The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Fierce competition

“Please stop at the entrance of the theater.”

Lan Li retracted his confused thoughts, and said to the taxi driver, after the car stopped securely and paid the fare, Lan Li walked on quickly.

Looking at the mighty team in the theater hall in front of him, Lan Li couldn’t help but stop slightly. As George said, there are countless people in the world who want to become actors, but the ones who can really succeed are rare. This is A road full of thorns, a road with an uncertain future, a road in which even if the moths rush to the flames and their bones are not necessarily successful.

Looking up, the cloudless sky is clear to the bottom, and the golden sunlight penetrates the baby-blue sky without any hindrance. The towering, densely forested steel forest on Manhattan Island in New York cannot stop the restlessness. The heat blooms proudly on the solid ground, making people dizzy.

The irritable mood slowly calmed down along with the long exhalation, and he will take good care of it the second time in life. Lan Li let out a long breath, put all his thoughts aside, strode into the hall, stood at the end of the line, and joined the line.

Rami-Malek pulled the collar, trying to catch more fresh air and relieve the uneasy tension and anxiety in his chest, but he soon realized that this was just futile.

The roar of the engine came from the window facing the street, the screaming of pedestrians passing by, and the deafening sound of street performances at the crossroads could be faintly heard… From the air vents, the dust dancing under the sun seemed to be involved in the hurricane, causing a violent riot.

All this is in stark contrast to the silent silence in the hall, which is suffocating.

Rami couldn’t help but take a deep breath again, his lungs hummed like a bellows, but to no avail, the oxygen absorbed seemed to be insufficient to keep the brain running. He felt like he was going to faint.

Today is the fifth and final day of the cast audition for the TV series “Pacific War”.

Although the “Pacific War” is just a set of TV series, it can definitely be said to be an opportunity that every newcomer actor dreams of-produced by HBO TV, the classic classic “Brothers” brother drama, the most expensive drama in history, by Tom- Hanks (Tom-Hanks) and Steven-Spielberg (Steven-Spielberg) teamed up as producers…Every factor is highlighting the importance of this series. It can almost be said that it is “destined to be Will be successful” works.

Similar to “The Brotherhood”, the “Pacific War” abandoned long-established actors, but selected a large number of newcomers, third-line or fourth-line actors. Taking “The Brotherhood” as a reference, at least more than a hundred characters in the play are performed with lines, and the core actors are as many as double digits. This not only means a god-given opportunity, every actor will win a fair chance; at the same time, It also means more intense competition, perhaps one in a hundred, or even one in a thousand.

Across the entire North American continent, there are more than 400,000 actors registered in the trade union, of which less than 10% of the actors can find permanent jobs. What’s more, no one wants to miss such an excellent opportunity for the “Pacific War”. Lamy is no exception.

He is twenty-eight years old. He has been in Hollywood for nine years. He has even starred in commercial masterpieces such as “Museum Wonderful Night”, but his career still hasn’t improved much. Now, what he needs is a breakthrough, a breakthrough for making progress in his career. He hoped that the “Pacific War” could become this step.

Tensed to the extreme, Lamy couldn’t help but start shaking his legs. He knew this was a bad habit, but he couldn’t restrain himself. Such unconscious small movements could distract some of his attention, so that he at least didn’t suffocate himself to death.

“Plap”, a light tap came from his shoulder, and Lamy’s muscles became tight in an instant, he turned around abruptly, and at the same time, he took a half step back, like a rabbit who was too frightened.

Immediately, Rami realized that he was too nervous and overreacted. Seeing the awkward jerky at the corner of the opponent’s mouth, his cheeks became slightly hot. The young man standing behind him, but with the appearance of a college student, the sparse sunlight gently sheds down, penetrating the short golden brown hair, and under the mottled reflection, you can vaguely see the long and narrow like a long sword out of its sheath. The eyebrows, the tall and straight bridge of the nose reveals a heroic breath, and a few loose and messy hairs hang down from the forehead, which vaguely outlines a touch of sparseness, just like the sloppy mist on the clear lake.

“Ahem.” Lamy coughed slightly, concealing his embarrassment, “Uh…Excuse me, what’s the matter?”

“…I’m sorry.” The young man showed an apologetic smile, his lazy voice was like a cat, with a trace of hoarseness in its lightness, “Please forgive my impoliteness.” The standard London English voice was charming. The elegance of the gentleman’s etiquette inadvertently revealed a trace of childlike innocence, and the afternoon sun became brighter.

Lamy waved his hand again and again, “No, no, I overreacted.” Recalling his nervousness that was almost broken, Lamy was a little embarrassed, raised his hand and scratched the back of his head, not knowing what to do.

The young man shrugged his shoulders casually, and the corner of his mouth smiled, “I just want to ask, how long does it take each group to get in?” The young man pointed to the shortened line in front, indicating that Lamy should move forward. .

Rami tugged at the corner of his mouth in annoyance, took a few steps forward quickly, followed the team, and then looked back again. The young man in front of him didn’t seem to be nervous at all. On the contrary, he was a little relaxed and comfortable. The attire of the blue suit and trousers has the taste of a French downturned artist, which makes Lamy a little envious, “A group of five people. The average group is about ten minutes. However, the previous group went in for about fifteen minutes. It is estimated that someone has been spotted, so the audition time will be longer.” The worries in the words inevitably leaked out, and the nervousness grabbed the heart again.

The young man showed a bright smile and patted Lamy on the shoulder, “Don’t worry, everyone’s opportunity is only one who can decide the result.” The self-confidence and calmness that naturally showed Lamy also made Lamy’s inner irritability. Could not help calming down a bit.

“Prepare for the next group.” The voice of the staff came from the door, and they confessed in a whisper, “You are waiting at the door. After I will open the door, you will give me your information, then go in in order and go. Go to the center of the stage. Next, the casting director on the scene will give instructions, and you can just follow the instructions. Be careful, please don’t make a loud noise! ​​Don’t make a loud noise!”

“There should be three more groups.” The young man nodded to Lamy, walked up the last step, looked forward, and casually rolled the shirt sleeve to the elbow position, and it would fall when he raised his hand. The hair on the forehead was combed back, but the inadvertent movement had a flamboyant charm.

Lamy then realized that the young man was really too tall. He himself was five feet and nine inches (175 centimeters), but he was still more than half a head shorter than the opponent. The opponent looked at least six feet and two inches. (One hundred and eighty-seven centimeters). Just now, two people were standing on the stairs. He was on the top and couldn’t feel it. Now they were standing on the same plane. Rami couldn’t help but shrink from above the momentum.

As if aware of Lamy’s emotional changes, the young man turned his head and looked around, revealing a friendly smile, which made Lamy look into each other’s eyes for the first time. Those long and narrow eyes were hidden in the handsome sword eyebrows. Below, the dark pupils are like the sea after a storm, deep and vast.

The young man stretched out his right hand and greeted politely, “Len Li-Hall, I am glad to meet you officially.”

“Rami-Marek.” Rami realized that he was a little awkward, and panicked holding the opponent’s right hand. He was not a fledgling stunner, but standing in front of this young man, the kind of beam that broke when he broke. His calm and grace made him have an illusion, as if he was the new actor who had not graduated from university.

At a tense moment, the concept of time seems to lose its meaning. I don’t know if ten minutes or thirty minutes have passed, the door opened again, and it was finally their turn to play. Lamy’s brain seemed to be a little frozen, and there was no time to react. UU read and he saw the young man blinked slightly, raised his right hand and shook it emptyly, as if saying: The opportunity is always in our hands. Own hands.

The smile on the corner of his mouth rose before Lamy realized it. He turned his head to keep up, hurriedly handing over his personal information to the staff at the door, and the other actors of the same group filed into the door and followed behind him. It is the young man who is holding.

followed the team, filed onto the stage, and the whole empty theater was in full view. The space decorated with red and navy blue was solemn and solemn, and the cumbersome carvings and luxurious chandeliers could glimpse the glory of the past.

In the third and fourth rows in front of the stage sat a small group of about a dozen people. They were all different in height, short, fat and thin. They were the decision makers behind the scenes of the actors’ destiny; the lights in the auditorium were not turned on, only one The halo of a desk lamp supports a small window of vision. At the edge of the aperture, a square-faced man can be seen whispering and communicating with the beard next to him. They are Tom Hanks and Steven Spielber. grid!

It never occurred to me that these two top Hollywood big shots would actually appear in today’s audition scene in person. This is definitely a huge surprise.

Generally speaking, there are casting directors, assistant directors, and executive producers in the audition stage. This is enough. The real big-name producers have other tasks to be busy, especially when Tom and Steven have been full of work for a year. Top people in the pyramid of files. Sometimes, even when the whole show is over, the actors may not be able to meet the top producers.

This also means that today’s audition is not just for the “Pacific War”. If Tom and Steven can be impressed, everything is possible in the future!

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