The Mistress' Revenge

Chapter 9: Chapter Three, Part Two: A New Contender

A day before


"Jane! Wait up," I heard a shrill yell cut through the air as I headed about the cafeteria. I turned around to find Corin, this time not with her boyfriend. Her hooded eyes had a tint of purple eyeshadow. And she wore black. This wasn't how she usually was.

"Corin?" What business does she have with me?

"I was wondering if you are free today. We can work on the 'Project', together," she tells me, dwindling her fingers in a commas as she says the word 'Project'. My my! And to think I thought such a day would never arrive.

"Yeah sure. But I have to work a shift at the mall in the afternoon. Do you think you can work something out for the evenin'?" This was my opportunity to get things done without getting in Professor Hank's face.

"I am so sorry for the day before. My boyfriend and I broke up," she said, flicking her hair behind her shoulders.

"I am sorry. What happened?" I asked, and she looked at me puzzled. I realised we weren't close. And I didn't know shit about Corin, except that she was rich, spoilt, smart and cunning.

"Well, my boyfriend doesn't like redheads," she tells me, and her smile falls.

"And he couldn't remember that before?" I looked at her wide eyed. I was probably rubbing salt over her wounds, but just how do people break up over measly things like that. No good boyfriend in a billion years of fiction would do that. But that's the thing. This is life. There are no real stories to escape into. Just life.

"Apparently, he loves kissing red heads. And f- And forgetting them," Corin said, somewhat uncomfortable. There it was. She was always pretending she was someone who didn't have any pre disposition to sex. Classic Corin.

"I am so sorry, Corin. Are you sure you don't want to take a day off?" I ask, and she shakes her head.

"No. No way. I need my mind full of other things. Things that come with an obvious deadline," she said. Perhaps. It's best for both of us.

"Well then, I will see you at your place then?" I asked. She froze. Frown marked her forehead.

"No. How about yours? My folks are having a dinner thing with their friends at work," she tells me, and I bite into the inside of my cheek. I have never had anyone come over at the new house. It was barely a place. But then there was that paper we needed to turn in. We would lag behind if we don't.

"I will text you the address, then," I tell her and she nods her head. She walks away soon, leaving me with more things to worry about. Did I do laundry? Did I leave my bra on the bed? Would I make it in time for it? But then, I had too little time. My shift at mall was going to be a long one. It was fucking Valentine's day. Sue me.


Present Day

"Corin!" I screamed out loud, as she talked to a couple of students from our class. We worked on the project last evening. Even almost got through half of it. She did the reading. I drafted the proposal.

"Hey, Corin!" I waved my hand, to get her attention. But she was so immersed in the talk that she hardly noticed me. Maybe I should walk to her and...

"Look, isn't it that girl?" Someone whispered behind my back.

"The one who slept with Professor Hank?" A stifled giggle bubbled up.

"Yeah. I have heard that she's been a nasty girl. The redhead is good at blow jobs. Probably got straight A-s from it,"a guy laughed. Okay that was enough.

"Hey!" I turned around to find the gossipers. Two girls, and a guy. All wearing some sort of clique uniform that read - 'We ❤️ Montreal'.

"You cannot say shit like that behind other people's backs. What do you even know about her?" I barked at them. It was unusual. But then, I didn't really know why I was so angry at them. It wasn't that Corin and I were close. Despite working on one project. Then...

"Oh my God. Look, it's that side chick," the guy laughed. I recognise him from Semantics class.

"Who the hell are you calling a side chick?" Before I knew it, my hand was high in the air. It landed harshly against his cheek. My teeth grinded against each other.

The girls were alarmed. The next thing I knew, I was on the top of the guy, as he struggled. I didn't have a lot of strength. Then... How can I even? But then nothing came to mind. Only pure rage.

"You dare say a word about Professor Hank, or Corin, or me... And I will beat you to a pulp!" I was fuming.

"God! You are crazy. Get off of me!" He whined. "Besides, I am not lying. Look," he said, and I watched as Professor Hank approached Corin. They held hands and Corin whispered something in his ear. Then, they smiled.

"See. Now let me go," he said, and I found my cheeks flushed hot. And my eyes stinging. Was I crying? What the hell am I feeling? Am I even supposed to feel this way?

A commotion gathered around us. I had no idea what I was doing. Then, I heard the familiar thud of the boots approaching.

"Professor Hank..." Our eyes met, as tears ran down my cheeks.

"God. Jane? What are you doing?" He sprinted closer, lifting me with the force of his arm. I laid pressed to him.

"Are you fucking Corin?" The words were out. "Is that why you have been so mean to me?" I wondered.

"No... And what is it to you, if I do," he whispered against my lips. I felt my teeth sinking deep into my bottom lip from the effort to not say anything. Why was I feeling this way?

"You always do this, don't you?" He said, and next I could feel the soft of his lips brushing against mine. Oh. God. I closed my eyes. His obsidian eyes. His long hair. His body. So close to me. Why did I not feel uncomfortable? What's happening to my body? A radiating pain crept through the back of my head. Oh no. The medications. I am hallucinating. Stay. Vanya. My eyes closed. And then there was darkness.

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