Chapter 6: Between Fire & Water
Levant walked down the front stairs of building, the vibrant blue flames turning a violent orange as the building became enveloped in them, he turned around marveling in his destruction. Levant looked back at the two people he had saved, he walked over to them slowly, the girl's face was red, her eyes widened with tears in them, Levant could see the fear in her eyes, with each step he took forward she stepped back,
"look obviously I'm not here to hurt you, or him", He said, pointing towards the injured man on the ground,
Without a her uttering a single word, it seemed as if her body lost all strength, as she just fell to the ground, crying,
As Levant got next to her, he could not see any wounds on her, so he turned his attention to the guy on the ground, he wasn't seriously injured, he was wounded on his leg and had passed out from the pain,
he picked up the guy, throwing him over his shoulders, he stretched out his hand to the girl on the ground, grabbing her by her arm and pulling her to her feet,
"I can't just leave you here", he said,
Picking her up and throwing her over his other shoulder,
"where…where are you carrying us ?", she asked, her voice still weak from crying,
"the hospital", Levant answered,
A Little Later
Levant exited the hospital, he looked up at the night sky, the loud music could still be heard thumping off in the distance,
' it's been a while since I've gone back home, I should drop by some time',
' oh well maybe at a later date, for now I'll head back to my room', he thought to himself,
A small but bright flame grew at the bottom of his feet, propelling him into the air, as he landed himself back onto a rooftop, he quickly started dashing from one to the next, making his way across the busy city, as he made his way near to the city's edge, he stopped on a rooftop, deciding the best way home,
'I should go through the more dangerous parts of the city, just in case I run into any one else who needs my help', Levant thought to himself,
He pushed off of the ledge of the rooftop,
"huh, levant said to himself,
As he noticed something glistening in the corner of his eye, speeding towards him, and as if time itself had slowed down, he saw a familiar sword fly pass his face,
"HEADS UP IDIOT", a voice said,
Polaris appearing over him and grabbing the sword, Polaris spun and kicked Levant into an empty lot next to the building he was on, Levant landed, sliding across the ground, causing a cloud of dust to flare up after his impact
Barak and aster appeared shortly afterwards, "Its time to head home ass face" aster said, looking down at levant
"Well I was heading there, until y'all interrupted, sigh" Levant said,
"I don't mean the one you have in the city, the elders want us back in the village", Aster said,
"ohh", levant answered,
"what do they want us for, it's been a while since they asked for all four of us together", levant said,
"wish I could tell you, but, I was only told to get you three, nothing more, nothing less", Aster said,
"by the way, you smell burnt, you've been going around playing hero again haven't you ?", Aster asked,
"he's been what ?", Barak asked, a slight smile making its way across his face,
"he's been going around saving people in alley ways whenever he see's trouble, he's even ran into me a couple of times when I was on clan business", Aster said,
"what is it to you anyways aster, what I get up to on my free time is up to me, now where is that asshole who threw his sword at me", levant said, getting up onto his feet,
Polaris jumped from the building and landed alongside them, walking pass Aster and Barak, and walking straight up to Levant, smiling,
"We have a score to settle and last time I checked you were ahead" Polaris said still smiling, Levant jumped backed and reached into his trench coat and whipped out his dual pistols, both blue, white and gold, he pointed them at Polaris, causing him to pull his sword from its sheath, it glistened in the light of the full moon, it was white but in the delicate and tranquil moonlight it glistened silver, Polaris crouched down and shot forward towards levant at blinding speed,
Levant jumped into the air, avoiding Polaris' incoming attack, Landing behind him with a smirk on his face, using the momentum, Polaris shot up into the air, aiming directly for Levant, he jumped back out of the way, as Polaris landed where Levant once was, raising his arm, Levant aimed, shooting at Polaris, he pulled his sword upwards stopping the bullets from injuring him,
"such a straight forward attack, aren't you feeling up to it today", Polaris asked,
Polaris threw his sword into the ground, taking out a jar of water and breaking it on the ground, he then placed his hand over the water on the ground and the water started levitating, As the water rose off of the ground, Polaris stood up , his hands moving in circular motions and more and more water started being generated around his hands,
Levant put away his guns, steam started rising off of his body yet again, a wide grin spread across his face, as the bright blue fire spewed from levants body,
MUSICAL CRUCIFIX: REPENTANCE, at the same time, VOLCANIC STAR: ENHANCER a mountain of water flowed from Polaris and and shot at levant, and streams of blue fire shot at Polaris,
Both water and fire met at the middle then, FLOOOSH...Steam exploded from the clash, through the cloud steam both of them could be seen standing, stagnant, neither of them making any sudden moves,
levant let out a sigh, "i guess we can call this one a draw, what do you say" Levant proposed, looking down at his jacket which now had minor singes on it,
Barak and aster walked in between the two of them,
"So y'all done ?" Barak asked, looking slightly amused,
"If you are, its time we head back to the clan" aster jumped in,
"hey I didn't but in earlier when you lost to Rak", Polaris said,
"ohhh, so that's why he seems so grumpy today", Levant, said, looking at Aster with a large grin on his face, Aster looked away pouting off to the side,
"fine do what ever you want", Aster said folding his arms and turning away from them,
Polaris picked up his sword and sheathed it, "I would've won just so you know" Polaris said,
" if that's what you really believe" Levant snapped back,
aster started laughing at the two of them,
"As far as I'm concerned you're both complete jackasses" Barak said holding his Palm to his face,