The Mercenary Slayer Of Holy Knights

Chapter 4: Goddess

The old chef of the guild, still smiling despite the scene that had just taken place, approached me and reached out.

"My name is Barros, head of the Corbeau's claw. I'm happy to see you here, Arhon."

I took his hand in mine and followed barros to go around the guild. The atmosphere was austere, but functional. There were a few pieces that were barely inhabited, with straw beds and makeshift tables. Nothing luxurious, but it was enough for those who resided there.

"I know, it's not much. But everyone here is free to live in their own way, far from the claws of the knights." Barros stopped for a moment, seeming to lose his smile for a short time. "I created it for that, this guild. For those that the Church of Solaria rejects, those who have been driven out, exiled, and silenced. We have fought and resisted against their attacks for years."

He guided me in a room where a few guild members played cards around a worn table. A little corner of peace among violence and chaos of the outside world. Barros sat on a wooden chair, inviting Arhon to do the same.

I take place, observing around me. The situation seemed to be disastrous, but this old chief, this barros, had found a way to fight against the authority of the Holy Knights. For him, this guild was much more than a simple refuge. It was a symbol of resistance.

He broke the silence.

"Do you have family, Arhon?" He asked, his gaze imbued with curiosity.

I stared at it for a moment before responding in an icy tone.

"My family ... was decimated a long time ago by the royal army of Solaria. I let out a long sigh. They perceived me as a traitor after I refused to accomplish a mission for them."

Barros' gaze was darker.

" I understand. They saw your decision as a threat to their power, right?"

I wrap my head slowly. The memory of that night when my family had been massacred coming back constantly haunting me. The hatred that I felt towards the Holy Knights, towards this Church, had never disappeared.

"Yes ..." I replied in a low voice. "And that day, all that I had disappeared."

Barros got up, put a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"You are not alone, Arhon. Here you have a family."

I let him do it, without answering. But basically, something changed it. Maybe it was not just a debris guild. Maybe there was a real goal behind this place.

I felt the hand of Barros on my shoulder, but I turned slightly, not wanting to give him more attention than he deserved it.

"I don't need a family at the moment," I replied coldly, without looking up towards him.

I preferred to stay focused on my own goals. The family, links ... These were unnecessary notions in a world like this. The world of holy knights, mercenaries, and lonely warriors.

My eyes then landed on a large painting hanging on the wall. An image of a goddess with golden blond hair and imposing chest, painted with meticulous treatment. She was. The goddess Solaria.

I frowned by observing the image. The goddess was represented in an imposing way, almost divine, her eyes emitting a brilliant light. The creator of the continent of Solaria, the supreme divinity of this world.

Barros noticed my gaze and gently explained:

"It was Solaria, the goddess who forged this world. The continent of Solaria is divided into two major cities: Solaria, the sacred capital, and Drakmor, the city of bandits and criminals. The two cities are separated by hundreds of kilometers of wild lands and mountains, a land that makes every passage between them perilous."

I nodded in silence, but the narration began to explain in detail which was really Solaria.

Solaria was a goddess who had existed for over 10,000 years. It was not only a divine entity; It was the essence of the world. As a creator of the continent and source of all life, her influence was omnipresent. No one could oppose her authority because she had absolute power. Nothing and no one was above her. She was the supreme divinity, the highest authority in the world.

It disgusted me. Its position, its influence, everything was based on the manipulation and control of others. Solaria had never ceased to separate peoples, to direct crusades through his church, and to maintain his domination. But the holy knights ... These Solaria dogs ... I had infinite hatred for them, for this church which claimed to bring light while crushing the weakest.

Barros then continued to speak, much quieter now.

"This table ... it contains contracts, rewards. Each signed contract represents a mercenary ready to risk his life for the church, for Solaria. But…" He marked a break, as if his words became heavier. "Out of ten million contracts signed, there was a failure of 100%. None has ever been accomplished."

I looked at him, intrigued.

" For what " I just asked.

Barros smiles tired. "Because those who embark on these contracts eventually realize that the Church of Solaria never holds its promises. She sends knights to suicide missions, or worse, to missions that never end. The reward, Arhon, never existed."

His words echoed in my head. Solaria's true face was more and more clear.

I stared at barros with a piercing look.

"Show me the most difficult mission on this list ... The one that has nothing to do with Solaria."

Barros slowly nodded, almost as if he expected this request. He headed for another corner of the room and pulled an old wooden shelf. Behind, a hidden compartment containing yellowed scrolls. He took out one and handed it to me without saying a word.

I took it and unrolled the parchment. The writing was fine and difficult to read, but I managed to distinguish a few words. A dangerous mission, not attributed by Solaria, but by a much more secret group.

The guild rank and reputation system was a key factor in this world. Each guild had a row scale, the more a guild accomplished with high -level missions, the more its reputation grew. This allowed guilds to accept more lucrative contracts and receive increasingly interesting rewards. The rank of a guild was directly linked to its ability to achieve high rank missions. The highest reputation guilds were often on the front line for crucial missions.

I put my eyes on the parchment, this mission seemed to be in rank S. It involved the elimination of a group of former fallen knights, which became much sought after mercenaries. Their power was estimated at levels inaccessible for simple groups of mercenaries.

I looked at Barros. "This is the most difficult mission."

He replied, raising his shoulders. "Yes, there is not much more perilous, except perhaps a direct confrontation with the holy knights themselves."

The light was starting to drop, signaling the end of the day. Barros gave me an accomplice look.

"It's getting late, Arhon. Why not take some rest? You will need energy for what is waiting for you."

I think for a moment, the information jostling in my head. The missions, the guild, the impact of my choices ... But it was useless to force the night. I finally gained.

" Alright. A little rest won't hurt me."

Barros guided me to a quiet corner of the guild, where I could rest before leaving for a new mission.

Sleep wins me while I closed my eyes.

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