Chapter 124: Human again
We were like rabbits. That's the best way for me to describe the next month of my and Rose's marriage. For me, sex had long since lost its luster, but now it was something else entirely. I used to be able to go decades without the need ever "arising" to sleep with a woman, but now it was as if I couldn't go an hour, especially with the knowledge I now had about what all this coitus would hopefully lead to.
It was a month to the day we had gotten married when something absolutely fantastic happened. We were in our suite at the top of Eden.
"Adam! Wake up!" Rosalie's startled voice said, waking me from my sleep. Lifting my head from my pillow, I turned to look at her. She was sitting up in bed, staring down at me with wide eyes.
"What is it?" I asked, turning to my side to look up at her more easily.
"I-I think something's wrong," she said, looking down at herself then at me.
"What?" I asked, pushing myself up into a sitting position.
"I think I might have... fallen asleep?" Rosalie said, looking up at me with wide eyes filled with a mixture of shock and surprise.
"You fell asleep?" I asked, also surprised, wondering if this was the start of it.
"I was lying with you like I always do, reading a book, then-then I... fell asleep!" she said before she stopped completely, her eyes growing wide as she slowly lifted her hands to her chest.
"Adam," Rosalie said in a whisper, moving her hand around the left side of her chest. That's when I heard it... another heartbeat. My eyes widened as I moved my hand to her neck, feeling her now soft and warm skin under my hand, as well as the faint beat of her heart.
I don't think my next words helped the situation much. "Oh fuck!" I said, unable to stop my mouth from forming the words.
An hour later and now very much awake, I held the receiver to my ear as I talked to Carlisle. Even though I knew what was happening, I couldn't just act like I did, so I decided to act just as confused and bewildered as Rosalie, who was currently sitting in the kitchen devouring a large breakfast I had brought up to the room.
Carlisle picked up a few moments after I was transferred by an operator. "This is Carlisle."
"Hey Carlisle!" I said, louder than I had meant.
"Hey, Adam, it's good to hear from you. How's the honeymoon going?" he asked happily.
"Uh... better and... weirder than expected," I said, turning around in our large living room to spot Rosalie still busy devouring a stack of pancakes on the island counter in the kitchen.
"What do you mean?" Carlisle asked, now sounding concerned.
"Uhh... you know what, it would probably be best if we just show you when we get there rather than me try to explain it over the phone," I said, turning back to look out the large floor-to-ceiling windows that surrounded the living room.
"You're starting to worry me, Adam. Is everything alright?" Carlisle asked.
I nodded my head, a large smile spreading across my lips. "Oh yeah. Everything's great. Rose and I just need some answers and feel you would probably be the best to get the answers from."
I quickly told Carlisle we would be there by tomorrow afternoon before hanging up the phone. Making my way over to Rose, I watched as she scraped the last of the food from her plate.
"How are you feeling?" I asked.
She looked up at me with a giddy smile on her face. "I've forgotten how good food can be," she said, dropping her fork to the plate.
"Yeah, food is pretty good," I said, giving her a small smile as I looked at the four empty plates that covered the island counter.
"What did Carlisle say?" Rosalie asked, looking up at me.
I raised a brow, "You couldn't hear?" I asked.
Rose shook her head, "I couldn't even hear what you were saying," she said happily, a wide smile on her face. "It's like I'm human again," she said, grabbing me by my shirt collar and pulling me towards her for a long kiss.
Once separated, I looked down at her with knitted brows, "Aren't you the slightest bit concerned about this?"
She shrugged, "A little, but for now I'm just soaking it all in. Enjoying it for however long it lasts," she said, leaning against the counter, her thin red robe slowly coming undone as she looked up at me with a coy smile.
She was almost irresistible, but I powered on and stayed in character. "Aren't you worried you might just stay human forever?"
The smile slowly left Rosalie's face as it dawned on her, "I... hadn't thought about that."
"That's why we're heading to Carlisle's. I've already booked a plane with a pilot who will be taking us in an hour. Hopefully, Carlisle will have some answers for us."
As she got dressed, I zoomed around the suite, grabbing anything we might need. Clothes and essentials Rosalie would now need as a human again.
There was a Rolls Royce waiting to take us to the airport where our plane was waiting to take us to Tennessee. Rose was amazed to actually be out in the sun again without sparkling, she had her arm out the window the whole way to the airport.
The plane ride was long, having to stop multiple times to refuel. Buying a roomy car in Nashville, I drove us to Gatlinburg. Driving through the night, we reached the cabin early in the morning as the sun was just coming over the horizon.
Pulling in front of the large cabin, I watched as Esme, Carlisle, and Edward stepped onto the front deck to greet us. Opening my door, I zoomed around the front of the car to open Rosalie's door, giving her a hand to step out.
It must have been immediately apparent why we were there because as soon as she stepped out of the car, Carlisle blurred to our side, his eyes wide in amazement and complete shock.
"Rosalie?" Carlisle asked, looking her up and down.
"Yes, Carlisle," Rose asked, a small smile on her lips.
Turning his head to me, his eyes were wide. "What is happening, Adam?" Carlisle asked.
"Was hoping you would know," I said with a small nervous smirk, hoping my nervousness looked real.
"This... this is impossible," Carlisle said with a small incredulous laugh.
"Oh... but it apparently isn't," I said, looking at Rosalie who suddenly didn't look too well.
"What's wrong?" I asked, stepping closer to her.
"I don't feel so well all of a sudden," she said, swallowing the saliva in her mouth as if she tasted something bad.
I managed to move to the side as Rosalie doubled over, vomiting. Kneeling down next to her, I made sure to keep her hair out of the way as she continued to vomit.