody has made it to their cave and survived before Nagato goes into the woods opens up two scrolls one containing the newest corpse and the oldest corpse of the Zillo beast he drags them into veiw shocking everyone at his strength also at what he's dragging some want to attack the corpses in anger but Sid again stops them then says use your head there must have been a reason he was allowed to leave with these bodies hearing this stops everyone dead in their tracks.

Nagato says beleive it or not the Zillo beasts can communicate just not in the same manner that we can but it can sid examines both bodies then asks what manner of creature was responible for this Nagato says idk but it wasn't native to this planet atleast according to the Zillo beast this frightens everyone Nagato says don't worry I trapped it in a cave and in a hole so deep that nothing could escape from it unless that structure is destroyed it will never escape so do everything in your power to protect the Zillo beast's lair and I made a deal with the Zillo beast this intrigues everyone.

sid asks what kind of deal Nagato says you guys will hunt for it's food when it's time to hibernate then it will leave you guys alone he says i'm sorry I did this without discussing it with you guys but it was either that or both species lose more lives Sid looks at every villager they each whisper to each other then nod at Sid who says we accept and says we understand the snap decision you came to but really next time you do something like this make sure you plan it better Nagato asks how he wasn't giving me a chance to go back and get one of you guys it was either do what he wanted or no truce the villagers after hearing that understand the position he was put in so they let it go.

After that Sid held up his end of the bargain they took him to their work shop and taught him everything they knew about pod racing even how to build one from scratch they even taught him how to drive one once he was done he took both bodies of the Zillo beasts with him out of sight sealed them up back into scrolls when he sure he was alone then left the planet he went back to his ship he went to a unhabitated planet then trained until he was as strong as he was before he sealed his abilities away which took 1000 years to accomplish during this time he wasn't idle he was sending clones to various planets to explore then saw which ones that had weapons merchants he quickly took them over and became the number 1 weapons merchant in the Unknown Regions.

His next target is the Outer Rim but that's where the gangs are strongest and have the most influence the worst ones are the Hutts now that his training is complete he can focus on exploring and building his empire personally also he can see what this other energy was that he felt on Mandalore he leaves the planet then all of a sudden his senses go haywire that other power floods all of his senses not realizing that he's still in sage mode as that was the last thing he wanted train himself in before he learned what this other power was he just mastered it completely before he decided to leave something or someone was calling out to him but he didn't know what so he got inside his ship and when he went inside his head was filled with coordinates on where to go along with a vision on where to go.

Nagato put in the coordiantes which were for the planet Atollon was located in an uncharted region in the Lothal sector of the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories off a major hyperspace route the planet had a breathable atmosphere but a hot climate despite the dry weather on the rocky surface which was covered in plated tree corals the planet featured a freshwater source deep underground the planet had caverns which served as hives to the krykna the planet's wilderness was also the domain of a powerful being of the Force called the Bendu who saw himself as the balance between the light and dark sides of the Force the Bendu lived in a valley located in the middle of the Coral Mesa. 

Nagato followed the voice until he came face to face with the Bendu who is a wise and enigmatic being of an immense size it resembled both a buffalo and giant rocky monolith with two eyes a flat nose and a long beard he was a powerful entity who could control nature including the krykna spiders of Atollon he could also sense the presence of other Force-wielders from a distance despite his imposing appearance he presented himself as a gentle wise and patient teacher who believed that other Force-sensitive beings needed to learn to overcome their fears and imbalances through personal trials.

Bendu could sense immense power coming from the one standing in front of him he could also feel that this form was not his real one but merely an illusion meant to protect himself until he needed to also he can tell that through various means he's made himself untraceable by human other races means Bendu sighs then speaks in deep but wise and calming voice young one Idk what you're doing here but surely we can be honest with each other I mean we both know that if I so desired I could erase your glamour Nagato raises an eyebrow then says I'd like to see you try and young? he laughs I haven't been young in centuries.

Bendu is shocked to hear what he did not expecting a response like the one this young man gave him he can tell that this man after feeling his life force isn't as young as he looks but is as old as space travel itself which is 9,000 years old that's only 5,000 years away from himself and the other Bendu's as there are 3 others each one has special powers like him but each one grants different powers together all 4 grant one the ability to basically be able to master both sides of the force without having to choose between light or dark but if that person does choose they will forever be stuck on that side never be brought back to the light or brought to the darkside.

All of a sudden the other Bendus contact him he asks what's wrong they say it's time the person in front of you is the one that history has chosen to recieve our powers Bendu sighs then says hope we don't regret this Nagato walks upto him Bendu puts a claw on his forehead the other 3 channel their powers through their brother and into Nagato and the power is so intense that it shakes the universe sending a shockwave throughout the force making every force sensitive being vomit and those that can use the force afraid of the power even the Bendus are afraid of his power as they didn't expect his power to be this high or have this much of an impact but they can't undo it his body feels like it he was born with the Force already they just awakened it.

After the power transfer and everything goes back to normal the Bendus surprisingly didn't lose any power at all like they thought they did just a little bit like they usually do when bestowing gifts to force sensitive beings Nagato passes out from all of the power that coursed through his body the other Bendus went to sleep as well a few days later Nagato wakes up then leaves the planet without saying a word as Bendu is alseep from exhaustion he heads to another planet Achto 

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