The Mistress' Revenge

Chapter 25: Chapter Six, Part Five: The Making Of a protegé

Lewis' Pov

Who's a hero? For some it's the one who saves them, for others it's the one who never lets any tragedy befall at any time. I am none of those. I am a failed prince.

Most King's bastard children are either paid too much attention to, or none. When my Father, King Bartot Canton took the throne, he was bestowed with the Spear Of Infinite Will by the mages. And that has made all the difference.

But the mages didn't always have the power. They were measly, and cunning humans who had survived the First Great Battle between the Legged Creatures (Satyrs, Centaurs, Werewolves, Nymphys, Dryads, Witches) and the Winged Creatures (Faeries, Dragons, Flies, Birds, Djinns).

The First Great Battle shook realms. It began with the quest of Habula, a magical needle that could heal and sew magic together. The Winged Creatures, headed by Faeries had lost. The crown was passed onto the dragons.

The humans didn't participate, feigning the lack of power and will. But they wanted to reap the rewards. The Greater One, the creator of all realms shaped Dragons as the Keeper Of All Realms, taking away all the magic from the world to bestow it upon them.

To this, there was an uproar. The humans led the conspiracy, supported by both the Winged Creatures and the Legged Creatures.

On the night of black moon, the humans attacked the dragon's lair and searched for their power source. The Fates. When discovered all were killed, except one. Magus Canton.

Magus Canton, seduced the young Dragon Princess, who was heir to the throne of the realms. He impregnated her with a son, leaving with a shard of the Dragon's magic.

In her rage, Princess Xielta created the curse of Black Plague, meant to kill Mages, the lineage of Magus and his brothers who now had a shard of Dragon's powers. She took over the throne taking time to avenge herself.

Meanwhile, Magus Canton had fled to establish the order of Mages, taking away forbidden magic with him. To save him the wrath of all kinds, he took up the name of Merlin.

In our realm, magic was a sacred bounty of the winged creatures. To steal it, makes one accursed. The Black Plague, killed most of the mages as the Snow Dragon Queen gave birth to a hybrid son. Prince Geoffrey Canton, the first of his name.

As a bastard child, born with no powers he was doomed to a life of suffering. Despite the love Queen Xielta had showered him with, there was nothing that could instill the gift of magic in him.

In vain, Geoffrey ran away to the human realm. And there, he found a young maiden, whose father introduced the young Prince to a guild. Soon Geoffrey would grow up to marry the woman. And they would have a son. Bartot Canton.

Merlin thought he had escaped the Black Plague. But the Princess' wrath had found him too. Merlin's stolen magic was doomed to have greater consequences. All of his magic would be bound with an irreversible curse that could only be undone by The Fates.

And then, things got worse.

Merlin's children had attacked the Fates again. This time they procurred the divine spear. The Spear Of Infinite Will, that was carved from the Habula. Thrilled that it would get them all they need, they marched North. It was all for nothing.

Xiealta killed Merlin, sparring his only son, Mertot. Mertot turned to the human King who had planned the attack but had turned on his word. If not for the young General-in-commander, Bartot Canton, they could have all died.

Bartot was the only one who could hold the Spear Of The Infinite Will. It's magic could tear a thousand dragons down. Even with the curse that plagued the spear, it was as potent as it could ever be.

To prevent bloodshed, Queen Xiealta honoured the young General's word. That he won't yield it unless the Queen disagrees on the Treaty Of Peace between all realms.

To ensure he was bound by his words, Queen Xiealta laced the Spear with the Curse Of Trust- a powerful curse that would kill any being who dishonours his word, either himself or by involving his kins. The curse would also destroy the vassal it was bestowed upon.

Bartot's betrayal would bring death to him. No one was to attack the Dragon's Lair again.

When the King named Bartot Canton as the heir to the throne all lands rejoiced. The young princess, Xian from the Clan of Snow Dragons was so swayed by the tale of the man who convinced Queen Xiealta, that she descended from her realm in search of the very man.

It brought her to the human realm. She would fall for the man, the moment she would see him. And of them, was born the accursed half dragon prince. The legacy of betrayers.

Princess Xian would soon leave, leaving her son to the King. Unbeknownst to her, that the King Canton had already married another and birthed a son, almost thrice as old as the newborn prince.

The newborn prince was given to the palace maids to raise and take care of, whole King Canton pined after his new found love. The bastard child, half dragon, Prince would be imprisoned in his quarters while his older, half brother would learn how to rule the Kingdom.

But it wasn't the end of an era.

Someone had summoned a group of notorious dagger carriers. Their tips yielded magic and poison, that could killed anything and everything. Their mana was fueled by blood. The Red Daggers, they called themselves.

And shortly after Queen Xiealta died, The Red Daggers had attacked the dragon's lair. The Dragon eggs were mutilated and stolen. The Curse Of Trust, answered it's calling.

It's magic killed King Bartot. But that wasn't all. Almost as if it was all timed, an ambitious matriarch of House Versailles would ask the hand of the Crown Prince, swaying Prince Theodore to her own palace.

In vain, the Great Council, under the consul of Sir Marshall, bestowed the bastard prince with dukedom. He was christened as Duke Lewis Canton, the first of his name from the House Of Canton, while the Realm Of The Man suffered with its empty throne and mourned the demise of its one true king.

While, I, the hybrid bastard tried to save his father's kingdom...

So, when a young girl who looks wise beyond her years tells me she has seen dragons, it could only mean one thing. There's a way into the dragon realm that we know nothing about. And Joel knows... And someone has told her.

I couldn't tell José. I wouldn't expect him to understand. But ours was a bloodline etched in betrayal, loss and demise.

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