The Mafia Prince's Angel:His Miracle

Chapter 28: My Miracle


She's hard. She's really hard to deal with. She's stubborn. She's annoying. She always manages to get on my fucking nerves every damn time.

At first, I thought she'd be easygoing but I thought wrong. If it were anybody else who had taken the contract, I'd make them regret it.

But she still managed to get away and still made me kneel down to beg for it - something that belonged to me.

And to think I willingly knelt down and did as she said. She always manages to get me riled up but I also tend to be very lenient with her. In as much as I hate to admit it, she's a safe haven.

My safe haven! My miracle! My Angel!

How my body doesn't react to her is still a mystery to me. I'm never letting her go, not now, not ever! She's stuck with me whether she likes it or not. 

She's now the bright light that has lightened up my dark life. Having to live in the shadows all my life, hiding away from people for the fear of losing my life over a touch from someone. It hasn't been easy, having to avoid my friends, my family members, people that I really care about. 

And now, with Ivory in my life, my life seems to fall back in line. She's like a light at the end of the tunnel for me. I had successfully succeeded my father in the mafia world. I can now get to hug and feel the warmth of my mother's body, something I've always craved for. 

I can't loose Ivory! She'll be mine forever! I don't care how that'll happen but it's going to happen. 

I silently watched her as she swiftly bent down to pluck out a rose flower. I watched in admiration as her beautiful hazel eyes lit up as she took the flower to her nose and inhaled its scent.

She is beautiful and breathtaking even without trying. Her slender figure fitted her perfectly, with her accentuated hips and derriere.

Can I be more blessed? I badly want to bend her over and unleash my years of sexual starvation prowess on her.

"I thought rose flowers had nice scents like lavender, strawberry and so on but this one seems to have a bland smell." She brought the flower to my nose urging me to inhale it.

I took the rose flower from her and inhaled it, it truly had a bland smell, I just shrugged and gave her back the flower. She took a step towards me and stretched her hand towards my hair and fixed the flower in my hair.

"You look like a cute devil with that on your hair," she giggled pointing to my hair. "So, why don't we get acquainted, since we'd be together for a year. Let's get to know each other better." She sat down on a cleared grass and patted beside her for me to sit.

A year you say? You're stuck with me forever, darling. I'm never letting you go.

I abruptly sat down beside her with my legs stretched out in front of me.

"What do you want to know about me?" I asked, giving her my full attention.

"What do you do?" I scoffed at her question. That is seemingly the dumbest question anyone could ask.

"I'm alive for a living," I answered sarcastically.

"That must have sounded dumb. I know you're so rich that your arrogant self can't even consider being humble for a minute." I gave her a lop-sided smile and just shrugged.

"Why did you marry me? I mean, what could be the sole reason why your father got involved in getting you a bride to a point you guys had to offer ten million dollars?" I sighed at her question and looked away from her.

How am I supposed to tell her that she's the cure to a lifetime sickness that I have? How would that sound? She'd probably laugh to my face and stare at me like I've gone mad.

She'd probably think I'm lying or maybe joking. 

"Maybe my father needs grandchildren and so he's willing to spend money to get what he wants. You know the rich, they seamlessly spend money on both relevant and irrelevant things. You can always say that I and my father are one." She suddenly laughed out. The laughter was cheerful. It was infectious. It began as a silent chuckle, then slowly it turned into a mirthful but stilted giggle.

"Grandchildren you say? Are you being serious right now? That was not stated in the contract. It was said that I have to be with you for a year. A full-fledged year. Nothing more, nothing less. If you're looking for kids, go get it some where else. You might as well get it from Nicole!" She said in an annoyed tone, her nose flaring and frown lines coating her forehead.

I scooted closer to her and pressed my forehead against hers before giving her a peck on her forehead and smoothing out the frown lines with my thumb finger. This seem to cool her down because she sighed and momentarily closed her eyes.


This is the second time she's mentioning her name. 

"How did you know about Nicole?" 

"She approached me at the dinner party and told me to stay away from you. Is she really your girlfriend?" Another frown had appeared on her face and she looked at me with a snarl.

"She's my ex. She actually left me during my lowest moments. I have nothing to do with her anymore. She's in the past. Don't mind whatever it is she said to you," I said, recalling how I had begged Nicole not to leave me.

I had been a mess of myself then. When I desperately needed validity and love. Nicole had been Clark's friend then....Clark had brought her to my house where I got to meet her and as time went on I fell for her and asked her to be my girl.

She accepted me even with my sickness and she was always there for me when I needed her or so I thought. I eventually found out that she's been cheating on me and when I confronted her, she told me to my face on how worthless and useless I was and that I wouldn't be enough for anybody.

I was so heartbroken that I almost ended my life. She was a liar, a pretender and a leech. It's been a long time though and I'm never going to make that mistake of giving my heart to someone who'd trample upon it and throw it to my face.

Love is literally written off from my life. I can show affection and care, but to love? No way, ain't doing that shit no more.

"Are you even listening to me?" A very delicate voice snapped at me and I turned to look at Ivory who was giving me a strange look. "Did you zone out?"

"What were you saying?" I asked and she muttered something under her breathe before sending me a glare that could put me six feets under.

"I said, I'd go to my old apartment tomorrow to get my belongings." 

"Belongings?" She nodded and pursed her lips. "What belongings do you possibly have that you'd be needing? Is it clothes, under wears? Just name it and it'll be provided for you. You can precisely discard those rags you call clothes," I said nonchalantly, causing her glare to intensify.

"You dare call my clothes rags. The ones in the closet are real, stock rags. I need to go get my clothes and other belongings, otherwise I won't wear the ones in the closet and you'll see me walking around the house naked." She angrily stood up and dusted herself.

"I would love to see that sight. It'd be a dream come true for me. It'd be lovely if you'd walk around naked in my room, only for my eyes. How does that sound, Angel?" I asked with a smirk playing on my lips. 

Ivory just glared hard at me before angrily stomping off the garden.

Did I say something wrong? She's my wife for crying out loud! Let's go tease her more , I thought, a smile dancing on my lips as I stood up and left the garden.

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