The irregulars: the journey of the three sage inheritors

Chapter 14: dual terror at Royal palace

The irregulars

Chapter 14

the royal family is finally complete, the trio did their task, and now the royal family favor is on them, all that' left is to wait for the royal family to end their reunion and call for them.

They were enjoying the sky on the castle rooftop, however Gen had the face of curiosity inside his calm exterior, which made claude ask.

''did you see something in her Gen?

''kinda, she's interesting.

gen answers sparked claude curiosity and interest. which made him ask

''care to tell? 

''well its her title...

''what's with her title?

The tone of voice on Gen became a little exited at the same time worried as he says.

''it says, Dark hero of obsession, isn't that a bit interesting.

''y-yeah.. i suppose. our mission is to unite the demon lords and heroes right, to think that there's are also dark heroes...

However on Claude case, the information is a bit huge of a burden, however he thought that it might help them in the future.

Suddenly, Gen changed the topic, he is both emotional and nonchalant sometimes.

''this world is very beautiful and interesting than earth. ''said Gen.

''i don't know, ''claude added, it seems the same for me, the only difference is that this world has supernatural traits.

Claude answered literally and philosophically, however Gen changed the subject again and asked.

''by the way where's Rein? ''Gen asked.

''he was with Claris, or more like Claris took him.

The response made Gen think the relationship between Rein and Claris exiting, which is also worth to be looked forward to.

''Well let's just rest, that was a long day of searching, the royal family will call us tomorrow, I guess. ''Said Gen''

''your right ''claude agreed''

Claude gone back to his room to rest however Gen did not left and stayed at the Top of the Castle Rooftop.

''interesting, a girl who was alone in the world got hated because of her ability of darkness carried a huge sadness and self-loathing, have the title of the dark hero of obsession. ''Gen thought''

''and I just saved her by accepting herself, it's also because I wanted to know more, she won't get obsessed on me.... right?

''its interesting yet.... I feel worried ''Gen thought''

''well let's just rest, it's no use overthinking, I will just look forward, if something happens then I take action ''said Gen''

The middle of the night arrived, a sudden explosion on the Palace appeared.

The whole place became loud from the crowd were panicking, therefore, Gen wakes up hearing the loudness.

He rushed into the place and arrived at the same time with Rein and Claude.

''Claude, Gen! ''said Rein''

''Gen, what happened?! ''Claude asked''

''that's something I wanna know ''Gen replied''

''anyway let's go where the explosion began ''Claude suggested''

They rushed to the place desperately and arrived, as they look at the scene they were shocked at what they saw.

Two demon were on the Palace and the King Norza was sealed by a spell, unable to help.

They saw the other demon who had a Gremoire with one horn taking Runa, while the other one with a great sword with two horns is fighting prince Roza and Princess Luna, they were struggling just from holding out it's attacks and wounded.

The demons noticed their arrival, and became wary of their presence.

''ohh someone arrived Kort ''said by the one horned''

The trio who had unlocked their spiritual perception saw their flowing massive power of Spiritual energy coming from the demons, especially Gen who also unlocked his Magical perception saw the massive magical power that encompasses The whole area from the demon who is taking Runa.

Their power were far more stronger than valdrago who they cannot even win with. Wanting to know the enemy power they used status appraisal and saw the demons stats, and they felt the dread and the hurdle they about to face.

The demon who is holding Runa is a female B-rank demon named triar, and the other one was a male C-rank demon named kort, their stats were powerful as both of them combined will surpass King Norza, who once killed a dragon.

Gen took an action where he used his magic ''luminous cage'' that was used to seal valdrago, however it did not work, the level difference is just too huge therefore Gen felt the dread as his spell just broke.

Gen felt the dread and as his spell did not work, therefore Claude took an action, however he is still weak to summon ''seraphyre'' therefore to avoid this things like this from happening, he trained with princess luna and prepared in silence in the past five weeks.

he manipulated light to blind the enemies only targeting their eyes, the beams of light hits the target, however it will only buy them a small amount of time.

''Gen!, Rein!

Claude desperately Called out their names for a signal to move, therefore they take an immediate action.

Rein moved directly to Kort, with his force fist, he punched the enemy, however it was blocked by korts Great sword, despite the situation Rein did not falter, and made an opening for Gen.

When the enemy is blind by light, Gen already took his mana blade and dove into the shadows to attack.

He waited for an opening until Rein made one, Gen appeared on Korts back from the shadows with his shining Mana blade infused with light he strikes.

Slashing Korts legs, however it only made a scar on the skin. Kort felt it and kicked Gen, thankfully Gen blocked it with his blade, however the impact is quite with a strong shock wave that he flew away and crushed into the wall.

A moment later The demons perception is back, and their attacks failed, henceforth Rein backed off to be on guard.

''Hahahaha! These guys, interesting, they are very weak but they dare to attack and gave me a scar, they are brave fighters. ''said kort''

''kort, your being reckless, if the enemy were stronger, then one of your legs would already be sliced. ''said triar''

''is it a problem to us demons, when we can regenerate our lost limbs ''Said Kort''

Hearing this made the three felt despair, not knowing that demons have high regenerative abilities. However they lift their spirit up to survive and ignore fear.

''Rein! How's Gen?! ''claude asked''

''i don't think he's fine ''rein answered''

''damn, ...Rein our first task is to rescue princess luna and prince Roza ''claude said''

Claude made a rescue plan for the royal siblings with Rein and started to finish it desperately.

Claude manipulated the air to make the royal siblings lighter by surrounding them with strong air pushing them upward henceforth Rein was able to took them back easily.

''ahahaha,! Good that's it, I fight all of you. ''Said Kort''

''Are you both okay? ''Claude asked''

''yes, kinda. ''Luna replied''

The situation was too risky and dangerous, for any moment, they might die if they are careless. The trio are not as strong like the royal siblings yet so they don't know if they be of help.

''By the way, how about your friend, Gen?... Is he okay? He went flying by an attack ''Runa asked''.

Out of worries Princess Luna asked if Gen is Okay after taking a Hit from the enemy and crashed into the wall.

''i don't know, we have to look for him later. ''claude replied''

''thats cold Claude, we should look for Gen. ''rein added''

Claude answer made Rein feel Bad, as he is worried on Gen.

Then Kort started to swing his great sword and attacked at where they were standing. Where everyone dodged from the sword and it's impact.

However the demons task is getting longer which made triar angry therefore Triar made an idea even though it will pissed Kort.

''Kort, this is taking longer. Let's split them and fight them ''said triar''

''whait! Triar!

Kort was about to stop triar however she already, manipulated the air surrounding Luna and claude using spiritual arts and split them into two groups by taking the two with her to outside of the Room.

On Kort side his enemy is Prince Roza and Rein. On Triar side her enemy is Princess Luna and Claude. They left the sealed king unable to do anything and Gen alone passed out after the impact he aquired.

''damn that triar!, she ruined my fun, whatever, it's just you two so prepare your self for a brutal battle!. ''said Kort''

Kort was pissed after dividing the numbers which his enemy now are only two left.

Prince Roza and Rein felt the pressure and hurdle. Suddenly Kort swing his sword straight to Rein, thankfully prince Roza blocked it with his sword.

their clashing sword created an lound impact, prince Roza felt the strength of Korts strikes therefore he felt the pain and gritting his teeth just from the impact and shock wave.

''Hehehe! How was it, my sword, that's my magic ''preasured blade'' an air element that once the sword hits it create an high pressure impact and slashes. ''said kort''

''and my shockwave attacks from my spiritual arts, the skill that sent your friend flying and crashed into the wall pathetically.

''well I give the complements. ''roza replied''

Roza uses his magic ''Create stone Golem'' which should handle the defense when needed and deal damage if there is a chance, however.

''a stone Golem, how weak ''Said Kort''

However Kort eliminated the golem with one strike with his sword, however it leaves a glimpse of opening, therefore Roza uses his magic '' lightning bolt '' which struck Kort'' hence the chance to attack is still open, prince Roza did not hesitate to attack again.

He imbued his sword with fire affinity which the sword was engulfed with flames, and slashed Kort. However it was blocked by kort's left arm.

still the burning sword inflected damage which burned Kort's arm with a wound from the sword.

The regeneration were keeping up with the burn from the sword, therefore Roza casted '' fire wave '' directly on the wound, the flame became stronger which the regeneration of Kort is not working.


''Damn brat! I like your spirit! ''said kort''

At the tension of the moment, where Roza was doing his all. Rein finally had time to move, he handled the right arm which is holding the great sword by Grabbing it with full force to render Korts arm and movements.

''prince Roza!

Said Rein desperately who was hoping for Roza to cut through Kort's arm and stab it's chest.

In the light of the predicament ,Thankfully. The sword cut through Kort's left arm.

Therefore Kort's cannot block Prince Roza next attack, which the target is his hearth

''Demon! Take this!

Roza Stabbed Kort's on the chest, with full power and his flaming sword trusting Kort's hearth.


''Bwahahaha! Yes feel Despair!

The sword cannot trust through Kort's Skin because he used his magic ''Steel Skin'' a magic combined with the fire and earth affinity which make the caster hard as steel.

As the time passes the arm that has been cutted started to regenerate slowly.

Prince Roza and Rein felt terror and despair as their efforts were wasted, their hopes were crushed.

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