Chapter 19: Pridefull
Thankfully. by the time Rio was collapsing to his feet he he dwindled down the number of his opponents to just two and the two headed direhog, though just a cub was doing a good job of keeping them at bay.
Knowing that this was not the time for him to take a break and most importantly show weakness, against the emptiness in his head Rio stirred to rise back to his feet.
As Rio had seen when he killed the head of the barbarian group, his strength far outclassed that his opponent and that did not change even after the heavy mental drain he had gotten.
Though a bit disoriented, Rio finding a sense of balance pushed off from the ground in a sprint and the next moment he arrived before one of the two barbarians, a woman who was frustrated at her attack just being dodged.
Leaving the last opponent, to be taken care of by the direhog, in a sudden bout of curiosity, Rio grabbed the woman's face his fingers clamping on its sides and then he squeezed as hard as he could.
Showing off her poor battle intellect and lack of experience, rather than try to cut Rio with her blade not that she would have succeeded, the woman let her sword fall to the ground and crying out in pain she held onto his fingers and tried to pull them off.
Fighting against the woman's attempt, a glint went through Rio's eyes and with roar he exerted strength in his arms and lifted the woman off the ground.
For several seconds, while keeping an eye on the fight happening next to him, Rio squeezed as hard as he could wanting to crush the skull of his opponent, but seconds later he was forced to give up this goal as the woman, exerting all her strength successfully pried off his fingers and fell to the ground.
"I'm too weak," Rio thought.
Credit to her survival instincts, the second the woman's feet touched the ground, she immediately pushed off and ran away looking to flee, but unfortunately for her Rio was not against testing out his throwing skills.
Glancing to his right to see that the two-headed direhog had its opponent backed against a boulder, Rio lifted his axe and squinting his left eye, threw it.
The red emergency axe which had been doing more than what's it manufacturer design for, shot through the air, it deadly form spinning till it eventual found the back of its target.
Giving the two-headed direhog one more look, Rio ran forward, his form appearing over the body of the woman and his feet stomping down on her back just as she was about to get up.
Unfortunately, while Rio's axe had hit, it wasn't the sharp edge of its blade that made contact but rather its flat upper surface and it had only sent the woman falling.
Pressed to the ground, the woman spoke a lot of words which were incomprehensive but could clearly be deciphered as pleas given her tone, but unfortunately, it didn't save her from getting her head split in two.
Rio stared at the fountain of blood that gushed out of the woman's split head, staining his axe and pooling on the ground.
Without a word, Rio pulled out his axe and turned to return to the last opponent but as he took a step, he stumbled to the left, a heavy tremble having gone through his head.
Massaging his head Rio wondered whether eating flesh would solve the problem of his bad headache but immediately he was repulsed by the sight of human flesh around him.
Rio moved towards the direhog but just as he was about to attack and help it, a growl had him pausing.
"You actually want to handle him yourself" Rio asked and after a confirmative growl from the two headed direhog, he collapsed on a rock to the side and became a spectator.
The two headed Direhogs opponent was a man who used two dagger and though he held them like an expert, one forward and the other in a reverse, he fought like an idiot.
Rio wasn't an expert in the use of dagger or any weapons, but just watching the actions of the man he could tell that he was a total newbie with the dagger.
"It would be better if he just held them like kitchen knives and tried his best."
Though the two headed direhog had sustained a few cuts along it's back in the course of the battle, the fact that the man had still not killed the beast which wasn't even up to a week old and was covered in several bite marks and cuts spoke badly of his skills.
"Is it trying to poison him like it did the other two men back at the valley?" Rio thought but then after observing the man some more his eyes narrowed.
"With how much bites he has on his arms the fact that he hasn't collapsed by now means that either the direhog doesn't want to poison him or the man is immune to its poison."
A look at the anger and frustration on both direhog's faces told Rio the answer and it definitely wasn't the former, the beast was out for a kill in anyway.
"How persistent"
The battle between the direhogs and the barbarian lasted for several minutes before eventually the man grew tired, became sloppy and was brutally swiped behind his knees.
From there, things went downhill for the man and better for the two-headed direhog and soon its opponent was dead and it was digging its maws into red hot flesh.
While the beast feasted, Rio had a contemplative look on his face as he looked around trying to understand why no one had come to save the last man or even check on how the battle had fared, it had been some time since Rio clashed with the enemy after all.
They were just before the enemy's territory weren't they, just behind the waterfall was the secret door to their village right.
With the appetite it had shown the previous day, Rio expected the two-headed direhog to finish with the man it had killed and move on to the other bodies, but instead, it came to him with a satisfied look and puffed up its chest with a snort when he suggested it eat some more.
"How prideful, it only wants to eat what it kills"