The King of Mercenaries—The Regressed Mercenary’s Machinations (380+)

Chapter 71: Chapter 450- The Overseer Must Have Done a Good Job (3)

Ereneth pressed her lips tightly together, her gaze locked on Dark. Her eyes widened slightly as a thought struck her, and her heartbeat quickened.

'No… it can't be. That doesn't make sense.'

A single entity came to mind, but that being was sealed alongside "him." If it had resurfaced, it should only be in tandem with "him."

'No, I'm overthinking this. It's just a similar aura.'

The being she was thinking of was neither crude nor childish like this… thing. That other presence was born from a storm of overwhelming emotions, harboring nothing but sorrow and gloom.

"That spirit… where did you find something like it?"

"Picked it u—" Ghislain began, only for Dark to interrupt loudly.

"Don't ask, elf! Unless you want to face my curse!"


Dark's response wasn't born of malice but rather an unwillingness to share the miserable truth of its past.

Ereneth returned her sharp gaze to Dark. While the spirit's aura bore a resemblance to what she knew, it wasn't the same. The sense of foreboding was there, but malice was absent.

Closing her eyes, she rubbed her temples.

'The world has changed a lot during my absence.'

She was out of sync with this era. After so many years in isolation, it was no surprise that the world had evolved in ways she didn't understand.

Even mana techniques had changed. Humans, ever resourceful and quick to adapt, had undoubtedly developed things she wasn't familiar with.

Holy power and the aura of the Salvation Order were inherently opposed. Rift beasts, in particular, would never tolerate the divine. If Ghislain truly were tied to the Salvation Order, he wouldn't be able to cooperate with a priest like Piote. And hadn't the Count repeatedly thwarted the Salvation Order's Rift expansions?

'I made a mistake.'

The similarity between Ghislain's power and what she knew was likely a coincidence—a series of overlapping circumstances. While she remained suspicious, observation would suffice for now.

Ereneth eventually dismissed her armor, bowing her head slightly.

"I misunderstood and deeply offended you. I ask for your forgiveness."


The surrounding onlookers exchanged weary glances.

'If she makes another mistake, she might bring down an entire kingdom.'

'Maybe she's got anger issues, like Ascon.'

Ghislain, however, accepted her apology with ease. He had dealt with Ereneth in his past life and knew how rigid her personality could be.

"It happens. Let's skip the formalities—it's getting old."

"…Fine," she replied, agreeing without protest.

Ghislain glanced back toward his command tent, only to see that it had been obliterated in the earlier shockwaves.

Ereneth followed his gaze and sighed softly. "My apologies."

"Yeah, I'll make sure you compensate me for that," he replied dryly.

They relocated to another tent to resume their discussion, accompanied by a small group of close aides.

Ghislain began, "It seems like you've got a bit of a grudge against the Salvation Order."

"It's more than a grudge. I intend to eradicate them."

"Any particular reason you'd care to share?"

"They're disrupting the balance of the world," she replied flatly.

It was a generic answer, and Ghislain couldn't shake the suspicion that there was more to it. Still, there was no need to press her now.

"Fair enough. Your skills are impressive. Are you here to join us?"

"I wanted to evaluate you before deciding."

"If you're planning to fight the Rifts, working with us would be your best option."

"And why is that?"

"The Ruthania Kingdom has just formed an alliance, with us at its core. If you want to take on the Salvation Order, this is the place to do it."

Although Ghislain knew much about her, he played it as though this was their first meeting, careful not to reveal any prior knowledge.

Ereneth pondered for a moment before asking, "I've heard the Ruthania Kingdom has stopped most of the Rift expansions. What are your next steps?"

"We're going after Duke Delphine's faction. They've allied with the Salvation Order, so we'll hit both at once. I've already summoned the allied forces to converge here."


"Yes. Resolving things here quickly will allow us to assist elsewhere. Efficiency is key."

"That makes sense."

Ereneth nodded, finding his explanation logical. The northern army, led by Ghislain, was the most effective force against the Rifts. The sooner they handled internal threats, the faster they could extend aid to other regions.

'It's better to address problems one by one rather than spreading forces too thin and being led around.'

Having reached her decision, Ereneth spoke firmly.

"I will assist you in dealing with Duke Delphine's faction and the Salvation Order in this region."

"A wise choice."

Ghislain nodded, satisfied. He didn't know how many high-ranking priests the Salvation Order had embedded with Duke Delphine's forces, but with Ereneth's help, they would stand a better chance.

"However, I can't stay indefinitely. Once Luthania's internal conflicts are resolved, I will leave."

"If your goal is to fight the Rifts, why not continue working with us?"

"That's not possible. I have something else I must find."

"What is it?"

"…I cannot say for now."

"Fair enough," Ghislain replied, letting the matter drop. In his past life, Ereneth had been the same—never sharing her true motives and always acting independently.

At that moment, Claude, who had been scribbling notes, looked up and chimed in.

"So, the elves are officially aligning with Fenris? Is this an alliance? Oh, I'm Claude, Fenris's overseer. I handle administrative affairs."

Ereneth nodded. "For the time being, yes."

"In that case, is there anything you'd like from us?"

After a moment of consideration, she nodded again.

"I was planning to bring this up anyway. I want the Ruthania Kingdom to abolish elf slavery. It doesn't have to be immediate, but I'd like the process to start."

Ereneth had made the same request of the human alliance in the past. As the protector of the World Tree, she effectively represented all elves.

Claude scratched his chin thoughtfully. "Well, since Fenris already operates that way, it won't be an issue for us. The allied forces will have to follow suit. I'll handle the arrangements."

Ghislain smirked, amused by Claude's efficiency.

Ereneth, however, seemed taken aback. "That's… that's it? Isn't this a matter of national law?"

"In this kingdom, if our lord wants something, it happens," Claude replied casually. "And let's be honest, if they don't comply, you'll just go on a rampage in that amazing armor of yours. By the way, do you have a spare set of that armor? It's incredible."


For once, Ereneth had no response, her gaze dropping awkwardly.

She hadn't intended to use force to free the elves; she had hoped to achieve her goal through negotiation. After all, her war was with the Salvation Order, not humanity.

Ereneth turned to Ghislain, her expression softer, and bowed slightly.

"Thank you. Please prioritize this matter."

Her request was simple and sincere, and Ghislain inclined his head in agreement. Seeing someone as rigid as Ereneth bow was a rare sight.

'She made the same request in my previous life, showing her strength first before advocating for her people,' he thought.

Her efforts had eventually freed the elves from slavery, allowing them to join the human alliance against the Rifts.

Since Ghislain had already planned to amend the kingdom's laws, it was no trouble. He had made similar promises to the dwarves as well.

As the thought crossed his mind, he asked, "What about the dwarves?"

"That's up to their king."

"So they'll stay enslaved?"

"That's up to their king."


Ereneth pressed her lips tightly together, glaring at Dark. She observed the spirit closely, her thoughts racing as she tried to piece together its origin. Her heartbeat quickened.

'No… it couldn't be. That doesn't make sense.'

There was only one being she could think of, but that entity had been sealed alongside "him." If it had resurfaced, it should have been with "him," not independently.

'No, it's just a coincidence. A similar aura, nothing more.'

The being she had in mind wasn't crude or juvenile like this absurd creature. That presence had been forged from pure, overwhelming sorrow and despair—not the antics of an unhinged spirit like this one.

After a tense discussion with Ghislain, Ereneth finally came to terms with the misunderstanding. She apologized for her rash behavior and accepted the alliance with Fenris, albeit with a few conditions, the primary one being the abolition of elf slavery across Luthania.

This seemed to please Ghislain, who had already planned to address the issue. However, it also opened the door for Claude, Fenris's infamously mischievous overseer, to step in.

As the conversation wound down, Claude collected the various papers he had been scribbling on, pulled out a clean sheet, and handed it to Ereneth.

"Alright, to formalize our alliance, I'd like you to sign here," he said with a grin.

"Sign?" Ereneth repeated, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, a contract. It's important to leave evidence, you know?"

Her expression soured as she replied curtly, "I am the Grand Chief of the Elves. Do you take me for someone who needs a written agreement to keep my word?"

"Well, that's how things work in the human world," Claude said with a shrug. "Name one serious matter that doesn't involve a signed contract."

"The word of the Grand Chief is not taken lightly. When I make a promise, the skies, the earth, the trees, the flowers, and the wind bear witness. So long as you uphold your end, there will be no issue."

Claude sighed as though explaining something obvious to a stubborn child.

"Look, none of those can act as guarantors. That's why we have contracts. What exactly is a tree going to do about a broken agreement?"

"I'm saying nature itself will ensure—"

"Nature this, nature that—oh, pardon me," Claude said, catching himself. "But seriously, if you just sign this, we don't have to go on and on. Ever hear the saying that the longer someone talks, the more suspicious they sound?"


"Grand Chief, just sign it," he urged again, flashing an innocent smile.

Ereneth's Patience Runs Thin

With a huff, Ereneth snatched the paper out of Claude's hand. In all her centuries, no human had ever dared to demand a contract from her. But here, among these peculiar people of Fenris, such audacity seemed commonplace.

'These Fenris people are truly… strange. Especially this Claude.'

Even with her long years of wisdom and calm, she felt her composure cracking. Claude's manner was infuriating, like a bog of sticky mud clinging to her every thought.

As she raised the pen to sign, her eyes caught a peculiar note scrawled near the signature line:

"The World Tree… is just a big tree?"

"What is this?" she asked sharply, pointing at the offending line.

"Oh, that? My apologies," Claude said sheepishly. "I got bored waiting and doodled a bit. Please disregard it. Let me rewrite the document for you."

Before she could respond, Claude handed over a freshly written contract.

"Here you go! Everything's the same, minus the doodles. Let me explain the key points: here's the part about you assisting us, here's the clause about abolishing elf slavery, and here…"

Claude went on, pointing out various sections while Ereneth's head began to ache. His endless chatter made her regret not insisting on simpler terms.

"I get it," she interrupted. "Just give it here. Human dealings are always so convoluted. Elves handle things with trust and honor."

Without reading thoroughly, she hastily signed the two new contracts, only pausing to ensure there were no more odd scribbles nearby.

Claude took the contracts with a gleeful grin and turned to Ghislain.

"Your Lordship, if you could add your signature as well?"

Ghislain, who knew Claude all too well, glanced at Wendy out of the corner of his eye. She was staring at the ceiling—a telltale sign that Claude had done something suspicious.

Ghislain Plays Along

Ghislain quickly scanned the documents, noting the subtle "tweaks" Claude had made.

'This lunatic managed to slip something in during that whole spiel,' he thought with a smirk.

Feigning ignorance, he cleared his throat. "Ah, well, I trust my overseer's work. All I need to do is sign, correct? Glad I brought him along."

He signed the papers without hesitation, passing them back to Claude, who immediately rolled them up and tied them with string.

"All done! It's official now. Looking forward to working with you, Grand Chief," Claude said, beaming.

Ereneth nodded, her tone solemn. "A promise made must be a promise kept. You have my word."

"Absolutely, promises must always be honored," Claude replied with a sly smile. "Shall we hold onto both copies for safekeeping, or do you have a secure place to store them?"

"I will handle it," she said. With a gesture, vines sprouted from the ground, wrapping around the rolled contracts and pulling them into the earth.

The display impressed the onlookers, but Claude clapped his hands in exaggerated awe.

"Incredible! So secure, Grand Chief. Truly, no one will dare tamper with a contract safeguarded by nature itself."

Inside, he chuckled at her naivety.

'She's like a sheltered elder who's never had to deal with real crooks. A contract backed by "nature"? How quaint.'

His eyes sparkled with amusement, knowing she hadn't noticed the fine print in the contract's duration clause. In small, almost imperceptible writing, it read:

"30 years."

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