The Prophecy Of The Four Kings

Chapter 59: Blood & Thunder

Aster laid there , the blood pouring out of his stomach, and half of his vision blocked by the blood running over his eye, his breath was labored, he could feel the heavy weight on his eye lids, begging him to close them,

"there, there, you've fought long and hard, take a rest now my child", a small feint voice called out to him, it belonged to his mother, no, it felt warm, familiar, motherly, but not his mothers. Aster wanted to go, to follow the warmth and softness of that voice, but, he felt the pull, the tether that he had to the others, the voice grew louder, harsher, frigid, "you're a cautious one I'll give you that, but soon one of us will claim one of you".

As Asters body grew closer and closer to his fading, consciousness, the crystallized spikes returned to their original state and retreated back into the ground, the corpses of his victims and soldiers of both Drach and the rebels alike all surrounded him, his chest rose high and fell again, eyes flickering opening and closing, finally, Aster stared, solemnly at the drab gray sky, the first drop of rain fell beneath his eye falling off his face, soon the sky had burst, crying heavy drops of rain onto the bloods oaked battlefield, at first the fresh water in his wounds stung, but, soon it brought relief as Aster's blood flowed with the water and mixed into the dirt. he slowly closed his eyes, and when he opened them again a familiar figure stood over him,

"damn, I thought you had gone and died on me", the voice rang out, amid the cold wet sensation of the rain pouring on his body, he felt a warm, gentle sensation, as he closed his eyes again,

The cold feeling of the rain, went from soothing to hot, burning hot, Aster jolted up from his unconsciousness letting out a deep guttural scream from the pain, he quickly grabbed onto the hand he felt pressing against his side, he looked around angry and in confusion, when his mind cleared he found himself face to face with Levant.

"Love the enthusiasm Ast, but you ain't my type so let go", levant said, taking his other hand trying to lessen Aster's grip,

"sorry lev", Aster said, releasing his hand from Levant's wrist, "what the hell just happened",

"shit man, save that kind of strength for when your itching for a fight with Rak", Levant said, pulling away and rubbing his wrist,

"now isn't the time for jokes lev, what the hell did you just do", Aster asked again, the aggression rising in his voice,

"this is the thanks I get for patching you up, I stopped you from bleeding all over the very nice dirt we are currently fighting on", Levant answered walking away, Astre lifted up his arm, the nasty wound on his side had be burned closed, however the smell left much to be desired.

"how long was I out ?" Aster asked Levant, jogging a bit to catch up to him,

"barely a couple seconds", Levant responded, By now the battlefield had cleared a bit, Aster and Levant made their way through the bodies of soldiers on both sides who had slain their foes, and then the others who were nothing but ash and bone, Aster dragged his hand behind him, he called for his hammer, which quickly flew in to his hand,

"Gods sake Lev, you burnt them to their bones", Aster said, looking around at the scorched section of the field, "by the way where are we going ?", Aster said,

"while you were having your beauty sleep, I was scouting out our next fight, Pol and Rak are on the other side of the battlefield, but for now we gotta go through them", Levant said pointing at the full legion of soldiers who were waiting as the rear guard for the Dracht army,

"and what's through there", Aster asked, resting his Hammer on his shoulders,

"see that wall that's been knocked down, Aluric, yumi and Amon are on the other side of that fighting, we have to go help the two of them beat Aluric", Levant said,

"cool. Cool. Cool, brilliant idea, but that's like two to three hundred extra people, we'll be to tired to do anything once we get through with them", Aster said, protesting to levant,

"so what I'm hearing is, you'll take the left side while I take the right", Levant said, resting his arm on Aster's shoulder, a large grin plastering itself across his face,

"uggh fine, but you definitely owe me one after this", Aster said, begrudgingly agreeing to Levant's plan,

"sure, how about, three rounds of Cet's special when we get home, and I not tell the others about you and Rabia ", Levant said, walking backwards to the enemy, a large smile still running across his face,

"how the hell did you find out", Aster said running in behind him,

back with Barak

Krio got up from where he knelt, and ,made his way over to Barak,who had been staring at his opponent standing before him, he grit his teeth, and his eyes had a look of disbelief woven into them, Barak now knew the caliber of fighter who stood before him, as this was someone who he now saw as on par with his master,

"he's coming", krio said, as he prepared for the attack he was sure was about to come,

and surely it did, Pix threw his scythe at krio, knowing he would respond with raising his own weapon to block it, and in that moment, he dashed towards Barak, landing a spinning kick straight to his face, which sent barak flying backwards,

Krio looked next to him, shocked at what had happened, but Pix was prepared, as he grabbed hold of his scythe that he sent at krio, while landing a kick, that also sent krio flying in another direction,

Barak, was looking at the sky again, as he laid on his back once more, he felt wounded, but he knew it wasn't something physically that was hurt, and he also knew that the pain wouldn't subside until Pix laid defeated on the ground before him,

As he sprang back up to his feet, Pix appeared in front of him yet again, as pix made eye contact with Barak he could tell that something was different,

"that look in your eyes, it's the look of someone who has had a part of his soul taken from him", Pix said as he swung his scythe at barak,

"my question is what devoured it", Pix asked, as barak caught the scythe's blade with his bare hands, he pulled it closer to him, lunging pix forward, as Barak smashed his head against pix's,

Pix pulled back, as a sharp burst of pain rang through his head, he looked at barak, as a small stream of blood trickled from his forehead,

"yes I wonder what did devour that part of my soul ?", Barak asked himself,

"anyways, as you said lets finish this", Barak said, pointing his hand at pix, and in a burst of lightning, his sword flew to his hand,

in an instant Barak lunged forward at Pix, swinging his sword at Pix's neck, but,it was met with pix's scythe yet again,

"same trick won't work twice", Pix commented, pushing barak's sword away from his body, he swung his body, letting the scythe out to its full length, as he swung at barak,

KLLIINK, the sound of metal knocking into each other was heard, as krio appeared blocking the attack from pix,

"forgot about me", krio stated, as barak ran from behind krio, lightning charged in his blade as he swung at Pix's neck once again,but this time it pix caught barak's blade with his own hand,

"don't get besides yourself, i still have the same amount of power and strength as earlier I've just gotten it under control now", Pix claimed, gripping barak's sword as hard as he could, he threw back his arm tossing aside Barak, as he focused his attention on Krio, he pulled his scythe towards him, as the curved under side of the blade, hooked onto Krio, pix raised his scythe in the air, along with krio, bringing both him and the scythe slamming onto the ground,

As krio's body hit the ground, it landed with a loud 'THUD', krio laid there on the ground blood pouring out from under his mask as the crescent moon symbol lost its glow, the previous injuries he had accrued, were slowly becoming visible again, as blood began to form from his side where he had gotten slashed earlier,

'i'm not going to be of much use now, I'm sorry master Amon, I helped where I could', Krio thought to himself,

A strong sensation came across pix, as he sensed Barak's Divine energy swelling up, he turned around, as barak made his way towards him, pix dashed towards barak weapon in tow, both clashing with their weapons before either one could attack,

As Barak's and Pix's weapons grind against each other neither giving and inch, sparks began to fly off of them, but slowly barak began to feel overwhelmed, with more energy pouring into pix by the second, Pix with his extra strength pushed back Barak, unlocking them from their stalemate, with in an instant pix dashed forward closing the distance between him and Barak,

"shit, how the fuck did he become even faster", Barak thought to himself, Pix now fully in his face,

Pix swung his scythe aiming for Barak's abdomen, but barak thinking quickly his sword began glowing with power,

BOOOOOMMM,"what the fuck just happened, I cant see anything", Pix said to himself, he was enveloped in a bright light, when he regained his vision Barak was now a few feet away from him, holding his side where he thought he had gotten cut,

" shit that was close, all that training with master Elphante really payed of, I could never pull that off with such lack in concentration before", barak said to himself, he looked up staring at pix who was confused by what had happened, removing his hand from by his side, he stood up readying his sword,

"my turn now", Barak said, dashing forward, towards Pix,

Pix steadied himself and braced for barak's attack, as barak approached him at a remarkable speed, their weapons clashed, with pix sliding back a few inches,

'after that last influx of power I haven't felt that much more, I guess the battle is starting to even out, but this might be a problem, I'm using more energy than I'm drawing in, just to keep myself moving, I hardly have any to spare when it comes to attacking, I have to wrap this up quickly', Pix thought to himself, blocking some of the strikes from the volley of attacks Barak had began unleashing, as slowly more and more fine cuts and slashes began to appear over his body,

as pix continued to evade as much attacks as he could from barak, he finally looked up at his opponent, his eyes widened from what he saw, the ends of Barak's hair were burning white hot as small jolts of electricity streamed off them, and steam was starting to pour off of his body as blood began leaking from various parts of his skin, it was clear t pix that his opponent was pushing his physical abilities to their max,

Pix grinned to himself,'well I'm not going to last much longer in this situation if I try to bide my time until he tires, because I get the feeling he wont stop until I'm dead, I guess I'll have to really take a risk here', pix thought to himself, as he got launched by a lightning charged attack,

"i guess this is it the final attack", Pix said to barak,

"i guess so", Barak answered,

pix held out his scythe horizontally in front of him as he gathered all the remaining energy in the surrounding vicinity into himself, coughing up blood in the process, ' I'm way beyond my limit at this point, there's no going back now', he thought,

as barak did the same, filling his body with as much electrical energy as possibly, as a bolt of lightning shot down from the sky, as any blood that came out of his pores quickly evaporated into steam,

And with the final charge both men ran at each other, the resulting clash created a bright white dome of light and a massive crater in the immediate area, blowing away any one close by,





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