The Man with The Golden Rod

Chapter 3: Naked and Alone!

Immediately he regretted not bringing any clothes with him as a cold blast of frigid air assaulted his completely nude body. 

He looked all around him and noticed immediately he seemed to be in some sort of huge castle. It seemed like he was currently in a hallway and only a sturdy wooden door could be seen in front of him.

"Go through the door ahead of you. It is not closed." 

He jumped a bit after hearing his own voice again in his head. This was now the second time he had heard himself. 

It also seemed like it was very late at night as the huge hallways he was in were empty and eerily silent. 


This closed door reminded him very much of his own bathroom door that had led him to where he was right now. Would it behave the same and send him to another world he wondered. 

It would suck if it just led him back to his own home where that angry husband was waiting to crack his head open with his baseball bat. 

Still, it would have been nice if he had packed even a little bit of clothing. Right now, he had nothing to his name but his dashing good looks and huge 11-inch dick. 

On a positive note, he was sure he was in another world. That weird voice thing that gave him vital information was for sure some kind of cheat, right? It had to be. It even had his own freaking voice!


The hallway was so silent that it made him sound like he was shouting. 


Nothing happened. Maybe he was just saying it too quietly. He silently prayed that was the case. 

If he didn't think of something quick, he would have to explain to whoever lived here why he was wandering around their home uninvited and naked to make matters even worse. 

Just imagining having to explain himself in the nude made him momentarily forget he was cold in the first place. 


Suddenly, as if his prayers had been answered a block of information appeared in front of him. Exactly like you would expect from a video game. 

[Name: Ryo] [Age: 22] [Gender: Male] [Race: Human]

[Strength: A] [Agility: A] [Skill: A] [Wisdom: A] [Charisma: A]

[Protection: None]


[Master's Smell] It is believed that females instinctively recognize males suitable for procreation. You have an excellent male pheromone that can attract any female.

[Five Grain Stabbing] Because of your excellent dedication to your ritual of 10,000 dick stabs every day you have mastered the ultimate dick stabbing technique that no woman can forget.

[Natural Stallion] The ability to impregnate dozens of women non-stop with his tireless erection and seed production. 

[Golden Rod] A dick fit for a king. This dick is especially effective against humanoid females.

Ryo couldn't help but smile and clench his fists as he looked at his abilities and their wild descriptions. 

The more he thought about it most of these abilities seemed to carry over what he already had in the other world. 

He was very happy that his daily 10,000 dick stabs of gratitude were not in vain. He silently thanked Elizabeth for helping him along. 

"Let's go over here." 

"Damn just imagining Verdia-sama sleeping is making me hard." 

Shit! Someone was coming this way. It sounded like they were two of them. How have they not noticed him!

Judging by the sound of their footsteps they sounded like they were just around the corner. 

He needed to hide and fast! Without a second thought he opened the door in front of him and without hesitation entered. 

Thankfully, just like his own voice had said, the door wasn't locked. He gently closed the door and focused on the pair of footsteps passing through the hallway. 

"Why did you turn off the lantern?"

"The mana must have run out." 

"Alright let's tell the others before their shift begins." 


Ryo was silently praying for them to just go away so he could relax. As he waited his eyes wandered around the room in search of a weapon. Any weapon really. 

Thankfully he didn't have to look long before he found a proper two-handed sword hanging on the wall. 

"The fact that there is a sword so proudly adorned is surely a sign that he was most definitely not in the same time period." He thought. 

Not hearing them anymore he calmed himself before looking more carefully at the room he had entered. 

It wouldn't be a stretch if you thought this was some sort of medieval themed hotel room. 

The room was filled with anachronistic, antique furniture, with two huge beds that could fit up to three people easily. 

He absolutely needed to get the fuck out of here. Preferably before everyone woke up. 

First, he needs to take what he could find. Although the thought of simply turning himself to the guards patrolling the halls did occur to him. 

However, he quickly disregarded that idea. If he were the owner of this mansion, he wouldn't give a naked man even the chance to explain himself. 

Instead, he decided to carefully open the drawers and closets and hope he would find what he needed. 

It didn't take him long before he came to the conclusion that there was no such thing. The only things he found were women's nightgowns that were clearly see through. 

Even if he did want to wear it, they were so thin they would easily rip apart leaving him once more in all his naked glory. 

His attention then focused on a man with a glorious full beard sleeping peacefully in his bed. Considering he was sleeping in such a luxurious room he most definitely must be the owner of this place.

"Is this the Verdia those guards were talking about?" He wondered. 

He then noticed there was another bed in the room. Just as big as the man's. This couple were sleeping on different beds.

It wasn't as strange as you would think considering he had met plenty of couples who slept in completely different rooms even.

A dangerous curiosity began to fill his body. The way the guards were talking about her made it seem like her beauty was enough to make any man rock hard. 

Just how pretty could she be he wondered and silently went over to her bed on the other side of the room. Carefully he pulled back her silk sheets.


The sweet smell of a woman quickly made him hard. He could also smell a refreshing soap covering her body. 

"So, this is Verdia-sama huh. Mr. Beards wife..." 

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