The Mercenary Slayer Of Holy Knights

Chapter 6: Relationship quest

While I was about to leave, a notification arises in my field of vision, issued by the system.

System notification:

「Activated relationship quest

Villagers need help to rebuild their village. You have the choice to help repair buildings and reconstruction of infrastructure.

Reward: 200 XP, a small bag of provisions. 」

I pause. I used to follow the quests, but it was different. It was not a combat mission or a hunt for men, but a gesture for innocent people.

I turned my eyes to the villagers. The old man, still nervous, stood away, observing my movements.

"You are lucky that I am passing, I said indifferently. If you need help repairing your houses, I can lend you a hand."

The villagers looked at each other, visibly surprised by my proposal. But the necessity was read in their eyes. After a short hesitation, the old man advanced, followed by others.

"Really ? Would you help us rebuild our homes? This would allow us to stay here, to have a place to take refuge. We cannot afford to buy materials."

I nodded.

"Alright. But you will have to bring me tools and tell me exactly what to be done. I'm not going to work for nothing."

They then rushed to provide me with what they could: axes, picks, a few ropes and wooden boards recovered here and there. The village was modest, but the energy was palpable.

The smell of the earth and fresh wood fills the air while I was getting to work. I started to cut trees, my axes hitting the trunks with precision and efficiency that silenced the slightest doubt about my abilities. The villagers looked at me, fascinated by the speed with which I dropped the trees and gave off the trunks.

I was not wasting time.

In the space of a few hours, the village began to take shape. I released areas to prepare solid foundations. The huts were built in record time, and even if they were not greatest beauty, they were robust and functional. The thatched roof seemed both modest and practical.

Some villagers helped me as best they could. Although their work was far from being as precise as mine, their efforts were visible. They gathered the materials and followed me in the reconstruction, according to my instructions without asking questions. They were exhausted, but hope was reborn in their eyes to each new building.

I focused on building three small huts and repairing paths leading to them. There was also a small cabin on the outskirts of the village, which seemed to be used as a warehouse. I repaired his roof and strengthened the walls.

Four hours passed quickly.

The light of day was starting to fade, and I could feel that the work was coming to an end. I had just finished the last cabin and lay the last boards. My arms were heavy, but the satisfaction of having done something tangible invaded me.

System notification:

「Successful relationship quest

200 xp won. Your level has increased!

Reward: Bag of provisions.」

I didn't need to check my statistics to understand the immediate impact of the successful quest. My level was now 81, and my statistics were updated. But even more, I had won a little more reputation with the villagers. It might not change the course of my adventures, but it was a reminder that, even in this world filled with chaos and violence, there were still moments of tranquility, opportunities to build instead of destroying.

The bag of provisions contained food, a few pieces of dried meat, hard bread, and medicinal herbs. Not much, but enough for a lonely traveler like me.

The villagers are gathering around me to thank me. The old man, who observed me from afar throughout the day, approached with a more peaceful look.

"You did more than what we would have dared to hope, he said, his voice broken by gratitude. You have given hope to a forgotten people."

I answered a simple headache. It was not for them that I was doing this. I had much more complex reasons to stay in this quest, much more personal goals. But I accepted the gesture, and I left the recognition of the villagers for a moment.

The sun was now lying, and the night fell on the Drakmor forest. I put away my tools, riding a horse, and said my farewell to the villagers. I had no other reasons to stay here.

They had given me a little rest, a little comfort. But the path called me elsewhere.

I took the road to the City of Pleasures.

The road stretched in front of me, and as I walked through the Drakmor forest, my thoughts moved away from my current quest. I left my steps to take myself to a distant memory, that of my beginnings in this world of mercenaries.

At the start, I was only a simple stranger, an unnamed adventurer, barely a pawn in the immensity of this ruthless world. My first missions were low level tasks, simple contracts for ordinary people: killing harmful animals, recovering stolen objects, protecting convoys. Nothing glorious. I was far from the assassin that I am today.

But each mission brought me its share of lessons. Each error was a step in my ascent. Over time, I learned to adapt, anticipate dangers and use my skills with sudden efficiency. Time and fights forged my mind and my body.

I have taken more complex, risky missions, attacking more dangerous targets. I killed corrupt mercenaries, bandits, nobles, sometimes even knights. The most delicate contracts, those that only the most experienced mercenaries could accomplish, were now within my reach. This is how I climbed into the ranks, chaining the victories, until reaching the higher rank of assassin, a rank that few mercenaries could hope to reach.

Going from level to level, I have acquired formidable skills, refined combat techniques, and a reputation preceding me, even in the most remote corners of this continent. It was not an easy life, but she forged me. And that was what allowed me to move forward without hesitation, without ever doubting my ability to overcome any obstacle.

I was no longer the novice of yesteryear.

Suddenly, in the distance, a light drew my attention. Not far from where the forest seemed to be dispersing, several small candles and torches shone weakly. The voices of people were heard, some laughs punctuated the fresh air of the night.

It was the mercenaries market.

The mercenaries market was not a simple bazaar. It was a place where adventurers, fighters and murderers of all sides were to exchange information, sell services or buy resources. In a sense, it was a meeting area for all those who worked in the shadows or in the gray areas of the law.

On this market, there was a bit of everything. Contracts still not executed, special weapons made in secret, curious potions and magic artefacts. There were also customers, merchants, nobles wishing to entrust unrevailable missions to those who used to play with life.

The mercenaries came here to recruit partners, sell their services or inquire about the new quests available. It was a crossroads where everyone could find a job according to their skills and reputation. Discussions were going well, and contract prices were negotiated with the skill of a renowned merchant.

However, it was not a place for the weak or those who lacked determination. The market was a real hunting ground, where only the law of the strongest prevailed. Each person here knew that betrayal, manipulation and violence were common. The mercenaries guilds argued the domination of the most lucrative contracts, and rumors over the most dangerous missions circulated quickly.

But this market also offered opportunities. Lucrative and well paid contracts were regularly offered, although most of them were dangerous, even suicidal. There was always something to win, if we knew in which corner to look for.

I went to the place where the traders were installed, observing passers by and listening to rumors. As I approached, I noticed several known mercenaries, chatting in dark corners. Some heads turned in my direction, my eyes briefly crossing those of a man with a freezing look, but I was not paying attention. The market was not a place to draw attention, but it was a place where everyone knew who was who.

I continued to move forward, looking for opportunities or information that might be useful to me. It was just a stop in my way, but perhaps something here would allow me to progress more quickly in my quest.

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