The Queen Morgana's Diary

Chapter 21: Chapter 21 Meeting Jackson

Wednesday, December 27, 2034.

Wasted Planet, Forsaken Land, Jackson's Island, 13:00 p.m.

Raising a glass of queen's red wine, sipping at brink of shore, Morgana saluted to the waving sea. Listening to wave tide chanting, looking upon the tranquil and peaceful surface, she thought. 'What's the eternal question of the sea?'

What the sea replied was the song of wave tide and the view of surface. Wave tide caressed seashore, echoing with lost songs, chanting unto listening coconut tree. Surface was tranquil and peaceful, as if surface was a mirror reflected white clouds.

Dragons enjoyed the exquisite food and laugher, dining at the beach, laughing unto the sea. There were many different types of sea food. They were sea turtle soup, magic octopus soup, mermaid's pearl pudding, braised whale and so on.

Their laugher was a kind of dragon's roaring. It had a kind of strong affection on the other dragons. At the beginning, it's just one dragon's roaring. Dragons followed, roaring unto the sea where wave tide echoed with their dragon's roaring.

Amelia closed her eyes, feeling the salty sea breeze, roaring unto the sea. She felt that the salty sea breeze mixed with the scent of sweetness. Feeling the sea breeze, laughing unto the sea, she thought. 'I feel happy, and then I feel everything is lovely.'

"Thank you, dad, for the exquisite food you prepared for me, for the unconditional love you gave me in the past of my life, and for the meticulous care you gave me in my grief days." Amelia said with gratitude, expressing her acknowledgement to her father. Looking unto the exquisite food, drinking the sea turtle soup, she thought. 'The sea turtle soup is incredibly good. It tastes like my father's love.'

Gael roared unto the sea, feeling his heart filled with delight, roaring along waving tide. Looking upon the azure surface, hearing his daughter's acknowledgement, he thought. 'Amelia has grown up. I'm so proud of her. It's time to pass my crown unto her.'

"Amelia! You have grown up! You're no longer the teenage girl who hides under my wings. You have unfurled your wings. Now it's time to fly. Now it's time to take care of yourself. Now it's time to pass the crown unto you. I wish you could lead dragon clan rise again." Gael announced, looking into her eyes. Passing his crown unto Amelia, trusting dragon clan's future to Amelia, he thought. 'Dragon clan needs a great leader lead us rise again. I see a great leader in Amelia. I can't imagine what future holds. I can't imagine what Amelia will achieve. I can't wait to see how things might have been different, when Amelia leads dragon clan toward a fabulous future.'

Amelia honored her father's decision, taking the crown, wearing it on her head. She felt the weight of the crown. It's not just the weight of crown, but also it's the weight of responsibility. Feeling the weight of crown, looking upon the dragons. She thought. 'Wear the crown, I shall borne the weight of responsibility.'

"Your majesty! Bless me! Please!" Amelia said sincerely, praying for Morgana's blessing. Looking unto Morgana, bowing down her head, she thought. 'I'm supposed to be the queen of dragons. But we already have a queen. We shall honor Morgana as the queen of dragons. How could I deserve the address of the queen of dragons?'

Morgana turned around, laying down the wine glass, looking unto Amelia. She knew that Amelia was supposed to be the queen of dragons. But there was a small problem. Feeling the salty sea breeze, looking unto Amelia, she thought. 'Dragon clan shall honor one queen, and I shall appoint Amelia as the president of Dragon Island.'

"I, Morgana, in the name of the queen of dragons, appoint you as the president of Dragon Island." Morgana announced, appointing Amelia as the president of Dragon Island. Feeling the sea breeze on cheeks, looking unto Amelia, she thought. 'Amelia! I'm expecting your future! Don't let your queen's expectations down!'

"Yes, your majesty!" Amelia honored, taking her new address. Feeling the sea breeze at the strange island, feeling the familiar scent of dragon, she thought. 'I feel a familiar scent of dragon at the strange island. Who is this dragon?'

"Congratulations! You have become the president of Dragon Island. I wish you could lead dragon clan toward the future of freedom." Morgana whispered, looking unto Amelia. Turning around, looking upon the surface, she thought. 'I want to create the future of freedom, where it's free of hunger, free of poverty and free of injustice.'

"Your majesty! I feel a familiar scent of dragon at the strange island in a wasted planet in the corner of universe. I want to check the dragon, but I'm afraid I can't reach there before I can control my power with my mind. I need your help! Please!" Amelia applied, applying for Morgana's help, looking unto Morgana. Closing her eyes, feeling the sea breeze in the strange island, she thought. 'In the wasted island where the dragon dwells alone, she must be lonely and homesick. I wish I could grab her to come back Dragon Island.'

Gael was the only dragon who knew the secret that Morgana disposed dragon's Goddess to the corner of universe. He had been living under the shadow of fears for seven thousand years. He didn't even dare break the seal within his dragon's body, because he was afraid of that Morgana might dispose him to the corner of universe.

"Your majesty! I beg your forgiveness! Have mercy! Please! Seven thousand years ago, our ancestor Jackson who was the Goddess of Ocean, she punished devil clan, and tried to drown the village where devils dwelled. You descended at the village, saving devils and disposing our ancestor Jackson to the corner of universe." Gael whispered, telling the hidden secret. Begging for Morgana's mercy, bowing down his head, he thought, 'I can't forget the scene that Morgana disposed the ancestor Jackson. I was right there, but I was too weak back then. Morgana ignored me and fluttered away.'

Morgana almost forgot that seven thousand years ago, she disposed the dragon's Goddess to the corner of universe. Hearing Gael's reminder, recalling the old memory, she thought. 'Seven thousand years ago, I descended at devil clan's village, saving devils, disposing a dragon to the corner of universe. Therefore, I was honored as the queen of devils by the innocent devils I saved.'

"Seven thousand years is long enough to change everything. I forgive her. It's time to settle the dust." Morgana whispered, looking unto the sea. Looking unto wave tide waving upon seashore, recalling the old days before, she thought. 'Yesterday's enemy is today's friend. I shall visit her and invite her to come back Dragon Island.'

Morgana opened a portal behind her, stepping inside the portal, descending at Jackson's Island. She descended at Jackson's Island, looking around, checking the surroundings. She saw a coconut tree rooting at the beach, and wave tide chanting with eternal melody and waving upon the seashore.

At brink of shore where wave tide caressed sand, wave tide sang melody unto island, echoing with lost songs from central sea, chanting to listening coconut tree.

Morgana fluttered her wings, flying along lost songs, reaching the another side of Jackson's Island. Hearing lost songs contained with yearning, feeling a sense of homesickness, she thought. 'Who is spreading yearning?"

Jackson sat on the gray rock, looking upon the sea, singing lost songs along wave tide. Turning around, looking upon the familiar face, she thought. 'Who is she? I feel familiar but strange. I feel familiar, because it seems that I have known her. I feel strange, because I can't remember anything about her.'

"During the past seven thousand years, you're the only guest here. I'm Jackson. Just call me Miss Jackson. May I know your name?" Jackson asked, looking unto Morgana. Feeling the salty sea breeze, listening to wave tide chanting, she thought. 'Seven thousand years is long enough to erase everything. My memory is like the footprint at the sand that's erased by wave tide.'

Morgana looked upon Jackson, gazing upon her face, feeling familiar but strange. Watching upon the familiar face, hearing the familiar voice, she thought. 'Is she really my old enemy? I feel familiar, because it seems that I have seen her face. I feel strange, because I can't remember anything about her.'

"I'm Morgana, an unmatched queen! Just call me your majesty!" Morgana introduced, looking unto Jackson. Turning around, looking upon the sea, she thought. 'It's so funny that yesterday's enemies forgot yesterday's grievances. We forgot each other, and we start knowing each other again.'

"Where are you from? You smell funny. I can smell the scent of dragon from you. Have you ever been Dragon Island?" Jackson asked, sniffing the scent of dragon from Morgana. Feeling the salty sea breeze, sniffing the scent of dragon, she thought. 'The scent of dragon is the scent of sea breeze, sunshine and beach in Dragon Island. I'm glad that I meet a guest from hometown.'

Morgana confused, raising her right hand, sniffing the white gown with gold lace. Hearing Jackson's words, feeling confused, she thought. 'Do I smell funny? I can't smell anything but my perfume.'

"I'm the queen of dragons from Dragon Island!" Morgana whispered, telling Jackson her another address. Admiring the view of surface, listening to wave tide, she thought. 'I can't imagine how could she endure loneliness for seven thousand years. Seven thousand years loneliness might drive a God crazy. But she just forgot everything but Dragon Island.'

Jackson chanted lost songs, chanting along wave tide, spreading yearning. Confirming Morgana's identity, hearing Dragon Island, she thought. 'I'm surprised that dragon clan honor her as the queen of dragons.'

"At brink of shore where wave tide caressed sand, dragon's roaring echoed over island, roaring like melody along wave tide, echoing with wave tide around seaside..." Jackson chanted lost songs, chanting along wave tide. Feeling the salty sea breeze, spreading yearning, she thought. 'Dragon Island is my home. I was born there. Although it's been seven thousand years. I still miss Dragon Island.'

Morgana listened to Jackson singing, feeling the salty sea breeze that carried with yearning, listening to lost songs that contained with yearning. Looking upon the waving sea, feeling a sense of yearning, she thought. 'We would be missing home, when we are far away from home.'

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