The Immortal Leo and Reincarnated Luna

Chapter 7: The Alternative

Princess Bella paced back and forth in her bedroom chamber, biting her lip in frustration. Her maid and friend Donna was seated on a velvet chair, her hands clasped tightly in her lap. When Princess Bella revealed to Donna that the kingdom was indebted to Prince Leo, Donna's heart sank, a chill creeping up her spine. "What do you mean, indebted?" she gasped, her mind racing with horrifying possibilities. Images flooded her thoughts—Prince Leo arriving at the castle with his men, their faces twisted in greed, demanding their due. She envisioned them seizing the noblemen, dragging them away to be sold as slaves. She imagined the men of the Eastern kingdom taking all the women, noble and commoner alike for their pleasure, and taking the kingdom's finest wines for and riches. The laughter of the prince and his entourage echoed in her mind, each cruel jest a reminder of their power. Donna's hands trembled as she imagined the destruction they could bring, her worst fears solidifying into a terrifying reality. "We have to find a way to stop this," she whispered, her voice shaking. The weight of impending doom pressed heavily upon her, and she felt a surge of panic rise within her.

"We have to come up with a plan, Princess Bella!" Donna exclaimed, her eyes wide with fear. Bella stopped abruptly, her heart pounding. "I know! But the thought of marrying a foreigner makes me sick!" Donna leaned forward, her voice low. "Then we need to be clever. You have to tell your father you've chosen one of your suitors. Just to buy us some time!" "But I don't like any of them!" Bella cried, throwing her hands up in exasperation. "They're all so… boring! Dull and annoying!" "Maybe it doesn't matter if you like them or not," Donna suggested hesitantly. "What about Prince Albert? He seemed infatuated with you at the dance." "Albert?" Bella scoffed. "He spent half the evening bragging about his wealth. He does not know we are allies with his kingdom because his grandfather could not pay off his debt. Prince Albert's aunt, his mother's sister came to our Kingdom as a foreigner. See the way the other noble women treat her. She will always be a foreigner. Prince Albert is also very arrogant! Donna, it's all so tedious!" "But he's noble, he is handsome, and he is here! If you say you'll consider him, maybe the king will ease off," Donna urged, desperation creeping into her voice. "This is our only chance." Bella sighed heavily, running a hand through her hair. "I don't know, Donna. I feel like I'm deceiving everyone, including myself. What if the king finds out I'm just pretending?" Donna stood up, her expression fierce. "Then you'll have to be convincing! Look, we can make it work. Just say you're engaged to one of them. It doesn't have to be real." "But what about the kingdom's debt?" Bella whispered, her voice trembling. "I can't bear the thought of the kingdom coming to ruin!" "Then we'll have to be smart about it," Donna replied, her tone softening. "We can keep it vague. Just enough to satisfy the king. You can say you're 'considering' your options. You don't have to name anyone right away." Bella leaned against the wall, her heart racing. "And what if the king pushes for a wedding date? What then?" "We'll deal with that when it comes," Donna said, trying to inject some hope into the situation. "For now, we need to act. What about Sir Edmund? He's charming enough, and he has a good reputation. You might not like him, but he's better than Prince Albert!" Bella rolled her eyes. "Edmund? He's always talking about his vineyards and how to grow the best grapes. It's so dull!" "But you can make it sound like you're excited! Just think about it. If you can convince your father you're not interested in leaving the kingdom that's one less problem to worry about!"

As Princess Bella prepared for their daunting conversation with the king, Donna kept reassuring her that all will go well. "What if he insists on Prince Leo?" Bella asked, her voice trembling. "What will I say?" Donna looked thoughtful, tapping her chin. "You'll have to be strong. List all the reasons you can't leave. Your duty is here, Princess Bella! The kingdom needs you. Afterall you are the first daughter of the king's wife." Bella nodded but felt the weight of uncertainty. "But what if he doesn't listen? I mean, I could tell him I'm needed for our people, that we have allies here who depend on my leadership." "Exactly, Princess Bella!" Donna exclaimed, her eyes lighting up. "And don't forget about the festivals. You bring joy to the kingdom. If you leave, who will inspire hope? And don't forget the animals, you practically speak to them. You are a natural animal healer." "But what if that's not enough?" Bella replied, pacing. "What if an alliance with Prince Leo is the only way to save the kingdom?"

Donna became very thoughtful, "Then you need to present alternatives. What about suggesting he marry Victoria or Clara instead?" Donna proposed, her tone turning serious. "They're both noble and would make fine brides." Bella paused, considering the idea. "You're right. If he marries one of them, it keeps the alliance within the kingdom. I won't be sacrificed off to a foreign prince!" "Exactly! Present it as a win-win for him. He gets to strengthen our ties and keep you here, where you belong," Donna encouraged, her voice steady. "I'll do it. I'll tell him I want to marry Prince Albert, that way he cannot insist that I marry Prince Leo." Squeezing her hand, Donna whispered, "You're not alone in this fight."

As Bella paced her chamber, the weight of her alternatives pressed heavily on her chest. She had meticulously crafted reasons to convince the king, suggesting he consider marrying Victoria or Clara instead, but deep down, a gnawing fear took root. What if the king dismissed her pleas? What if he did not heed her words? Bella's heart raced at the thought of her father's problem, the debt he mentioned, his duty as a king to save the kingdom. She may end up being the sacrifice for the kingdom. The image of Prince Leo loomed large in her mind, handsome, tall, arrogant, terrifying, a constant reminder of the fate she dreaded. "What if Prince Leo turns me to his slave?" she whispered to Donna, her voice trembling.

But she did not mention the dance she shared with Prince Leo to Donna. As Bella reminisced about the dance with Prince Leo, a whirlwind of emotions swept through her. The way he held her, his confident smile, sent shivers of excitement down her spine, stirring feelings she hadn't anticipated. Yet, beneath that thrill lay a deep-seated fear. The memory of his piercing gaze, filled with ambition and desire, made her stomach twist uncomfortably. "He's charming, but there's something unsettling about him," she thought, biting her lip. The elegance of the evening clashed with the reality of what he represented—a foreign prince that may soon claim her as part of a political game. A haunting reminder of the intoxicating allure mixed with the terror of losing her freedom. Bella found herself caught in a storm of attraction and dread, unsure of how to navigate the path ahead.

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