Chapter 20: Vol. 1 Chapter 20 - The ‘wolf’ sent for me.. sorry
A.D. 876 Wales, settlement of Cornwallon
/pov Caenwulf/
"Piss!" I shouted.. it's been more than a fortnight and less than a month since my monk left to beg Alfred for help.. I spit on Alfred.. I spit on these worthless pagan pig fucking Danes.. I just spit everywhere shouting most of the day all day this last month.. my pagan witch 'shadow-queen' Isuelt is a cunt.. can't fuck her.. she will lose her power as a seer were she ever to lose her virginity.. I need her to keep that power so I can use it to rise.. rise gods damnit.. above this lifeless place.. I was supposed to be a great king.. looking around my shit sty of a hall I force my peasants to call the 'royal palace'… I hope one day I can trick myself to actually liking this place.. but I know Ill never.. thats why I need Isuelt to stay a virgin.. gods damn I bet she would be a fuck like no other fuck.. like fucking Freya or Venus herself.. I'd fuck her.. I'd fuck her right in her tight little asshole.. I'd throw my tongue in it first before hand and make sure it's nice and wet and ready.. ready to get fully plowed and stretched and filled with my seed.. I'd make her clean said seed right off me with that sweet little mouth and tongue.. making me so fucking hard but I can't fuck her.. can't even touch her they say.. she was born on a day the sun was blocked and there was complete darkness covering over the world like it was the end of time itself.. the sun eventually came back.. but only after the 'shadow-Queen' was finally born into this gods forsaken world.. hence the name 'Shadow-Queen'..
/pov Harund/
My name is Harund.. I come from Svealand.. cold, hard, and poor place it was.. I'm doing well for myself now though.. been a gods sent blessing ever since I took up the post of 'quarter-master' upon the ship 'Wench's Cunny' a ship like no other.. it's not a large ship.. but it doesn't even have oars to row.. I remember asking how it sailed if they had no oars to row.. thought they might be hidden you see.. my captain Brida told me "Don't ask.. I don't know.. thats for the navigator.. I just tell the ship where to go.. navigator is responsible for how we get there.. your a 'quarter-master' now.. from what I understand from Aethred.. that means you are responsible for all supplies we may need during our time on this ship.. you are also responsible for keeping up with said supplies and keeping tabs on the amounts of said supplies.. sounds like enough for you to do to me.. so don't go asking about other people's jobs.. or how this or that.. just do your job and we will be alright.."
And that was good enough for me.. haven't asked anything like that again.. atleast not to her..
/pov Brida/
Alright.. let's get on it with it.. let's get a glimpse at this so called 'Shadow-Queen' and her most magnificent set of 'war-locks' Aethred calls her breast.. I remember it like it was yesterday him saying "Alright Brida.. thats enough.. make sure you swallow it all ok.. it's good protein don't waste it.." he smiled at me after telling me to swallow his seed he just emptied out of his balls down my poor throat.. my jaw hurts.. his dick is humongous.. he says this is training for when I have a husband.. but I think he will keep me for himself.. he better.. always using my ass and mouth like his fuck toys.. I look up at him to show I did what he told me to.. he nodded and said "that was excellent Brida.. fine work.. I really need to ask you to do me a favor.. I want you to take your name-day gift and use it to sail Ragnar his silver and invite him to come pick up his sister at Uhtred's.. on your way back from Ragnar.. stop off at a little shit stain of a dot on the map town called Cornwallon.. once you get there then find the king of that pig-sty .. take his second wife he calls her.. her name is Isuelt she is known as the 'Shadow-Queen' tell her the 'wolf' sent you.. and she will come back with you.. o right just in case.. she will be around the same height as you.. will have long slightly curly dark hair.. dark eyes.. exotic skin with a lightish tone.. and she has a pair of 'war-locks' on her chest.. these 'war-locks' are her breast.. her tits.. they are the most majestic.. large tits.. take your tits.. and add another good handful to them.. then you would have tits like her 'war-locks'.. she uses them to bewitch men and make them her slaves.. hahah ok Im just joking around.. but seriously she has nice tits.. so go get her for me.. she will be my second wife.. or third.. depends on how long you it takes for you to get back here.. I might have already married another wife.. which would make her my third wife.. we shall see either way.. thank you for doing this Brida.. gods be with you." He finished saying all that then bent me over the desk in his 'study' and went to his 'daily' work making sure my ass was nice and properly 'wreck'd' as he calls it.
/pov Isuelt/
It's here.. the ship.. I see it in my dreams hundreds of times over and over in my dreams at night.. soon the wolf will have.. he will ruin me.. and he will keep me ruined.. til the end of time.. he will have ruined all of me in no time at all.. as soon as he has his jaws on me.. I'll be ruined day after day.. over and over again.. he will come up with new ways to use my body and ruin me in new places all over his lands.. I have already seen it.. the 'wolf' will claim his 'Shadow-Queen' .. he will ruin her.. atleast he will keep her safe.. and surrounded and filled by little 'pups'.. to the 'wolf'.