The Queen Morgana's Diary

Chapter 23: Chapter 23 Setting Jackson Free

Wednesday, December 27, 2034.

Wasted Planet, Forsaken Land, Jackson's Island, 15:00 p.m.

In this wasted planet, there were no trace of human life, no debris of dragon's remains, and no trace of civilization. What this wasted planet had was endless ocean, isolated island, and a prisoner who had been imprisoned for seven thousand years.

In this isolated island, there were sunshine, green trees and beach. It's a romantic and lovely place, but it's also an isolated and lonely place. After seven thousand years, the isolated island was as changeless as ocean.

In the past seven thousand years, Morgana who was the second guest in this isolated island, she couldn't change the world, but she could make a difference in Jackson's life. She disposed Jackson to here, but now she was gonna invite her to come back home.

"In the past seven thousand years, I prayed for Dragon Island by day, I thought of Dragon Island by night. Thank you for telling me Dragon Island's situation. I'm glad that Dragon Island still exists after seven thousand years. I wish one day I could come back Dragon Island and drink hometown's coconut juice."

Jackson thanked Morgana for telling her Dragon Island's situation, for listening to her singing, and for being her accompany, when she was alone. She saw sea surface tranquil as mirror. She heard wave tide chanting as melody. She felt she wasn't alone, with ocean as her muse.

Surface tranquil as mirror reflected her beauty's form, and wave tide chanting as melody echoed over island. Looking upon her beauty's form in the water, listening to wave tide's melody, she thought.

'This island is my second home. If I can't come back hometown, I shall continue living in here for the rest of my life. In the past seven thousand years of my life, I feel life is a vast and endless ocean. Morgana is a passing boat that passes through my life. I don't know if she could take me to come back hometown.'

A coconut leaf fluttered down from tree, falling like butterfly fluttered on sea, drifting along wave tide like paper boat, which paper boat carried with yearning thought.

"Look! There was a leaf on the surface. The surface is tranquil and peaceful, but the leaf's drifty tells us the dark wave. Maybe the coconut leaf would be missing home, when he is far away from home. Maybe he would keep drifting to the distance where he will be secretly missing home by night."

Morgana said with homesickness, sitting between water strand and sunlit shore, missing the place where she dwelled before. She missed Angel's Planet, because she was born and brought up there. She couldn't come back Angel's Planet, because now she was the queen of devils.

She felt a sense of homesickness, it's like wave tide haunting over her mind, it's like the coconut leaf drifting along wave tide. The sense of homesickness reminded her of the years in hometown. Recalling the last scene she gazed at hometown, recalling each person she knew in the hometown, she thought.

'Nobody can threaten me. But I still dare not set my feet on Angel's Planet. It's a sense of fear that stops me approaching my hometown. I don't know what do I fear. Maybe I'm afraid of that I could recognize nobody, and none of them could recognize me.'

In the waving and rolling surface, the coconut leaf was just a leaf, it sank in the vast and endless sea, merging into water like fading spray.

"Once it falls in the water, it'll never get out of the sea of pain. If there was a billow, it'll sink in the sea of pain. Maybe I'm also a piece of leaf, and I'll never get out of the sea."

Jackson whispered with sorrow, looking upon the leaf sinking under water. The leaf's doom reminded her of her tragic fate. She desired to come back Dragon Island, because she was born and brought up there. She couldn't come back Dragon Island, because her power was sealed.

She felt salty sea breeze hit her arms. She felt sunshine tickled her face. She felt as if she was circled by wave tide. Looking upon the vast and endless ocean, listening to wave tide chanting, she sighed.

'Hometown is a distant dream. I'm in a wasted planet, but hometown is in the another side of universe. If I unlocked the seal, I'll extract myself and get out of the sea of pain.'

Morgana who disposed Jackson to here and sealed her power, she could unlock Jackson's power. She could open a portal to Dragon Island. She was meant to invite Jackson to come back Dragon Island.

"Maybe you forgot me, but I owe you an apology." Morgana continued, "I'm sorry. It's me who disposed you to here and sealed your power. I beg your pardon."

Morgana apologized to Jackson for disposing her to here, for sealing her power, and for forgetting her. It's time to settle the dust and the grievance between them. She was gonna unlock Jackson's seal and set her free. Maybe Jackson forgot everything, but she deserved an apology and her sacred freedom. Looking into Jackson's eyes, recalling the past, she thought.

'I disposed Jackson to the corner of universe, because I chose devil clan and protected them from Jackson's wrath. I sealed Jackson's power, because I had to ensure that she won't come back and drown devil clan's village again. I forgot her, because she was just a little piece of my life.'

Jackson was surprised that she was sealed here by Morgana. She felt a sense of compicated feelings. She felt mad, because she was disposed to this wasted planet. She felt homesick, because she had been living in here for seven thousand years. She felt peaceful, because she got used to be peaceful with everything.

"Apology accepted! I forgot everything. I shall consider the grievance between us as false. What I desire most is to come back hometown. Can you unlock the seal? Please!"

Jackson whispered peacefully, looking into Morgana's eyes. She had been waiting for seven thousand years. For whom she had been waiting. She would never know, until she met Morgana. From the first sight she met Morgana, she knew that she had been waiting for her for seven thousand years.

She watched upon the vast and endless sea, sitting in shade of green coconut tree, listening to wave tide chanting over island. She considered this isolated island as her second home, but she was still missing her mother homeland. Looking upon salty sea breeze shaking coconut tree, listening to wave tide chanting over island, she thought.

'How many days I prayed for Dragon Island? How many nights I dreamed back Dragon Island? My time to come back Dragon Island is coming. As if I heard Dragon Island was calling her distant child to come back home.'

Morgana hadn't experienced Jackson's circumstances, she couldn't understand her feelings. But how could she say no? She was the queen of dragons. If Jackson honored her as her queen, she would unlock the seal.

"I'm gonna unlock the seal and set you free, but you have to honor me as your queen. Can you call me your majesty?"

Morgana asked a simple but hard question, looking unto Jackson. It's a simple question, because it's a choice question. It's a hard question, because it's hard to make a choice.

She was expecting her answer. She hoped that Jackson could say yes and honor her as her queen. Listening to wave tide chanting over island, feeling wave tide's melody made the island appear as if the island was more tranquil, she thought.

'Each choice we made, will make a difference in our precious and wild one life. I'm expecting the choice she would make. If she honored me as her queen, I shall set her free. If she refused my offer, I shall give her more time to consider it.'

Dragon was pride and stubborn, so was Jackson. As the Goddess of Ocean, Jackson was honored by every ocean clan. How could she easily honor Morgana as her queen. She considered Morgana's offer, and made a hard a decision.

"Yes, your majesty! I, Jackson, in the name of the Goddess of Ocean, vows to honor, Morgana, as my queen. I will swear my loyalty to queen, unfurling my wings and fighting for queen."

Jackson swore her loyalty to Morgana, bowing down her head. She laid her dragon's pride down, and honored Morgana as her queen. She couldn't imagine what her future might hold. But she knew Morgana must be a kind queen.

She discussesed music with Morgana, and treated Morgana as her muse. She made a decision that might change her life, but she would never regret the decision she made. Listening to wave tide chanting, feeling as if wave tide whispered to her, she thought.

'It doesn't interest me what kind of queen she is. It doesn't interest me how powerful she is. I want to know what kind of future she aches for and if she dares dream of meeting her heart's longing. I hope the future is as tranquil and peaceful as ocean. I wish she could also hope so.'

Morgana fluttered her wings, rising in the midair. White cloud darkened suddenly, and covered the whole sky. As if the sky was dark with hues of night. As the Goddess of Darkness, Morgana released her power.

"I, Morgana, in the name of the Goddness of Darkness, shall unlock the seal!"

Morgana commanded, unlocking the seal within Jackson's body. Gray cloud covered the whole sky, and the seal sealed Jackson's power. As if gray cloud covered Jackson's sky. Morgana shook off the gray cloud, and unlocked the seal.

She unlocked the seal within Jackson's body and set her free. She fluttered down where she sat before, sitting there. She activated Queen's Detection System, detecting Jackson's situation. Looking upon Jackson who linked herself to ocean, feeling as if ocean welcome their Goddess's return, she thought.

'The Goddess of Ocean is coming back. She will raise her trident, pointing toward the distance, conquering another piece of sea. Her legends will be remembered again. Her statue will be honored by every ocean clan.'

Jackson felt powerful again, like she could reach every ocean in the universe. She felt a kind of connection between ocean and her, feeling the salty sea breeze which was ocean's breath, listening to wave tide which was ocean's melody. She could control ocean's power, it's an immense power that could drown the whole planet.

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