The lost world : Drown

Chapter 9: Chapter 9 : Time for class

As soon as we were done talking, the dome-like wall came down, sinking into the ground like it was never there. The instructors left, leaving the cadets in the open field.

Just then, the hollow image appeared before us. He was in a more serious tone this time around. It might have had something to do with me. 

"You have already filled in you various classes in the enrollment session. All rogues, thieves, and the like are to go to black gate to my left. All mages are to assemble before the blue gate to my right. All warriors are to remain here."

"You are now a part of the prestigious Yulo academy. When you are instructed, you are to respond with aye. Do you understand?!" he said with a strong voice.

"Aye!!". Everyone replied with enthusiasm.

Everyone got to the gates, and when they had settled, the gates opened. Instead of a field like earlier, we saw great, huge portals, each in the color of the gates, behind them.

"Enter, and glory awaits!"

"Aye!" everyone yelled as they rushed in, feeling the adrenaline.

Then us warriors, were left alone in the field, or so we thought. As soon as our guards were lowered, we felt dizzy, and the earth beneath us opened, swallowing us whole. 

Then we woke up. We met all the other cadets

We were passed out in the enrollment hall.

"What joke is this?" 

"If you have a red marking on your table, you will be led out." we all heard, as we turned around to face the professor, whose projection we saw.

You could tell when people will rebel. When you step over them, annoy them, or when the majority says they should do it. In this case however, all applied.

"Why the hell should we listen to you?! You drug us for some nonsense exam, and now you're telling us to leave? Are you crazy, or are you just demented?"

Someone stood up, obviously with a red mark on his table. "Is he stupid? or should I follow him?"  is what everyone probably thought.

"Y-Yeah, We'll just beat you here and now anyways." another scape goat sad, obviously lacking confidence to speak for himself. I could see the instructor clench his jaw and his fist, narrowing his eyes on the two students. He suddenly relaxed himself, popped a smirk, crossed his arm, and finally spoke.

"Fine. Any student that has a problem with the mark, should stand up now. If you beat me, you will be welcomed into Yulo with open arms, and will be provided with a personal maid, building and private facilities"

Like clockwork, 20 students got up.

"Come at me at once, I have a schedule" he said, still crossing his arms.

As soon as they moved, even an inch, they flew like stone from a catapult right into the walls. The instructor did not move. No one got up after that.

After the enrollment, We were led to our dorms..

We had 3 main regions: Mage, Warrior and Rogue.

Since only 500 of us passed, we were split into 166 per region, which had 83 per gender section. The Mage and Rogue region had one more person each, so in total the Mage had 167 cadets, the Warrior had 166, and the Rogue had 167.

The dorms were divide . Kyle, Shane and I decided to take double classes. Kyle took the rogue class, Shane took a double warrior class, and I took the mage class, as extras.

The sun shone brightly as the first day of classes began.

"Good morning cadets" we heard a voice say

We had assembled in class and had waited a long while for the lesson. Some had already started sleeping, that is, until we heard the professor. No one likes the idea of being thrown into wall.

The professor then appeared before us.

"My name is Sir Lucas. I will be your teacher for the theory aspect of your semester"

He was a tall blonde man, with glasses you know have been used for a while. 

"Today we will learn the basics of QI. Who can explain what that is?"

"QI is an interchangeable for energy. It is the base form of all existence, as all object animate or inanimate contain it."

"Correct! Who said that?!" he yelled, in a more enthusiastic manner.

"Me sir!" we all turned our head at that one.

It was Alana, a known overachiever. As soon as we saw it was her, we turned our heads back, unmoved.

"Good, Miss Alana. Now we we learn the basics of energy manipulation, and what differentiates a warrior from a mage"

He talked so smoothly, it was impossible to not listen.

"Now, since energy is the base form of everything, we can say energy has infinite potential. That means , depending on your own skill level, the infinitely stronger you'll can/will get. The difference between a mage and a warrior is simply the energy flow. That is, the flow of energy within a warrior is more focused on the accumulation and quick disposal of high amounts of energy, strengthening of the body or a weapon, while a mage is more focused on storage capacity, quick inward flow, cultivation and refinement of said energy, and complex energy transformation like elemental magic. I hope you guys took notes" he stated while looking at us intently.

"I was just joking. I wont force you to take notes, but I'd advice you to. You'll pass easier, and you'll have more accurate study material. That's all for today. Your homework is to find out the energy flow of a rogue. Make sure you do it, it's a group project worth 20 points. Do you understand?!"

"Aye!" we said as he disappeared once again. "Did every teacher have a thing for these tricks?"  I thought to myself.

I was sure that we were going to destroy that homework, as Kyle was taking on rogue classes too. Not that we didn't know at least the basics though.

Soon enough, it was time for the next class. Practical. We were informed that our class would hold in the open fields, that we 'dreamt' about before in the entrance exam.

As soon as we got there, we were greeted by Anne, our instructor for this semester. She was smaller than most of us, which made people start to judge her immediately. They were not even hiding it. "How is she going to teach us practical? wouldn't we be teaching her?" .

"Quiet down, class has just started. My name is Marie"

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