The Heavenly Winged Dragon's Omni-Gacha

Chapter 2: Gacha Chapter 2: Fairy Tail

Making his presence known with the sight of what appeared to be an Angel descending from the skies, landing in Magnolia and retracting its wings, Solis couldn't help but notice the blatant stares and murmurs going on around which he was able to hear as a result of his heightened hearing, "Am I hallucinating, or am I seeing a pretty boy with wings walking through town?" An adult male questioned,

"Nope, I see it too..." The woman, who Solis assumed was his wife considering she was pushing a pram with a baby in it, answered the man's question with her mouth agape as she stared at the boy, "But he really is pretty, isn't he?" The mother looked down at her few-months old baby who's face was starstruck as they looked at Solis

'How long 'til we're at Fairy Tail? All this attention is starting to get off-putting...' Solis asked Celeste, his walking speed increasing from the awkwardness of literally every Magnolia citizen staring at him, [Well you did come from the skies with wings - not something you see everyday, exactly... But you're almost there, Sol] Looking up, it appeared she was right as the Fairy Tail Guild Hall finally came into view 




Inside the Fairy Tail Guild Hall, the lively members of the number 1 guild in Fiore could be seen dancing, singing, fighting, drinking - pretty much anything and everything you could think of in terms of 'having fun', they were doing

Though, there were a few figures within the guild that stood out the most. For example, a pink-haired, scarf-wearing boy who currently had his fists engulfed in flames as he shouted, "Come fight me, Ice Princess!" The target of his words, a shirtless boy with spiky black hair had his left eye twitch as he angrily stood up from the wooden stool, facing the pink-haired boy with the side of his fist placed against the palm of his other hand, "Shut the hell up, Droopy Eyes!" Before fire and ice could fight though, a woman spoke up,

"Gray, your clothes" A young woman with long brown hair and a curvaceous body exposed by the bra she was wearing reprimanded the black-haired boy, "Shit! Where'd they go!?" He wondered, looking down at his half-naked body in shock, "You're open!" The pink-haired boy took advantage of Gray lowering his guard and punched him in the face, sending him flying towards a large, muscular man with spiky white hair

As a majority of the boys of the guild entered into a huge brawl, the bra-wearing woman returned to drinking a large barrel of booze, "Ahhh~..." She exhaled in delight, wiping her mouth, "Boys and their fighting... when's a real man who can hold his booze going to enter the guild?" She asked, opening an different barrel of fresh booze for her to chug down

"Come on, Cana, your 'man' is right here..." Making his way towards the drinker was a young man with short, spiky orange hair wearing sunglasses, a flirtatious smile on his face as he wrapped his arm around Cana's shoulder, "Loke, at your service" The playboy smirked, a simple glare from the girl scaring him away as she simultaneously began to pull out a card from her pocket, "On second thought, I just remembered I have a date today! Goodbye!"

The man ran out of the guild, unknowingly running straight past his future guildmate who looked back at him in surprise, "That was Loke, wasn't it?" Solis asked Celeste, who confirmed his thoughts.

Back inside the guild, as a majority of the guild members fought one another in a massive rumble, the actual adults of the guild sat at the bar and began to conversate with the barmaid, a beautiful young woman with long white hair, "Hey Mira, another drink for the both of us!" A tipsy man with short, slicked back blue hair spoke, patting the back of his best friend as they broke into a loud laughter, "Of course, Macao" The barmaid smiled kindly, handing the two men their drinks

"Ah, are these on the house, Mira?-" The other adult, a man with brown hair styled in a pompadour, cackled as he blew a breathe of smoke from his cigarette, "Hmm..." The girl innocently tilted her head, smiling as she transformed into a woman familiar to the pompadour man, "Wakaba, don't you think your wife is wondering where you've been the past few days?" She questioned, transforming back once she saw the man fall out of his chair in both shock and fear

"Please stop doing that, Mira..." Wakaba groaned in complaint, his best friend, Macao, laughing so hard he began to choke on air. 

Not far from the bar sat a group of three on an empty table, quite far from all the action going on near the other corner of the guild, "Hey Levy, what're you reading?!" Asked the orange-haired boy who wore a hat, sat on the left side of a petite girl with her blue-hair tied up to prevent strands falling in front of her face which adorned gale reading glasses. She begrudgingly looked up from her book with a small smile and answered, "Just a fantasy book, nothing too interesting" Her head dropped back down to her book, the slim boy with black hair beside her moving a little closer towards the girl, "Oh, what's it about, Levy?!"

"Uh..." The girl began to sweat, having not told them the entire truth of what she was reading, "It's about-" Suddenly, a familiar, fire-breathing pink-haired boy came flying towards the girl, and the last thing she saw was his upper back colliding with her whilst his lower body split the table into many pieces, "LEVY!" Jet and Droy, her teammates, shouted in worry as they saw the petite woman fly towards the doors of the guild

*Crr~* The old door creaked loudly as it slowly opened, every guild member watched in silence as Solis looked up and saw a screaming figure flying towards him, "Hello-" The boy raised his left hand and casually caught her, a weirdly unique sight considering the boy's short stature barely kept the girl's feet raised up off the floor, "-I'd like to join the guild..." He calmly spoke before turning the blue-haired girl to face him, raising his other hand so that he could adjust her tilted glasses, "Are you alright?" He asked, the girl sheepishly nodding her head in a silent surprise

"AW YEAH! NEW MEMBER!" Lifting himself up off of the floor, the pink-haired boy jumped onto a table which he hadn't yet broken and pointed at Solis, "Are you strong, pretty boy?!- Doesn't matter, here's a quick test!" The enthusiastic fire man punched his palm and reeled his arm back, his right fist surrounded by flames as he jumped towards the composed winged boy

[Careful...] With his hands slipping in his pockets, Solis watched as the world around him began to slow down, allowing him to see things much easier such as the punch coming towards his face. The Fairy Tail guild members watched in amazement as the boy casually turned his body and walked away from the punch without looking back, Levy still in hand causing the pink-haired boy to fly into the wall, breaking it in the process as his arm got stuck, "H-HEY! I'M STUCK, HELP ME!" He screamed, the guild members laughing at him, "HA! That's what you get for attacking the newbie, Natsu!"

Shortly after avoiding the punch to the face, Solis carefully placed Levy on her own two feet, "Sorry if I made you uncomfortable, I kinda just carried you around for a bit" He said, a mildly awkward smile on his face as he scratched the bridge of his nose awaiting the girl's response, "It's alright, thank you for catching me" Levy responded with a gentle smile, a small nod of her head as she thanked him, "If anything, I should be asking if you're okay! You almost got punched by Natsu!" She gasped, looking at the beautiful boy in front of her with worry, barely resisting the urge to bombard questions upon questions on him

"I'm perfectly fine, thank you" Solid answered with a smile, diffusing the girl's concern, "So, who do I speak to if I want to join the guild?", 'Even though I already have an idea considering I know who all of you guys are, but I have to act like I don't' He thought to himself, getting a small chuckle from Celeste, [Sorry, I don't know why I found that funny...], 'That's 'cos I'm a funny guy, of course', [Of course] Celeste replied with sarcasm in her voice, but Solis knew she was lying to herself

"That would be Mira- Oh, it seems she's already expecting you" Levy's body jolted slightly as she turned around to see Mirajane looking over at them, waving grandly with a large and warm smile on her face, "I'll leave you to it, my teammates are waiting for me, heheh..." She laughed weakly, Solis turning to see Jet and Droy staring daggers into his back, "Alright, see you later..." He then held out his hand, causing her to look at it confusingly, "The name's Solis, it's nice to meet you..."

"Ah, right!" She realised what she was meant to do and grabbed his hand, shaking it delicately, "Levy, Levy McGarden, it's nice to meet you too, Solis... I'm sure you'll enjoy your time here- Bye-bye!" She waved, jogging back to her teammates and book which managed to remain unscathed somehow, 'Cute', [Agreed] Though Solis was quite surprised at her unbothered response, he didn't comment on it considering quite a lot of eyes were on him and he didn't want to look like a psycho

He made his way over to the bar, where the eyes of Mirajane, Macao, and Wakaba were drawn to his arrival, "Hello, I was told to speak to you if I wanted to join the guild... the name's Solis, nice to meet you" The boy instinctively held out his hand for a handshake once more, 'Damn! Bad habit!', [That's not true, darling... it just shows that you're approachable], 'Thanks, but I'm kind of in a world where the norms on Earth aren't the same here'

Thankfully, Mirajane got the gist of things from watching his interaction with Levy and shook his hand, "Mirajane, but please, call me Mira. It's a pleasure meeting you Solis... you want to join the guild, is that right?" She asked for clarification once more as her hand went under the table, pulling out a small stamp

"That's right..." He nodded, his eyes quickly glancing back and forth between the pair of adults and Mirajane, "Uh... can I help you?" He asked in a slightly confrontational manner, wondering why the pair of older men were staring at him so much in a way that made his young self quite uncomfortable

"Yeah, are those wings real?" Wakaba asked bluntly, getting a smack on the back of his head by both Macao and Mirajane who told him off, "Sorry about him, sometimes he doesn't know when to mind his business and keep his thoughts to himself - we didn't meant to stare so much, new kid" Macao apologised, Wakaba glaring at him before punching him in the face, causing a small fist fight to break out between the two men, "That's enough, you two... not in front of the new member" Mirajane uttered in a low tone, scaring the two men shitless as they stopped their brawl and went back to drinking

"Yep, they're real" Solis answered truthfully, seeing as there was no way he could lie about it or hide it or anything yet, "Really? Can I... touch them?" Mirajane asked, her eager eyes ogling the fluffy pair of wings, "Uh..." 'Does something happen if someone touches my wings?' He asked Celeste, [I don't know, give it a try... what's the worst that could happen?]

"Sure, go ahead" He nodded, turning his body slightly to make it easier for her to touch without having to strain so much, "Thank you!" Like a curious kid at a toy store, Mirajane excitedly reached out towards one of Solis' feathered wings and touched it, running her smooth hand through it, "Woah... it's so fluffy and soft!" She gasped in amazement, and began to uncontrollably play with it some more

Solis' eyes widened, a sensual feeling running through his body as she touched his wing, "Mm~..." He unconsciously released a small moan, Mirajane's hand coming to a halt as Sp;os covered his mouth in embarrassment, averting his gaze from the three figures who stared at him with their mouths agape and eyes wide in astonishment, "That's enough of that!" He stepped back, clearing his throat, [That was hot, again!] Celeste spoke the loudest she had ever spoken in the 3 weeks of knowing her, 'Never! No one's touching my wings ever again', [Aw... not even me...?], '...Fine, you're the exception', [Just kidding, I'm just an A.I. anyway, so it's not like I'd ever be able to touch you anyway...]

Well, that turned a little deep - but Solis played it off well and decided to speak to Celeste more about that later once he was alone, "Y-Yeah, I agree..." Mirajane stuttered, feeling slightly bad for Solis as she was technically the one who caused his embarrassment,, "Pfff-" Macao and Wakaba began to laugh, but were silenced by Mirajane and sipped their drinks, acting as casual as possible while moving their seats further away from the two

"So, about joining the guild?" Thankfully for Solis, he and Mirajane were quick to change the topic of the conversation and were able to swiftly move on from what happened without talking about it further, "Ah, yes! Here" She held up the stamp, revealing the fairy tail logo on the bottom of it, "Where would you like your mark, and what colour?" Mirajane asked with a kind smile on her face

The boy pulled the top of his shirt down slightly, exposing more of his neck as he answered, "Right here" He pointed at the left side of his neck, "In white, please and thank you" With a nod, Mirajane leant over the table and went towards his neck, coming awfully close to Solis which he couldn't help but admit he liked as he unconsciously smelt the nice aroma which invaded his enhanced nose, 'Smells nice, like flowers' 

She stamped the logo down onto his neck, revealing the Fairy Tail logo in white tattooed onto the side of his neck exactly where he wanted, "All done! Welcome to the family, Solis!" Mirajane clapped her hands together in a celebratory manner as she placed the stamp back where it's meant to be, "Everyone, welcome the new member of our family and guild, Solis!" The lively guild began to clap, scream, and cheer as they welcomed the beautiful boy

"TIME TO PARTYYYY!" Shouted Natsu as flames spewed from his mouth like fireworks, a flying blue cat which Solis recognised as 'Happy' beside him, "Aye~!". Obviously, a 'party' for Natsu meant a huge fight which he started once more by going to attack Gray which caused a domino effect, causing a majority of the guild to join in on the fight, even those who tend to stay away from the fight and do their own thing

After waving goodbye to Mirajane, Solis decided to introduce himself to some of the guild members, walking around the massive fight as he made his way towards the lone Cana, grabbing a seat beside her as he made some small talk with her, "-D'you want a drink?" She asked out of nowhere in the middle of their quick conversation where they'd simply introduced themselves so far, "Not really, thanks", "Pshh- Alright, more for me" She then proceeded to chug another barrel of alcohol, 'I'll just... go' He stood up and walked away from the girl, making his way towards the brawl

"HAH!" A Fairy Tail member who Solis hadn't recognised from the series ran towards him, going to punch him in the face with a fist made of wood. It was slow, extremely so even without having to use the same spell he used against Natsu, "..." Solis calmly raised his hand and parried the attack, turning his body with it as he used the momentum to send the guy to the ground before kicking him away like a football

"MY TURN!" Coming for seconds, Natsu jumped away from Gray and Elfman (The muscular white-haired man) and made his way to Solis who used his Time Magic to slow down his surroundings and increase his perception of time, making Natsu and everything else move in slow motion, "Fiiiiiiiireeeeeeee-!" The pink-haired dragon boy began to call out the name of his spell, but it was too late as Solis had already become a blur and punched him 4 times in the face, the last punch being an uppercut which sent the boy into the sky for him to land on his icy pal, "GET OFF ME, LIZARD BOY!" Gray, still half-naked, yelled at the boy and kicked him off of him

Deciding he had already had enough of the action, the boy went back to the bar where he began to speak with Mirajane, and occasionally Macao and Wakaba who joined in on their conversation, "Say, Solis... if you don't mind answering, what exactly is your magic?" She asked, the two men and the Dragon Slayer with enhanced hearing piping up as they waited for Solis' answer

"I'm still quite new to this magic stuff, but I'm currently practicing two types: Time Magic and Illusion Magic" Their eyes widened, "Time magic?! That's really rare!" Mirajane gasped in surprise as Time Magic was quite a rare sight even in their wonderful world of magic, not much being known about it as it was often considered 'Lost Magic', "And illusions? That combination sounds really strong!" She said with a nice smile, causing Solis to get a little red at the compliment,

"Thanks, but it's not all that impressive just yet..." He admitted, deciding to give a little explanation of his current mastery of the magics, "So far I've learnt and practiced 2 spells with Time Magic, a buff and de-buff spell, and my illusions aren't that good just yet - but I'm practicing, so I'm not stressed" 

[Name: Solis]

[Age: 16]

[Race: Heavenly Winged Dragon (Innate)] 

[Status: Alive]

[Time Magic (Innate -> Initiate)]

[Illusion Magic (Innate -> Initiate)] After adjusting to his new strength for 3 weeks, it was only right that his masteries increased by at least 1, "A buff and de-buff...?" Mirajane tilted her head, unfamiliar with the modern terms, "A strengthening and weakening spell" He answered, "Ahhhh... how do they work?" She asked curiously,

"My first spell, 'Chrono Accel', speeds up a person's perception of time which makes everything slow down to make them seem faster... if that makes sense, I'm not the best at explanations" Solis explained, Mirajane thankfully nodding in understanding, "Then my other spell, 'Chrono Delay', does pretty much the opposite: It slows down a person's perception of time which makes everything around them seem faster"

"That sounds really impressive" Macao commended as he took another sip of his glassed drink, "My magic's pretty basic-" His open hand created a small purple flame above it, "-Fire magic, pretty neat considering it doesn't get put out by water or wind" He then sighed, "The younger generation is truly getting stronger, Wakaba... maybe we should just leave things in their hands" He started getting sentimental, Solis mentally noting that Macao seemed to be the emotional/reminiscent-type of drunk, "My boy, Romeo, he's growing so fast..." He began to sob on Wakaba's shoulder, causing him to sigh in annoyance before Macao struck a proper nerve by blowing his nose on Wakaba's shirt, "YOU DISGUSTING BASTARD!" He kicked Macao away, Mirajane allowing them to fight as it was quite justified this time

"What about your illusion magic-?" She sharply exhaled, putting a hand in front of her mouth, "Sorry, I'm asking quite a lot of questions, aren't I?" Solis shook his head, telling her that he's fine with it, considering she was being quite kind and considerate with her questions rather than being annoying about it like others probably would, "Not that good, to be honest" A perfect copy of Solis appeared beside him, standing completely still, "As you can see, I can create illusions but they're quite bad: It doesn't move, talk, or do anything at all... but the potential's there, trust me" He said with a sinister grin, which Mirajane chose to blatantly ignore as it looked very weird on his alluring face,

"That's good to hear, Solis..." She clasped her hands together, smiling as she asked, "It's a little late, but would you like a tour of the place?"

"Oo! Yes please" Excited, the boy stood up and swung his stiff limbs, clicking them in the process, "Are you giving the tour?" He asked the white-haired barmaid, who shook her head with a disappointed frown, "Sorry, but I need to take care of some things..." She looked at Macao, Wakaba, and the other guild members, "And people, since the Guild Master won't be back for a while, and I don't think he wants to come back to the guild to see this 2 days in a row..." She then hummed to herself and looked around the place until her eyes landed on a responsible individual who she trusted: "Levy~!"

"Hm?" Levy, Jet and Droy perked up at the girl's name being called to see Mirajane waving towards them, the new boy looking in the same direction with a small smile on his face, "Coming, Mira!" Levy's mouth curled into a smile as she ran to the bar, waving towards Solis who waved back at the kind girl, "Is something wrong?" She asked, the white-haired girl shaking her head,

"Nothing's wrong, me and Solis were just talking about him receiving a tour of the guild, but I'm quite busy right now" She chuckled awkwardly, Levy doing the same as she felt sorry for the girl who acted as the Vice-Guild Master, "So I was wondering if you'd like to show him around, since you're probably the most responsible person here and I trust you to get the job done"

"Aww, thanks, Mira!" The two girls hugged each other, Solis feeling left out, [If I could, I would hug you too, Solis...], 'Thank you, CC, love you!', [Love you too]

"I'll do my best, Solis! Are you ready?" Levy asked the boy who was only slightly taller than her, her cheeks slightly flushed as his looks seemed otherworldly, 'He kind of reminds me of the main character of one of my favourite books...' She shook her head of the thoughts, as said book was a specific genre she preferred not to admit that she was a fan of,

"Aye aye, cap'n" Solis saluted, lightening the mood as he got a small laugh from the two girls, "You and Happy would get along well, " Mira waved the two along, "Now, you two should get going - have fun!"

And so, before the two officially started their tour, Levy walked back to Jet and Droy who had their arms crossed as they stared at Solis with envious eyes, "You're back, Levy..." As Droy spoke, his eyes were unwavering as he looked at Solis, causing the boy to look between the two boys, "..." He didn't open his mouth, allowing the 3 to talk amongst themselves

"Uh-huh!" She raised her hand in a showcasing manner, emphasising Solis' presence, "Jet, Droy, meet Solis!" She then looked at the winged boy, "Solis, these two are Jet and Droy-" Jet then spoke up, rudely cutting off Levy who's eyes blinked repeatedly as she noticed the odd tension between the boys,

"We THREE are a team, Team Shadow Gear - One of the strongest teams in the guild" Jet smirked cockily, Droy matching his energy as they high-fived each other, "...Okay" Solis gave a blank expression and thumbs-up before turning his head to Levy, "Shall we get the tour started?" He asked with a small smile, the blue-haired girl nodding her head in agreement

As they started walking onwards, Jet and Droy blocked Solis' way and warned, "You better not do anything to Levy while she's kindly giving you a tour, pretty boy!" Attempting to come off as intimidating, but Solis shrugged his shoulders and made his way past them with a deadpanned expression, "Wasn't plannin' on it, dumbas-" Unfortunately, or fortunately, they both raised a hand and placed it on either shoulder of Solis, cutting off his name-calling at the end,

"HUH!? Do you think Levy's not good enough for you to want to do something to her while you're alone!?-" With his right hand bawling into a fist, Solis became fed up of the two's bullshit and went to do something about it, but Levy barged in and tugged on his arm, pulling him out of the situation, "That's enough, you guys! We've got a tour to go through, so I'll see you guys later!" Solis couldn't help but think Levy was too kind for her own good sometimes as she waved her teammates goodbye with her usual kind and warm smile, but Solis wasn't one to shit about others behind their back as he preferred doing it to their faces, so he said nothing as they began the tour of the guild


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