The Groom Chooses The Maid Of Honour

Chapter 41: You’re Too Trusting

After Sakura had calmed down a bit she decided to go to the gym to clear her mind from the events that had occurred since Friday.

So, she went to the gym on campus.

The place was empty when she arrived, which was a relief. She dressed comfortably in black leggings and a fitted vest, but ever since the mixer, she found herself second-guessing how much skin she should reveal.


The sound of a man's voice made her freeze. Instinctively, she folded her arms across her chest, her body stiff with caution—until she turned around and saw Kei.

"Hi, Kei."

"Hello." Kei repeated, as he stretched. "You seem flustered. Are you okay?"

"Oh—um—yeah, I'm okay. You just scared me."

Sakura didn't know Kei very well, she had always seen him as one of her classmates, and nothing more. But knowing that he was Haru's friend put her at ease, especially as Haru wasn't the type of person to befriend someone so easily. So, if Haru chose Kei Kimura to be his friend. It must mean that he really trusts him.

Kei smirked. "Did you think I was, Haru. Sorry to disappoint."

"No, that's not it. It's just that after what happened at the mixer, I've been more... self-conscious about what I wear."

"I get it. You can wear my jumper if you'd like."

"Then you'd be shirtless."

"I know." Kei winked.

Sakura averted her gaze, uncomfortable.

"I'm just kidding." Kei said. "I'm wearing a shirt underneath. Besides, if I did anything to you, Haru would kill me."

Sakura's cheeks flushed at the sound of Haru's name.

"So, do you want it or not?" Kei asked.

"I'm good, thanks"

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I trust you." Sakura smiled.

Kei froze.

She trusts me? Kei repeated in his head.

"Haru is a very reserved person." Sakura continued. "So, for you to gain his trust shows what a good friend you are. And whomever Haru trusts, I trust."

She smiled again, this time even brighter.

Guilt consumed Kei upon hearing Sakura's words, and his face twitched.

He hadn't told her.

He hadn't told Haru either.

That the mixer had been a setup. That Mia had orchestrated everything. That she had wanted revenge.

Kei knew that Mia despised Sakura and that she wanted revenge. As for what Mia's intentions were that night, Kei did not know.

And Kei's pathetic, lingering feelings for Mia had kept him from saying a single word.

Now, hearing Sakura say she trusted him felt like too much.

Kei couldn't meet her eyes. "You're too trusting, Sakura."

"I know." She sighed, finishing her stretches.

Kei forced himself to push the guilt aside.

"Anyway, I've never seen you come to the gym before. I was surprised to see you here."

"That's only because Jules forces me—" Sakura stopped.

She hesitated.

No. That wasn't true. Jules never forced her to do anything. Sakura had just never said no.

She corrected herself. "I mean... nags me to help her after the lecture."

Before Kei could respond, a loud voice rang through the gym.


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