Chapter 61: The Blizzard Within
He let out a deep breath, with the chill in the air a vague white cloud appeared as he breathed out, A cold blue pigment rushed over the warm light brown color of his skin as if to drain the life from it, and with each passing breath it grew colder and colder. Polaris looked at the distorted view of his opponent through the cluster of icicles that he just made. Once again Aux's image distorted and he disappeared from where he was standing, from behind one of the bigger icicles Aux appeared multiple shadow daggers raced towards Polaris,
Polaris made an attempt to move, only to be stopped by the burning pain in his leg, by the time he glanced to his leg and back up the knives were already within striking distance, his eyes widened as the tip of one neared it, by shear luck his baser instincts took over, leaning back to narrowly avoid the attack. Nearing the ground, Polaris pushed out his hand and sprang backwards, flipping himself back onto his feet, however it wasn't a moment of rest, within the next breath Aux was in his face again, his hand swinging down towards him with another shadow blade. The cold blue pigment encroached even further onto his body, on to his chest he could feel the coldness slowly grip around his heart, but it did not give him dis comfort, no, it empowered him. Ice grew over the hand that was about to fall onto Polaris, freezing it solid. Even freezing the blade, in Aux's moment of shock Polaris kicked him backwards allowing him a moment to breathe.
Confused by the sudden burst in power, Polaris looked down at his hands, his arms, even his chest and abdomen were now covered in this blue skin, even his sword was now coated in a thin clear layer of ice, he took a deep breath, trying to calm himself, but found that his heart barely beat, as he let out his breath frost and small snowflakes came out.
"I've definitely gone pass the limit", Polaris said to himself, a soft shattering sound filled the air around bringing him back to the present, slowly the rain droplets in his vicinity turned to icicles before hitting the ground. Polaris held up his blade to his face preparing to attack, his hand was unusually steady, almost as if his entire being had become as calm and peaceful as snowfall. Aux took a small moment to catch his breath, he felt the temperature in the area take a sharp drop, he would've been more alarmed by that if he wasn't distracted by what he saw in front of him, Polaris' skin had been turned fully blue, his hair was snow white, Aux would've mistaken him for demon-kin if his eyes didn't have such a serene yet bright blue glow, for Polaris however it was as if time had stopped.
"Khianos at tun, my beloved one", a soft but chilling voice spoke, in front of Polaris a pale woman of a cold icy beauty, so beautiful it seemed to make her lonely, wearing a white dress that shimmered snowflakes and bellowed out frost as she moved, her eyes reflected Polaris own,
"who are you", Polaris thought, the woman chuckled, she appeared behind him, running her hand across his shoulder,
"I am winter, the maiden of snow, daughter of the water of life", she answered, appearing in front of him,she stroked his chin with a finger, Polaris locked eyes with her, he felt an unbearable cold, not one that was physical, but the coldness of being lonely, a fear he didn't know he had froze him in place,
"what do you want", Polaris thought again, she brought her face within a hair's breadth of his,
"I seek you, when the time comes, will you kneel and pledge yourself before me", she said, and with that Polaris was back within the present.
'he's rapidly cooling the air around him, if I carelessly get within his range I'll be frozen solid within an instant, and this damn rain isn't helping', Aux thought to himself.
As if Polaris teleported, he appeared in front of Aux, who barely had anytime to react, but, he did, from below Polaris Aux summoned a dozen shadow blades, launching them up at him, Polaris noticing the attack pulled back, the blades freezing solid as the passed him,
"you're not the only one with tricks", Aux said, "Cover me in your shroud of darkness, be my guide through the shadows, and allow your darkness to pierce this world as a blade, Zecatate's shroud", the shadow blade held in Aux hand disappeared, covering Aux in a cloak of shadows and darkness, Aux plastered a grin on his face as he rushed forward towards Polaris.
The resulting clash, radiated it's carnage outwards, a circle of sharp ice shards sprang from the ground, tendrils of shadows, bounced and snapped onto rocks boulders even nearby soldiers, without care, Aux's shadow cloak began to freeze over, ice creeping it's way up his arm, sharp blades of shadows cut Polaris all over his body, neither giving an inch, Polaris managed to take a step forward pushing all his might behind his sword, sending Aux flying off,
"I hope this makes you happy", Polaris said, sticking his sword in the ground, "RELIGIOUS CONTRACT: ICE BOUND", spear tipped chains burst from the ground, bouncing off of each other in a haphazard manner, honing in on Aux, one chain snapped onto his leg, another pierced through his arm, another through the side of his abdomen, pinning him to the ground, each chain freezing where it had latched onto,
Pinned to the ground Aux laid there staring up at eh cold grey sky, a smile painted onto his face, he began to laugh, he felt his body being dragged, the pain from the chains drowned out by the pleasure he felt from having an exhilarating fight. Polaris grabbed ahold of the chains, hearing Aux laughing as if he went mad, he pulled and pulled, dragging Aux towards him, until he was at his feet. Polaris looked on at aux, that smile, it was so similar, to his, to Zarar, the calm he felt in his body began to shift, to change, Zaraar's voice echoed over his own thoughts, no longer was it a serene calm feeling, but that of a violent blizzard, dropping to his knees, Polaris knelt onto Aux's chest, two long sharp icicles grew in his hands, piercing them through Aux's hands, pinning them to the ground, he began to lay waste to Aux, punch after punch, his anger grew, Zaraar's voice grew, louder, the smile becoming a vivid image in his head, Polaris reeled back his arm, his blue skin now smeared in red.
"hey you okay", aster's voice sounded out,
"yeah, you seem out of it", levant said, Polaris found himself back on the rooftop of the bar,
"yeah….yeah, I'm fine", he said, holding over, his hands shaking violently, "I almost gave in",
"well don't,", Aster and Levant said in unison, as their image and voices faded, Polaris snapped back to the present,
"this fight is over", Polaris said, getting off of Aux and dropping to the ground, he sat back staring up to the sky, his chest rose and fell, as he tried to calm himself, "I'm not going to kill you", Polaris held onto the chains, all of the ice on Aux's body dissolved into water, the blue pigment on his skin slowly retracted returning his body to normal,
Aux looked over at Polaris, the smile fading from his face, " Killing is…..Killing is a part of who...who you felt it… felt it just now….the monster caged inside you…'s urge to felt good…..didn't it...whoever….trained you...I should…..i should thank…..them…for showing me a darkness that is....truly magnificent.....when it consumes you….. you'll be...the greatest...killer, to....walk...this…world", Aux said, blood trickling from his mouth.
Schlik, a piercing sound rang out, as Polaris felt a familiar burning sensation, this time in his stomach, looking up Polaris was met with a purple mask, "this won't kill you, but, it will slow you down", the man in the purple mask said, Polaris fell backwards, laying on his back,
"Can't any of you do your job today", the masked man said looking down at Aux,
"somehow you're even worse than Pix", he stated, Polaris laid there watching the masked man. Trying to figure out how he snuck up on him, Polaris gripped the handle of the knife, yanking it out of him, freezing his wound close, he sprang to his knees, flinging the blade back to it's owner, the knife cut through the air with a low pitched whistle, however the masked man caught the blade, returning it in the same fashion to Polaris, however Polaris dodged it by leaning backwards, as he knelt up once more, the masked man was gone along with Aux, Dracht soldiers soon pooled in ready to attack the weakened Polaris
Somewhere within the Dracht capital
a familiar white haired person flew through the air, his ebony skinned body catapulting towards a stone brick wall, that was already partially destroyed, as he collided with the stone brick wall, small streaks of blood left his mouth as he gasped out, the pain coursing through his body from his back all the way around to his chest,
yumi, lunged forward into the air, her body twisting mid flight to gain momentum as she swung her leg at her opponents red hair that was done in a braided ponytail, yumi's leg connected to her opponent, as a loud explosive sound filled the air, she was grinning to herself,
'got him right back for attacking Amon', she thought,
however when she looked down, she was met with Aluric's hand a hold of her leg, soon after she could feel the strange sensation of a part of her Divine energy being sucked away from her body, forcing her to struggle to gt free of Aluric's grip, as her eyes met his, Aluric's eyes shifted from the normal olive green color they held to a overly familiar bright yellow color with, a plus sign shaped pupil,
"you actually too….", she began to say, suddenly being stopped as aluric tightened his grip, she felt her whole body move against her will, her view changing from the grey brick streets to the sky and back and forth as she spun freely in the air,
as she was flung into the air by aluric towards the closest building