Chapter 2: new beginnings
The sunlight peaks through the window and into the room I stand Infront of the mirror fixing my collar I think to myself "did this really happen am I really back in the past" I push those thoughts away and take a deep breath I turn to the door and walk over to it putting my hand on the cold metal door handle i think to myself "well if this is all real then I must change a lot of things to avoid the same fate from the future." I open the door and walk out shutting the door behind me as I start walking down the corridor "it's time for my story to change"
In the past I was never a good person some may call me a demon or the devil of my family but that's one thing I can agree with when I was younger I would torment anything that lived I was a walking disaster I would kill birds ants butterflys you name it and for what my own sick fun I would even torment my own siblings and after all of that when I was 12 I was banished and forced to live in a mansion at the country side away from the capital city.
Let me introduce myself I'm Andrew stormhilt the 8th youngest child to the royal family the country I live in is one of the many countries that exist. This country is known as the country of the endless storm or better known as stormgrown the reason it has this name is because of the war that had happened over ten thousand years ago. The gods against the evil entity had battles for one hundred years until they had finally sealed it away. After the war the remnants of the gods powers had become one with the land of the continent this given many countries to go through a strange phenomenon that some would be blessed and some may be cursed. This country had been cursed by the god of storms to have endless rain and thunder yet this country still has a large population and lives in peace with the other countries that devote their father to the god of storms believeing that this is not a curse but yet a blessing.
I reach the main dining hall as I push open the doors the room is lavished and full of paintings and expensive pottery and art pieces this would have made me prideful in the past for having so much wealth but now it is all uninteresting and pointless suddenly I'm taken from my deep thoughts as a soft shaky voice calls out to me "lord A-Andrew sir your breakfast is here take a seat." I turn to see the person who's voice I haven't heard in a long time it is a woman with red hair and green eyes she was one of the servants who used to serve me her name is rose. I don't say a word as I take a seat at the table she takes a cup from the tray and puts it next to me on the table then she puts a plate Infront of me that has food on it then she takes a tea pot and holds it to the tea cup and pours some tea into it she puts the tea pot onto the table then she bows to me and says "I hope you enjoy your breakfast my lord" I pick up my cutlery and start eating as I think to myself "how did I ever treat someone as nice as her so cruel" my mind flashes back to when I would hit her for breaking something and the vast amount of evil I would do as it angers me how evil I was but from this day I swear to myself I will never be like that and I will be different.
After eating rose takes the plate and cutlery and put it on a tray and then the tea cup but suddenly there is a loud smash as the tea cup hits the ground I turn to look to see what had happened roses face turns to horror and then she looks at me in fear "I.. I'm very sorry my lord i-it was an accident I...I will clean it up just pleas-" I stand up and walk over to her before she can finish as I ask her in a calm tone "are you alright did you cut your hand or anything?" Her expression still holds fear but confusion as well most likely wondering why I'm not shouting at her or going to hit her she says in a shaky voice "I... I'm fine my lord your not going to h-hit me are you?" I can see her expression is still showing fear if she is unsure if she can truly believe that I'm not angry as I say "I won't presides it was an accident I'm just glad you didn't hurt yourself" she looks at me with an even deeper look of confusion as if she is talking to a complete stranger "i-i'm fine my lord..I will sweep this up right away" she goes over to a table and picks up a pan and brush to sweep up the broken glass before I can say anything I think to myself "I should just leave her be for a bit she may be still a bit worried that I may do something to her" l decide to leave her be and exit the dining room and head to the library since if I want to change my fate I'm going to need to start by getting stronger if I'm going to prepare for what's to come.