The hivemind is conquering for me?

Chapter 326: The Depths

After having made my way to the surface, It was dark out as the suns were still being blotted out by the Hive's fleet. Still, I had night vision so it was no hindrance at all. As I began running, I noticed something weird. There was no banging behind me from the large form of the queen guard.

Turning around to see if she was just remaining in place, I was surprised when she was in fact right behind me. A sense of unease ran down my back at the sight and I picked up the pace.

Still, The queen guards stayed behind me like a tail. While I don't have a problem with her following me, it was the way she moved. Something that big should not be able to cover that distance that quickly without making a noise.

Another thing that tickled my brain the wrong way was how she was actually moving. I could see that she was moving from point A to point B, But the way she was traversing the distance left me dizzy as it was not 'normal.' It felt wrong against my idea of traversal.

Taking a small break where I closed my eyes, avoiding the sight of the queen's guard, I felt slightly better and decided for the rest of my run to just avoid any glances in its direction.

I lost time while running. At one point even Sapphire joined in deciding her nap-naps can wait for a little bit. I tried to race her to boast about my new top speed, But the chonkinator's strength grows with my own and her muscles had some serious strength at this point. My top sprint was a pleasant jog to her.

An indeterminable amount of time later, I had finished my run and was now resting against a spire of the teleport array. After giving the chonk some pats as a thanks for keeping me company, she licked my face before dissipating back into the Mindspace.

Something about when Sapphire enters and leaves my Mindspace is, that when she does so, it requires a minute amount of Psionic energy. So little that it replaces itself in an instant, but that little bit is enough to activate a Psionic condition for a device that runs on Psionic energy. For example, the teleport array I was currently standing on.

Before the queens guard even had a fraction of a second to counteract the Psionic energy. With just Apollo alone in the teleport array, he was already gone as very little energy was needed for his body.

The queen's guard suddenly felt a terror it did not know it was even capable of and forcefully integrated itself with the Psionic energy of the teleport, bending it to its will, until it knew where its mate had gone.

Upon realising where his landing would be, the guard's angst disappeared as it went on guard next to the array, waiting for its mate to return.

My hearing was suddenly muffled and my surroundings were cold and dark. I had a sense of weightlessness and could not breathe. I was underwater. Looking around, I felt a sense of dread as I could not see a thing beyond the array.

Swimming to the edge, I looked down past its edge and. 'NOPE!' I thought to myself as I began to make myself up to the surface hastily, I was glad my lungs were enhanced and couldn't get damaged by a rapid ascent because fuck deep water.

As I ascended, the beautiful thing called light began to become more prevalent in the water around me and I could begin to see my surroundings. In almost all directions I looked, except down, because nope, there was nothing but open ocean.

Continuing my ascent, I suddenly felt a pulse vibrate through my entire body and out the other side. 'That was either sonar or echolocation. Either way, I don't want to find out whatever made that noise.' I thought to myself. Though it was too late.

Directly in the direction of the origin of the pulse, I saw a silhouette creeping slowly forward at a leisurely pace. Its leisurely pace though was incredibly fast and as its features came into view I was stunned.

The beast was at least forty meters long and eighteen meters tall. Its body was green with a thick looking skin and was fusiform. It undulated back and forth in a way that emphasised its powerful frame. It had three dorsal fins with smaller spikes all the way across its spine and rough bumps along its gills. It had lines running vertically across its body like a camouflage. Towards the front of its body it had two arm like fins that it kept underneath itself as it approached, seemingly not needing their purpose for now.

As the beast grew closer, I could tell it was heading straight for me. Its green eyes locked onto me, its maw open with its sharp white teeth all bigger than my body on display, seeming being held together by its buccal flaps.

I was out of my element in the water, but I could still fight. Since I was surrounded by liquid, that would be my best form of attack, focusing up, I began to tap into my Cryokinesis and began freezing the water around me into large ice spikes. All at least the same height as myself.

They were much easier to control when there was no gravity element at play and they all floated in the water on their own. As the beast continued its advance, seemingly unimpressed by the ice suddenly manifesting itself, I seemed to have forgotten something due to my distress of the deep water.

How I arrived here.

Once the creature was roughly ten meters away, I suddenly felt a familiar feeling. A Hive link. As soon as I connected I heard a beautiful belle accent. "Apollo! It is you! I thought I was having a phantom echolocation!"

I stopped channelling my energy into the ice around me, which quickly melted back into the water as I looked towards the large being before me. "I recognise your voice..." I thought for a moment after I relayed that and suddenly it dawned on me.

"You are one of the voices I hear when I mate with Jewel. Are you a prime?" The creature did not reply right away as it slowly swam towards me, pushing its snout against my whole body as it began to push me backwards.

Instinctively, because I thought it was a hive member, I began giving it pats, thought with such a large body and its extremely rough skin, I was not sure if it felt anything. That was until It replied.

"*sigh* Your touch, It is even better than it feels through the link my love. Though that being said, what are you doing here, my everything? You can't be here for me, I would have known." The prime asked as it began taking me to the surface, having received my displeasure of the depths below.

After breaching the surface, I took a deep breath of relief before clamouring up onto the top of the Primes head and lying down. "One second love, I did not know I was afraid of deep water. Has me all sorts of messed up at the moment."

The prime made no fuss as it continued to slowly swim. She would have swam to a nearby island, but this planet is currently fully submerged. Listening to the water being swept away by the prime's large body was rather comforting in a way and I gained my composure quickly.

Sitting up, I looked ahead and said. "Sorry about that. The truth is, I have no idea how I got here. I was just finished with a run, I had just finished treating my Psionic decay as you know and had a bunch of energy. I was resting on the array and suddenly it just activated. The next thing I know, a minute later I was submerged in the array deep below and then met you."

"Interesting, you must have done something to activate the array. It's a good thing I was here, as apart from microbes down by the volcanic vents, I am the only living thing on this planet." The prime said. Discover more stories at My Virtual Library Empire

"You are?" I asked as I looked over the side of the prime's face to look into her eye. "Yes Apollo, With Jewel currently indisposed, us primes are taking a great deal of burden upon ourselves. Usually I would just be looking after my own fleets that are currently scavenging the other 40 water planets in this system, but I am now also commanding another 260,000 Hive ships worth of bio forms, so I am 'taking it easy' as you would say my love, swimming around carelessly. For if I get into a fight and succumb to my instincts, I might lose grip and that would be bad."

I nodded my head, impressed by the prime I was sitting on, she seemed smart and collected, and not hyper like a lot of the hive was around me. 'Might be because she is not of the bug variety?' I thought before I asked. "Oh, what is your number by the way? I am curious."

The prime felt happy that her mate wished to know her on a more intimate level, She would keep her head and wait patiently for a name and not outright ask, so she replied.

"I am prime 6."

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