The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 18

Chapter 18 Recruit training

There was silence in the barracks. It seemed that everyone could not react. In the end, Lan Li was the first to act. He greeted Lamy and walked out. When the group of people passed by the door, they were dumbfounded and could even see clearly. When he reached the confusion and confusion on the faces, Lan Li twitched the corners of his mouth, saying nothing, nothing, and then left the barracks.

The cigarette in his hand is still burning, and Lan Li’s deep-sense look can be clearly seen in the smoky smoke. Richard’s chest is full of irritation. He wants to vent but he can’t speak at all. When the cigarette **** burned his fingertips, he quickly threw off the cigarette **** in his hand, sprang up, and shouted grumpyly, “Get out, get out!”

After rushing out of the barracks, Richard’s pupils couldn’t help but start to spread again—I saw a large number of people popping up in three different barracks, the bustling was so lively, there were at least sixty people at first glance; not only that, besides. Some people came out one after another, and then gathered on the left hand side. It is estimated that there is really a company of people.

Then Richard saw Lan Li and Lamy who had been smoothly joined in the team right in front, grinded their teeth, and quickly followed.

Several soldiers were standing next to them chatting in front of them, while a few low-ranking officers stood beside them shouting, “Quick! Quick! You tortoise-like speed, the woman has not had time to take off her pants, she can’t support it. Live, when you get to the battlefield, just puff up your farts/shares and wait for the happiness of others!” The vulgar words were endless, and they fell like a gust of wind and rain, making people unable to breathe.

If this is a real military camp, I’m afraid there will be thorns who will stand up to challenge the authority of the officers; but this is not, this is the crew. They are all hired actors, and they are all actors below the third line—in other words, the crew After being dismissed, there will be no loss. On the contrary, they cannot afford the possibility of being expelled.

Then, Richard raised his head suffocated, his anger burned in his eyes, and then lowered his head suffocatedly, standing in a line honestly.

The team stood sparsely and unevenly, and an officer from behind walked over with his head high. He seemed to be at least seventy years old. He looked vigorous with short pale silver hair and a neat little beard. The wrinkles show the growth rings of time, but the straight spine, steady footsteps, and sharp eyes are not at all old-fashioned. They stood in front of the team alive and well, “I am James-Dale (James-Dale). -Dye) Colonel, responsible for your team training for the next ten days.”

The eagle-like gaze swept over everyone slowly, so hot that the sun above his head seemed extremely gentle, “From today on, I don’t care what your names are. Everyone will call your characters by their names and match you. During the boot camp, any sentence starts with’senior officer’ and ends with’senior officer’. Don’t let me repeat it a second time.” There is no threat, and no emphasis, but it’s sonorous and powerful. The words have an unresolved decision.

After saying a few words, the colonel was about to turn around and leave, but he stopped for a while and turned around again, “Also, a very important point, don’t say yeah, yep, or okay ( ya) Wait, all answers use’YES’. Yes! “His eyes looked at the left,” Yes! “Look at the middle again,” Yes! “Finally fell on the right.

The short and powerful three words, the shocking aura suddenly made the scene silent, this is really not a little bit of the atmosphere of the crew, it is completely a boot camp. In the trance, there is a feeling of entering the wrong door, and it is estimated that everyone is no exception. Lan Li felt an inexplicable sense of joy.

Colonel    turned around sharply this time, without stopping, and shouted to several officers not far away, “Training begins.”

Immediately afterwards, the captain who had just entered Barracks No. 8 stepped out and shouted, “Everyone has it! Today is the first day. We started from the warm-up and ran around the field for four miles! Collectively, turn right! !”

Four miles? warm up? first day?

Richard looked down at the leather shoes under his feet, and then at the boots under Lanly and Lamy’s feet. An unknown premonition came in. After all, he did not hold back and shouted, “Excuse me…” After a pause, he changed his words, “Sir! What should I do if leather shoes are not suitable for running?” Then he paused for a second and added “sir”.

The captain who didn’t know the name glanced at Richard, “Then take off your shoes and run.”

Pounce… The low laughter was almost unbearable, especially when I saw Richard’s awkward face, I couldn’t help but laugh, but the laughter was quickly suppressed, because everyone discovered that Richard was not the same People-there are very few people who change clothes and shoes early like Lan Li.

Rami looked at Lan Li with joy, and at this time he finally understood what was going on. Obviously, he is lucky.

“What are you girls doing! I said, turn right! Turn!” the captain yelled again, and everyone panicked and turned right, “Keep the current queue, start, run!” Then he followed. Next to the team, they ran together.

The boot camp, just like a gust of wind and rain, started straight away. Less than twenty minutes ago, Lan Li was still sitting in the taxi, carefully flipping through the script, conceiving the role of Eugene, and then looking forward to the first performance standing in front of the camera; but now, he Sweating profusely and running in circles on the playground—four miles, it sounded like an endless journey.

The “first day” after becoming an actor, is really ingenious.

Although Lan Li is mentally prepared, sometimes, the synchronization of body and mind is not so simple. Four miles is equal to more than six kilometers. This distance is not something that anyone can complete by simply saying that it is done, even if it is a person like Chris Hemsworth who insists on fitness, let alone a blue gift. What?

They just circled the playground like this, the same scenery repeated in their sight, so that they were completely numb behind, and they could not even tell where they had gone. Their feet were not their own at all, but they were mechanically and numbly constantly. Go forward, go forward again, as if you can’t stand up again as long as you stop—

The truth is also true. After running less than a mile, Richard fell violently, saying that he had sprained his ankle and fell behind the team. Everyone thought that Richard had escaped this way, but he didn’t expect that soon, accompanied by another sergeant, he started running again.

At the end of the four miles, Richard is still not over, and is still running tirelessly. I heard that he will run six miles in total.

Lan Li has no time to care about other people. His body has reached its limit. His brain is completely numb and unable to think. He can only gasp for breath. Every muscle in his body doesn’t seem to be at his disposal. He knows he should do it again. Walk slowly, not sitting down, otherwise the heart will not be able to bear it. But the heavy footsteps are almost impossible to take. He has experienced how it feels to fill his feet with lead.

Every inch of his bones was moaning/groaning, and the whole person seemed to fall apart. How did the four miles persevere in the end? He can’t remember at all, even his instincts/instincts are on strike, just relying on one. He breathed, his feet stepped on inertia, staggering all the way, when the captain announced the end of the run, his footsteps could not stop.

The air in the lungs of the respiratory tract is too hot, as if it is about to boil, so that the chest starts to tingle-or the ribs? His ability to sense the body seems to be deviated.

“Blue…cough cough, Lan Li, don’t sit down.” Lamy’s clothes were soaked and looked like they had just been fished out of the water. He was supporting his knees with his hands and his face was flushed abnormally. , “Should…should walk slowly, otherwise…” Lamy pointed to his heart, but couldn’t speak.

Lan Li nodded towards Lamy, indicating that he understood, but just shaking his head, there was an urge to vomit. Four miles is far more difficult than imagined. In desperation, Lan Li could only wave his hand at Lamy to show that he understood, and then remained silent.

At this time, the surrounding corpses were all over the field-the captain only announced the end of the four miles, and many people fell directly on their backs, not caring about dirty or dirty, UU reading did not care about any image problems, even Regardless of health issues, they just want to lie down and let themselves turn into a puddle of mud. The “corpses” that stood horizontally and vertically looked really magnificent, and there were only a few who could stand.

In comparison, Lan Li’s situation is already top-notch.

To make matters worse, the feet of people running in leather shoes are already worn out-after the blisters are rubbed out, they break during running, and then the wounds are blurred into a ball. Some people can’t help taking off their shoes. The taste and the sourness are simply calling for yesterday’s dinner.

Even though Lan Li changed his boots, his feet are still aching, the heel, the side of the foot, the forefoot…He feels that his feet are no longer his own, and it is estimated that there are blisters on his feet. It’s just that now the body is almost having difficulty breathing, and the pain in the feet is temporarily ignored.

Captain    stood by and twitched his mouth contemptuously. “This is just the beginning. It’s really a bunch of softies.” After a few mutters, he went on to say, “Fifteen minutes rest, and then the next round of training.”

The whole audience wailed.

Afterwards, they first conducted group sit-ups training, that is, thirty people were divided into two groups and sat on the ground with their legs hooked up face to face, and then each group of fifteen people sat in a straight line with their shoulders on their backs. Completing sit-ups at the same time, which not only tested the abdominal muscles, but also the coordination of the teammates; followed by 800 meters of cross-country obstacle training, everyone needs to complete at least three times; followed by two hours of practice Shooting—not the kind of playing, but the real need to learn to disassemble and assemble the gun, and complete the aiming and shooting; after that, it’s another two-mile jog…

A long day, an extremely long day, it is unbelievable that this is only the first day.

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