Chapter 18: Waves Of Calm
Levant and Polaris, walked from out of the tree line, onto the sandy shore of the beach, Polaris looked up staring at the moon, it was full tonight, it shined bright in the sky, a string of clouds circling around it, it's light bathing everything in a soft silvery blue. Polaris took a seat on a large boulder that stuck out of the sand, his eyes focused on the waves slowly moving back and forth on the sand, he just sat there, watching and listening to the waves, the fury in his eyes washing away with the sound, his breathing and overall aura became calmer.
Levant stood behind him, he had a look of surprise on his face, it had never ceased to amaze him how calm Polaris would get just being near the ocean, lucky for him, they lived on an island, he walked up next to the sitting Polaris, scanning him up and down, he took note of the red veins on his arm, that were showing due to the ripped up part of his jacket where the centipede had struck, Levant quickly rummaged through his jacket pocket and took out the white paper wrapped in a cone, he put the joint in his mouth and flicked his thumb at the end of it, causing a small flame to appear, Polaris looked up at him from where he was sitting,
"I guess all of our checks in the forest are finished", Polaris said, getting up from where he was sitting,
"yeah, I guess so, by the way, sorry for being an asshole earlier, and shooting the fireball at you", levant said, his face had a soft smile on it as he looked directly at Polaris,
"don't worry about it, plus I figured that half of that idea was probably due to Barak, not only that I've done worse to the two of you in worse situations, so we're all good", Polaris said smiling back at Levant,
"let's head to the island while its dark out, I really don't need any of my mother's spies telling her where we are heading", Polaris said, pulling the joint out of Levant's mouth as he walked pass and taking a long pull off of it, Levant turned behind him to follow,
Levant scoffed ,"I don't see why you're so annoyed by her, your mother is just trying to look out for you",
"I know, but she worries to much, even though she uses those damn birds to keep track of me", Polaris answered,
"well at least one of them cares", Levant said, as the words left his mouth Polaris tensed for a bit, rubbing the hand that was hurt,
"but have you ever thought about just leaving", levant asked,
"yup, multiple times, just disappearing and never coming back, but the thought of not having you, or Aster, or Barak, constantly around stops me, I'm not even sure if it's a thought or and instinct at this point", Polaris said,
"I get what you mean, I want to leave also, but the furthest I ever manage to go is to the capital, I can never seem to get any further", Levant said,
"damn, I guess Rak is luckiest out of us, he managed to put an entire desert between him and the clan", Polaris said, letting out a small chuckle,
"ha, well aster put the desert there but even that couldn't keep him away forever", Levant said,
"the elders of the clan put way too much strain on us when we were younger", Levant continued,
"yup, always telling us we're special, and that we're vital to the clan, but never fully explaining what that means", Polaris said, levant turning and looking up at the moon,
"gosh, I would love to travel this world one day, free to do whatever I want whenever I want, be whoever I want", levant said, reaching his hand towards the moon,
Levant looked at Polaris and gave a slight grin and then chuckled at the conversation they just had, his stomach letting out a loud growl,
"Look let's go, hopefully by the time we get there, either Barak or aster cooked something to eat cause i am hungry as fuck", levant stated, as he started to walk back into the forest,
"for sure, before all of that freedom, lets get something to eat", Polaris said,
Switching to aster
Deep underground, Aster knocked down the wall of earth which lead into a large opening, large enough to fit about six or seven large warehouses,
He walked out into the opening, with the giant in tow bounded by multiple rocks linked together, Squeezing the giants body tightly, where multiple work stations stood, these stations where usually manned by blacksmiths, but today the stations were empty, Aster kept walking until he came to the end of the vast underground hall, he stopped in front of an old wooden door, it was unpainted and cracking at the joints, it's knob was no longer there only leaving a vacant hole,
Aster looked back at the giant and then moved the earth around the giant to keep him in place, luckily he was still unconscious, and aster didn't need him using his powers to get out of here,
And with a loud, BANG, the door flung open hitting the wall behind it and stopping, it slowly moved forward, with a very distinct creak, a part of the door dropped off and laid at aster feet,
a soft yellow light filled the room, in the middle of it stood a table, with multiple weapons, pieces of armor, and various stones and gems of various sizes, and colors, scattered all over the table, at one corner of the table stood a large white crystal with a rectangular screen projecting off of it, in front of the screen sat a figure, with a half finished bottle of liquor next to him,
"no, no, that will never do", the person said,
Aster walked up behind him and tapped him on his shoulder, which caused him to jump and turn around in his chair,
"Oh aster it's only you, you're back from your errand already", the person said, with a sigh of relief,
"Yes kwanaé, so tell me, why is the workshop empty ?"? Aster asked,
"Well the guys called it quits early and headed home, I just decided to stay behind", kwanaé said,
"what ?, why ?", aster asked,
"I don't know, davy said, something about drinking and partying tonight, and all the others agreed, and you know if it's me by myself I can't stop them from doing shit", Kwanae said,
"of course it was davy, they must've gone to the doubleback bar, his girlfriend's family owns the place after all, they could've at least gone back home and gone to Cet's place, then I would at least know what's happening while I'm gone", aster said,
"did they at least get the repair order, for the city hall finished", Aster asked,
"ohh that, yeah, They finished up everything and packed them up, Darik just has to pick them up", Kwanae said,
"ohh damn, Darik isn't going to be able to come", Aster said,
"what, did he die or something tonight", Kwanae said,
"what no, why would you even say that, there was a small attack on the village tonight he got injured during the initial fight", Aster said,
"the hell, was it those damn skovol idiots, I swear they never learn", kwanae said,
"it wasn't them, it was someone else, anyways, that's been taken care of, want to see something cool" Aster asked, walking back through, the now broken, door, kwanaé followed him, and his eyes became alive and ecstatic when he saw the prisoner aster had,
"So two things, wrap this guy up in something so that he can't get away, and run some analysis on him, and don't tell anyone, and don't ask me where he came from" aster demanded,
"Its just like you to appear out of nowhere with something that can't be explained, and ask for two things, but list five", kwanaé said shaking his head with a look of disappointment,
"Exactly", Aster replied proudly,
"so what kind of analysis are we looking at here Aster", Kwanae asked,
"well, what you're looking at here is a bona fide, pureblooded member of the giant race, me and Polaris fought him earlier, his body is incredibly dense, I'm guessing it has something to do with his blood though and the nutrients that they supply to his muscles", Aster said,
"ohh. I'll get on it, it's been a while since there was anyone you went up against that you deemed worthy to keep alive", Kwanae said,
"yeah, sadly I can't stick around to help you with anything this time, I got to go, let the guys know that I won't be back for a while, and Kwanae, when you're done, turn him over to the special enforcers, don't kill him", Aster said,
Aster pulled a piece of earth up and started to ascend to the openings ceiling,
"Now I have to get going so i will come back in about two or three days", Aster shouted as he began to go into the ceiling,
"by the way he can control earth like me, so through him in the back container, that's filled with water, it should keep him quiet", Aster said, shouting down to kwanae,
Kwanaè just looked on dumbfounded by his friend's behaviour,
Aster returned back to the surface, he gazed up at the moon,
He inhaled deeply,
"I wish this moment of peace could last longer", he thought to himself, for that brief moment he smiled,
"Now it's time to see what she has In store for us", he said to himself, before heading off to the island.