The Queen Morgana's Diary

Chapter 13: Chapter 13 Adventure at Dragon Palace Ruin

Tuesday, December 26, 2024.

Devil's Planet, Dragon's Ocean, Dragon Palace Ruin, 13:00 p.m.

Morgana had enjoyed a luncheon with participants to discuss their confusions. She had offered her suggestions to each of them. The path to future was under their feet. She wished they could walk toward an unmatched future.

"Remember to keep holding on the path you have chosen. Perseverance is one of characteristics for the great people." Morgana said, cautioning four of them. She thought. 'How far they could reach, it depends on how long they could carry on.'

"Yes, your majesty!" Victoria, William, Medusa and Harper replied, looking at Morgana. They thought. 'It's time to say goodbye to queen. It's time to say hello to the new adventures ahead. It's time to truly begin the new life.'

"I'll send you back! I wish you could have many opportunities to improve yourselves. See you!" Morgana whispered, looking upon their familiar faces. She thought. 'Those people who come, will also leave.'

Morgana opened four portals to each other's hometown. Four portals appeared by each other's side. The portal that linked here to the distant place, it made the distance between two places disappear, as if there was no distance.

"See you!" Victoria, William, Medusa and Harper turned around, waving with a smile. They came in the portal, coming back each other's hometown. They thought. 'Queen treats me so well. I'm grateful for following a kind queen.'

Morgana felt a sense of sorrow, as she saw them waving with a smile. She felt a sense of emptiness, as she looked around the empty dining hall. She thought. 'It's hard to say goodbye to those people we cared. I'm looking forward the reunion with them.'

"Your majesty! This is Samuel. Now I'm at a ruin, looking unto a massive slumber bone dragon. The bone dragon is guarding at the door to dragon's treasures. I'm afraid that I can't defeat this bone dragon under ocean. I'm applying for queen's support." Samuel reported, narrating in Morgana's personal channel. He thought. 'I wish queen could support me with some powerful weapons.'

Samuel who was the royal guard commander, he led royal guards battle with dragons. Devils were good at fire-breathing and fireballs. But dragons were hiding under ocean. Samuel chased after a dragon, and discovered the ruin. He intended to explore the ruin, but there was a massive slumber bone dragon guarding at the door.

"Hello, Samuel!" Morgana opened a portal, descending at Dragon Palace Ruin. She thought. 'It's time to begin the new adventure.'

Morgana descended at the ruin, looking unto the massive bone dragon. She activated Queen's Detection System, detecting the bone dragon. She saw the immense power flowing within dragon bones. She thought. 'This bone dragon must be an ancient divine dragon when he was alive.'

"Your majesty!" Samuel saluted, kneeling on one knee and looking at Morgana. He thought. 'I can't believe my queen is coming for me!'

"I appoint you as the royal treasure hunter. I'm surprised that you can discover the ruin. There must be dragon's treasures. Let's have an adventure! Tell me the situation here." Morgana whispered, appointing Samuel as the royal treasure hunter. She thought. 'Dragons have a habit of collecting treasures. There must be dragon's treasures.'

"Yes, your majesty!" Samuel continued, "I led royal guards battle with dragons. We conquered the sky, but dragons hid under ocean. I chased a dragon, and came to here. I feel the immense power within the bone dragon, and seek for queen's support." Samuel reported, narrating the situation. He thought. 'The bone dragon is guarding at the door to the dragon's treasures. If I dared intrude the ruin, the bone dragon might awaken and accuse me of disturbing his sweet dream.'

Morgana walked toward the dragon palace ruin, as if she wandered in the garden. She saw different types of coral reefs dotted the surroundings. The coral reefs were as gorgeous and colorful as flowers. Red, orange, yellow, green and blue, they were. She admired coral reefs, and set feet at the ruin.

The bone dragon raised his massive body, as Morgana set feet at the dragon palace ruin. He fluttered his bone wings, as if he was going to fly. He raised his massive skull, two orange flame in his eyes, looking at Morgana.

"Intruder! Dies!" Grayson raised his giant bone dragon's claw, crushing where Morgana stood. He thought. 'How could she dare disturb Grayson's sweet dream?'

Morgana opened a portal underfeet, avoiding the bone dragon's claw, as the claw was going to crush where she stood. She saw the bone dragon's claw crushing where she stood, there became a claw print. The gorgeous and colorful coral reefs that she just admired, they were crushed into dust.

"It's so rude of you, crushing the coral reefs. It seems that you need a lesson that you can't forget." Morgana whispered, looking unto the massive bone dragon. She thought. 'This bone dragon must be the best treasure at the ruin. I'm gonna teach him a lesson that he can't forget. I want him to honor me as his queen.'

"Intruder! Dies!" Grayson raised his giant bone dragon's claw again, crushing where Morgana stood. He raised his claw, and found no trace of Morgana. He thought. 'This annoying fly, it makes me so annoyed!'

"Your majesty! Shall I can you?" Samuel asked, observing Morgana avoiding the bone dragon's claw twice. He thought. 'My queen is more powerful than I could ever imagine. She will definitely conquer this bone dragon.'

"Don't join the battle! Just observe and try to learn the combat skills." Morgana said, peeking at Samuel standing in the distance. She thought. 'The bone dragon's claw might crush my divine body. But he can't even touch my dress.'

"Annoying fly! You shall feel Grayson's wrath!" Grayson threatened. He raised his massive dragon skull head, going to breathe out the atomic breathing. He thought. 'Nobody dares mess up with Grayson.'

Grayson raised his massive dragon skull head, going to breathe out the atomic breathing. The atomic breathing could kill a God, but it couldn't kill Morgana. He breathed the atomic breathing at where Morgana stood. The atomic breathing destroyed everything that the atomic breathing touched.

"Devil's Claw!" Morgana avoided the atomic breathing, summoning devil's claw. She thought. 'It's time to teach him a lesson that he can't forget.'

Devil's claw flew out the portal, shifting over Grayson's head. The bone dragon's claw was giant, but the more giant was the devil's claw. Devil's claw seemed like adult's claw and the bone dragon's claw seemed like baby's claw.

Morgana manipulated devil's claw, slapping Grayson's massive body. Grayson was slapped to twenty meters away. She manipulated devil's claw, slapping Grayson again. As if Grayson was a ball being kicked around.

"Surrender or resist?" Morgana gave him a reason that he can't refuse, looking at Grayson who's being slapped around by devil's claw. She thought. 'Dragons always honor the stronger. They are too pride of themselves with a strong believe that they are stronger than the others.'

"Surrendered! I surrendered!" Grayson had to surrender, bowing down his pride dragon skull head. He thought. 'How could I surrender to the others. One day I'll revenge on this bitch and take back my pride.'

Morgana saw Grayson bowing down his pride dragon skull head. She opened a portal, sending devil's claw back the Queen's Treasury. She came toward Grayson, and stood by his massive dragon skull head.

"Remember your queen is Morgana, the Goddess of Darkness! Tell me what you know about the dragon palace ruin!" Morgana said, looking at Grayson. She thought. 'This bone dragon is the ancient divine dragon's remains. He might inherit a part of memories from the ancient divine dragon.'

"Yes, your majesty!" Grayson raised his massive dragon skull head, and continued narrating the secrets about the dragon palace ruin. "Once upon a time, dragon was the strongest clan in this planet. We had conquered every clan in this planet. We had built the most majesty and the best palace. But one million years later, everything was sunk in the ocean. One million years ago, this place was Dragon's Island. This dragon palace ruin once was the most majesty and the best palace." He sighed. 'Nothing would last forever. What raises, will also fall.'

"What's inside the dragon palace ruin?" Morgana asked with curiosity, looking at Grayson. She thought. 'What he is guarding for?'

"Here buries dragon's history! It's been one million years. The palace has become dust. I'm afraid there's nothing could last one million years." Grayson whispered. He thought. 'It's been one million years. I can't remember anything.'

"Let's explore the dragon palace ruin!" Morgana muttered, looking upon Grayson and Samuel. She thought. 'How could I miss my history lesson about dragon's history?'

"Yes, your majesty!" Grayson and Samuel replied, honoring Morgana's decision. They thought. 'Let's explore the dragon palace ruin!'

Morgana walked inside the dragon palace ruin, and came to the massive palace gate. The gate was more massive than Grayson's dragon body. It's designed for the massive dragon to pass. Now the gate was closed.

"Can you open the gate?" Morgana asked, looking at Grayson. She activated Queen's Detection System, detecting the gate. She was shocked. 'Amazing! I can't believe the gate is still available in one million years later.'

"Your majesty! I'm afraid that I can't open the gate. It requires the specific magic spell to open the gate. But I forgot the magic spell." Grayson replied, looking at the ancient massive gate. He thought. 'I can't remember the magic spell. That's why I'm sleeping outside the dragon palace ruin.'

"What the hell?" Morgana asked, looking at Samuel. She thought. 'The ancient gate requires the magic spell to open it?'

"Your majesty! The magic spell is a voice password. I can crack the voice password." Samuel replied, taking out a cell phone and cracking the voice password. He thought. 'It's a piece of cake for me!'

"What's the voice password?" Morgana asked, looking at Samuel. She thought. 'I can't believe the gate requires the voice password to open it.'

"Here's the voice password." Samuel cracked the voice password, handing the cell phone to Morgana. He thought. 'It's a piece of cake!'

"I, in the name of the God of Dragon, shall open the gate!" Morgana whispered out those words. As she whispered out those words, the gate opened. She thought. 'I can't wait to explore the dragon palace ruin!'

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