The Red Rose and The Black Rose

Chapter 69: Chapter 48

("Silly one~ A Demon buried me 4 meters underground so I don't have much time~") Black Abyss exclaimed after using a [Message] scroll to contact Dont at the very moment the attack sank her underground, with the tens of tons of rock collapsing on top of her, but being little more than a nuisance to her.

(Amore mio~) She heard the Demon Queen's voice, making her smile as she heard it in her mind.

("Fufu~ Dear, tell me quickly, what is the most powerful creature on the entire planet?") Black Abyss asked, asking an easy question for someone who knew as much as Dont.

(Am… Several options come to mind… But I imagine you mean HIM~) The beautiful, devilishly seductive voice hummed through the channel.

("Yep~ So I need you to do something, send him a [Message], tell him to bring them. And surprise~!") She said, raising her hands, which broke rocks above her, just to accentuate the 'Surprise' of her sentence, cutting off communication at that last word, laughing a little at how Dont must have been left~

However, the current situation was not exactly funny to the others.

"Hmp. The white rat survived." A voice full of arrogance and pride, reminiscent of a certain Moth, but this one was masculine, deeper, and almost spitting a poison that would make anyone feel less.

"W-What is that thing…?" Lucius, or whatever, exclaimed worriedly, getting up after the colossal explosion that caused the mountain they were leaving from to now have a huge open hole… Seeing the light again, but also such a creature… As well as too many Imps flying above.

"A Demon." Brain and Seraiah hissed at the same time.

"Grrr…" The Orc Hero of the Argland Council grumbled, gripping his bastard sword tightly as he bared his fangs menacingly.

"Tch, just the thing." The 11th Seat blurted out in annoyance, beginning to float above the ground as a light, translucent, magical sphere surrounded her with a silvery flash.

"Stop." Alice, or Elise in this case, said to the Scripture members, who were preparing to fight. "That thing belongs to a different dimension than ours…" She exclaimed, with the Demonic Knight staring at her, seeming to let out a laugh.

"Who would have thought that I would encounter a pack of rats on my mission given by Her Majesty to reduce these pesky mountains to rubble in order to more easily invade that country of rats~" The Demon laughed arrogantly, grabbing the leather bag on him and throwing it aside, with an Imp grabbing said bag and flying away.

The Demon extended a hand to the side, and a golden flash appeared, manifesting a massive back of gold and diamond in his hand… It was as long as Titania's halberd, who was still underground, although rocks could be heard being moved from the hole where it was buried.

The knight wore a full body armor of shining silver and marble, covered on all sides in gold decorations and engravings, so much gold that it would be enough to make a fortune in any country… Even his shoulder pads like small shields that covered his entire arms had what looked like faces made of gold on them… Chainmail could be glimpsed between the shoulder pads and gauntlets, with said gauntlets covered in pure silver that ended in sharp claws.

His belt was another piece of armor, made of chains and metal plates, from which hung white cloths of pure silk with gold weaves all the way past his feet, with these surely dragging if the Demon were on the ground.

His helmet was very normal, without a single horn that shows his demonic nature at first, ignoring the enormous blackish bat wings from which diamonds hung or the bright golden eyes that could be seen from the holes in the helmet, having a lush white silk hood that seemed to resemble hair from how worn it was, full of gold marks as it spread into an ostentatious cape with a golden interior and white exterior.

{Evil Surprise Boss PNG}

"Perhaps Her Majesty already knew from the start and sent me simply to finish you little rats off." The knight hummed with a proud laugh, as dust and snow began to clear the landscape…

Brain froze, Morgol grunted as he sweated a little, while Seraiah tensed, taking a step back as he adjusted his grip on his spear…

After all, at the foot of the mountain, a horde of Demons was beginning to furiously climb the mountain, while other mage-like Demons floated not far from the knight, and other lesser Demons were already surrounding the Alliance elite forces amongst the massive amount of holes caused by countless previous explosions…

Suddenly a loud explosion shattered the ground where Black Abyss had been buried, shooting piles of rocks into the sky like bullets, hitting Imps and knocking them down.

Black Abyss's halberd was seen to come out, burying its hook in the rocks and thus propelling itself out of the hole.

As it fell to the ground softly, it looked forward, looking directly at the knight.

"Evil Lord of Pride." The Paladin growled, saying the title of such a creature, or so it seemed to others, as it was the name of the Summon in reality.

"Ah~ The white rat~ Did you survive that~? Well, I would be very disappointed if Her Majesty had such a hard time against a weakling who can't even handle a level 6 spell~" The Demon chuckled, glaring haughtily at the Paladin and her group, casually throwing away the fact that he could cast level 6 magic…

At this, the Black Scripture, Brain, and Morgol tensed intensely…

After all, level 6 magic was already the realm of heroes…

Of course, that was a bit of an act, since it really was a level 7 spell…

Titania frowned, walking forward, standing just a few meters away from the Evil Lord of Sin.

"Surrender now or you will be counted among the endless masses I will defeat." Black Abyss exclaimed seriously, looking up at him.

"Pfu~ Hahahaha~" The knight grabbed his stomach, starting to laugh out loud, only to reposition himself and extend a hand forward, catching with one hand a spear made of pure light that was thrown towards him by Titania herself.

When he caught said attack, the shockwave alone sent several more Imps flying to the sides…

Of course, it really wasn't like Black Abyss had seriously attacked the Demon, she simply used a level 3 spell.

"I'll take care of him." She said back, then looked further down the mountain. "Take care of his subjects, I'll go help you once I defeat him." She muttered, grabbing her halberd again.

"Don't worry, Miss Titania~ We'll cover you~" Brain smiled from the side.

"..." On the other hand, the Captain of the Black Scripture narrowed his eyes. "Black Scripture, take care of the lesser Demons. Don't interfere."

The Demon of Pride threw the spear of light aside and began to laugh again.

"Hahaha~ Do you really think you're better than me, white rat~? Once I defeat you, I will prove my superiority over Her Majesty~ And become the true Demon Emperor~" The Lord of Pride hummed with, pardon the redundancy, pride.

Black Abyss looked at him for a second, raising his halberd to the sky.

"When the world needed an Angel the most, I took this weapon! Now I am an instrument of violence, a vessel of invincibility!" She exclaimed, lowering the halberd, which hit the top of her shield, getting into a combat stance. "The entire world will see your defeat! For as I stand before you, I can feel the force that will ensure my victory!" She said seriously.

"Fuahahahahahahahaha!" The Pride Lord laughed loudly, before pointing his sword at Black Abyss. "Fine! I like that stupidity! Maybe I'll keep you as a living trophy once I defeat you, White Rat! And don't worry! I'll make sure the heads of your Rat friends are always on display for you to remember them by~!" The Demon let out, before spreading his wings to their full length, as a sinister golden and reddish aura erupted from the Demon.

At this, Titania leapt towards him while keeping her phalanx, stabbing with her halberd straight at the Demon's chest.

The Demon laughed, brandishing his sword and making it clash against the halberd, deflecting the blow, before using the pommel of the sword to strike the Paladin's jaw, 'stunning' her as he pushed it away, only to raise his sword and bring it down violently.

However, Black Abyss placed the handle of her halberd between her body and the sword, stopping the blade of the sword, which instead caused a powerful shockwave, as the thrust of said blow sent Black Abyss flying downwards.

And the Demon swooped in pursuit.

6th clicked his tongue as he watched the scene, taking a step back…

However, in his distraction, a ferocious roar came from the side, causing him to look up, seeing the fiery maw of a Hellhound…

Only for said lesser Demon to be crushed by a massive axe that looked crudely made from a single stone…

"Don't be distracted, Luhcrius. It's time to fight." The 10th Seat let out seriously as he raised the axe back, placing it on his shoulder.

The Hellhound turned to ash soon after, and the Paladin clicked his tongue, grabbing his ostentatious blue-white sword, before slashing to the side, splitting another Hellhound that tried to attack him from behind in two.

Brain watched the spectacle between Black Abyss and the Demon… Only to slash his sword back, cutting down three Imps in one slash, jumping to the side as a flaming arrow stuck where he had been moments ago…

Not far away, Brain saw how the Demons in armor began to appear… Among them, some archers who began to shoot a series of arrows towards the group.

However, the Orc of the Argland Council stood in the way, raising his bastard sword… And began to deflect all the arrows he could with a speed and capacity impressive for the immensity of the weapon, protecting the Black Scripture and the Swordsman…

Brain looked at this in amazement, but only smiled, gaining respect towards the Orc.

The 9th Seat also stepped forward, the metal arms behind it manifesting two long, thin swords, beginning to slash like crazy towards the arrows…

However, no matter how many arrows they blocked, there was still the problem of the Demons like spearmen, squires, knights and the like approaching at high speed like bulls, with tower shields held high in front.

Brain clicked his tongue a little seeing this… It would be difficult…

However, a blurry figure passed not far from him, passing by the Orc, and deflecting arrow after arrow as it rushed towards the Demon squad.

Seraiah looked indifferently at the group of Demons, watching as the white shields of the Demons approached at high speed, only to jump before colliding with them, at a height sufficient to pass over the shields of said enormous monsters.

He lightly spun his spear, deflecting any arrows coming his way, before bringing the tip of his spear down, and landing on a knight, stabbing his spear through his visor and knocking him down, only to draw back his spear and quickly begin to spin and ram his spear towards everyone at an astonishing speed… And with equally as astonishing strength, slicing through the Demons' armored metal with ease, only to do a 360º turn with his spear fully extended.

"[Sacred Barrage]" He chanted earnestly, before, at a speed so great that it seemed like he had only swung his spear back and forth in a single forward sweep.

However, around him, like a whirlwind, a faint image of slashes appeared for an instant, for the next moment all the Demons around him had been cut in half in Seraiah's circular slash around him.

"[Twin Magic: Greater Magic Arrow]!" The 11th's voice was heard from behind the lines, as two large greenish magic arrows appeared in front of him, only for said arrows to shoot out at high speed above the shielded Demons.

However, with a downward wave of the blue-haired mage's hand, the magic arrows suddenly changed direction, falling from above onto two Demons, knocking them down as the arrows born from a level 5 spell pierced through their armor.

Two huge Basilisks appeared in front of 11th, with 5th moving ahead of the mage as she began to take out two more Sealing Crystals. They glowed, causing a gigantic black bear to appear, roaring ferociously, followed by a large turtle covered in thick rocks as a shell.

On the other side, Elise began to be healed, or rather, damaged, by a healing spell that 4th began to cast on her, hoping to get her back on her feet.

The Ghoul only grumbled as she pretended to recover, only for the girl to stop casting healing spells on her.

"Focus on healing the rest… I'll be… Fine…" The Undead sobbed, disguised in sadness and false pain. Only false because she couldn't feel it, although it was very annoying to be healed.

"Y-Yes." The woman nodded somewhat worried and overwhelmed, looking towards the fighters in front, only to see a group of Imps jumping with knives towards her, laughing like crazy.


"[Paralysis]!" The spell was cast by White Orchid, immobilizing the pair of Imps and making them fall motionless to the ground.

After that, Divine Song took a couple of steps back, but shook her head, regaining courage and determination. Mere Imps were not enough to make her useless.

On the other hand, Alice raised her foot and began to stomp and crush the heads of the Imps quickly, before looking at White Orchid.

White Orchid nodded her head, and Elise just looked at her sadly. Although it was really annoying, since she planned to let Divine Song die… Oh well.

"[Release First]!" The ancient chant came from the 3rd Seat, with one of the orbs floating around it in a chain of orbs shining brightly, as something came out of it.

A purple-skinned Spirit, clearly female due to her beautiful appearance. Surrounded by a sky-blue mist, with skulls of the same color around her neck and a garment of a dark purple mesh covering her, with black fabrics underneath said mesh covering the essential parts. Another violet cloth was tied from her waist, going to her arms and covering a good part of them, it was a cloth with its edges torn and torn ends, while a seal was placed on her forehead, on a yellow paper with red kanji.

{Spirit 1} 

Said woman smiled in amusement, before taking a drag from her pipe, and then blowing out the blue smoke…

Said smoke began to distort, moving on its own, before turning into violent skulls that screamed and roared with sharp teeth, before shooting out with hungry aggression towards various Demons.

A few Imps were crushed by the maws, while a Hellhound had its neck torn off by another ghostly skull.

From far away in the sky, the mages began to extend their hands towards the group.

And a few seconds later, a barrage of spells began to approach the humans, and Orc, and 'Spirits', and Ghoul.

However, 11th extended a hand, and a green magic shield appeared above the team, with 3rd also extending a hand and manifesting another defensive spell.

And as the spells slammed into the shields and shattered them, only for others to replace them, a shadow leapt out from the back lines of the Demons…

One of the Infernal Archaeologists flying and casting spells had an unexpected weight on his back, only to have his neck slashed by a knife the moment after.

An Infernal Mage noticed this, and extended a hand towards the strange, stealthy human, only for him to throw a throwing knife at him, piercing his forehead and causing him to fall.

The 12th Seat, before the corpse he was on could begin to fall, leapt up, landing on another mage and repeating the throat-slitting, this time merging into the shadows on the corpse, avoiding a magic arrow, shooting out like a shadow towards the ground and merging with it.

However, it didn't take long for him to emerge, using a dagger to deflect shadowy claws from what seemed like an ocean of shadows like Imps that silently screeched and relentlessly attacked the Assassin, not being able to touch him, but preventing him from melting back into the shadows easily.

As all this happened, huge mounds of earth were raised like violent explosions.

Titania fell to the ground, feeling the pressure of the Demon's hand on her head, before closing her own fist, hitting the ground and breaking through it, spinning on the broken earth and reaching the other side, landing a strong punch on the helmet of the Evil Lord of Pride, launching him dozens of meters like a bullet into the distance.

The Paladin jumped up and grabbed her halberd, which she purposely pulled back to make it look more natural, returning to a phalanx position before the Demon attacked. Such a stance was not only difficult to counter due to its defense and danger of getting close, but it gave passive buffs to Titania, buffing her defense.

"[Teleportation]!" The Pride Lord suddenly chanted, causing Titania to widen her eyes, only to see the Demon disappear.

She barely had time to swing her halberd to the side, blocking a powerful sword swing that still sent her flying towards a rock in the distance, shattering it into a thousand pieces.

"Hahahahaha~! Surrender, White Rat! You are nothing against me! Soon your little rat friends will die and you will be alone! And I will bring your defeated self in front of Her Majesty and show her who is boss!" The Pride Lord roared with pride and amusement. "[Pride of the Elite]!" The Demon roared, shining in a powerful golden aura that sent snow, dirt, and rock flying everywhere at his presence.

In the distance, however, Seraiah decapitated another spearman who tried to attack him, only to finally have enough, watching as one of the shieldersnoticed the disturbance in their ranks.

He roared violently, drawing the attention of the other shielders. However, this caused one of them to miss the Orc's bastard sword, being decapitated on the spot by the powerful sword, and on the other hand, metal blades rose above a Demon's shield, and stabbed into his eyes through the visor, making him roar in pain as the massive metal arms threw the Demon into another, with the 9th Seat thrusting into enemy lines.

Seraiah took advantage of this, running at high speed towards one of the squires.

However, instead of killing him, as the shield was pointed at him, Seraiah jumped, landing on the shield, and using it as a platform as his momentum practically knocked the Demon down.

With a second leap, the Captain of the Black Scripture flew off in a direction, spear held high.

"[Spear of the Saintess]" Titania exclaimed, pointing her halberd forward, with a projected image of it shooting out like a bullet, striking the Evil Lord of Pride in the chest, instantly drawing him in.

However, he responded with a punch towards Black Abyss's face, making her look away from the blow, so the Demon swung his sword towards the disguised Angel's neck.

She took a step back, the edge of the sword grazing her neck.

A light shallow cut formed on her neck, not even drawing blood from the little it touched…

However, Black Abyss's position was not ideal, especially when the Demon quickly extended a hand to grab the Paladin's face tightly…

"[Heavy Attack]" A monotonous voice was heard from the side, with both 'actors' looking towards the source of said voice.

The Lord of Pride growled as a heavy blow hit the side of his torso, pushing him back several steps as he released Black Abyss.

Seraiah took a step, stopping her fall after delivering such a powerful blow…

He then looked at his spear, and then at the point where it hit the Demon…

"… He's tough." She frowned.

"He is. I'm trying to figure out a pattern in his attacks. But he's not only tough, but physically and magically skilled. I've fought him before…" Titania exclaimed, taking her halberd in both hands, suddenly glowing, with her body being covered by her divine-class defensive dress, giving them the idea that now she was really going to be serious.

"Haha~ You had to call your rat friend, huh~? Dirty White Rat~ But of course~! You could never defeat me alone~! Hahaha~!" The Lord of Pride laughed out loud in mockery, as well as true annoyance.

The Demon raised his sword, preparing to attack or defend, before his golden eyes shined brightly.

"Alright! Come on, you dirty rats!" The Demon roared loudly… He was serious too. He had to put on a show after all.

Black Abyss leapt towards the Pride Lord with great force, causing a crater where he stood, and in less than a second she appeared at his side, stabbing the hook of her halberd into his right knee and pulling him down, making him fall on his left knee, instantly giving him a strong blow with her shield to his face.

However, the Demon quickly responded by grabbing Titania's arm, pulling her towards him and headbutting her back a step, although this looked somewhat clumsy, as if Black Abyss had voluntarily stopped, approached the Pride Lord, and deliberately staggered back… Although Seraiah must have just been seeing wrong due to the speed of the fight.

The Pride Lord, taking advantage of Black Abyss's daze, slashed his sword at her quickly. Seraiah leapt towards the Demon, looking to attack him from the side while he was distracted, but she didn't make it in time to stop the sword, which bit deeply into one of the joints, causing Titania to let out a pained grunt before kicking the Evil Lord away as the Paladin backed away.

She grabbed her arm as she did so, red liquid dripping down her arm.

Of course, between the cold and adrenaline, Seraiah couldn't properly smell the tomato scent.

However, she was able to bring her spear closer, directing it towards the eye of the Demon that had been kicked moments ago.

The Pride Lord, however, swung his sword, taking advantage of the long handle and narrowly deflecting the spear's tip, making it crash against the metal of his helmet and only scraping it.

Then, taking advantage of the position, the Demon delivered a powerful elbow to Seraiah's stomach, making him lose his breath and double over, then stood up and struck the Captain with the back of his hand, sending him flying to the side from the powerful blow.

And as the Evil Lord turned, a halberd came towards him at high speed, glowing white.

The Demon growled as he barely managed to avoid being split in half by taking a step back.

However, he did not come away unscathed.

The halberd bit into his armor and pierced through it, cutting the flesh beneath it deeply and causing bubbling golden blood to begin to gush out.

Such a blow turned him around, only for the hook of the weapon to grab his shoulder, pulling him back with great force, again launching him at high speed, breaking dozens of meters of solid rock and earth until stopping.

Suddenly, the Lord of Pride shot upwards with force, breaking through rock and snow while spreading his wings imposingly.

"Enough! You will die, White Rat! Ha!" The Demon roared, charging forcefully towards Black Abyss with his sword in hand.

The clash between the two was enough to make the entire mountain tremble…

Brain deflected a Demon's spear by a hair, to respond with a precise cut to his neck, luckily cutting through the Demon's spearman armor and making him bleed out, then leaping back.

"[Quick Cut]" He let out, delivering a quick flashing slash that repeated the throat-slitting of a knight who had tried to stab him in the back.

A ferocious roar caught his attention, and instead of seeing Morgol, who was punching a demon knight, and brandishing his bastard sword to separate a spearman from his lower half, he saw the 10th Seat swinging his giant axe back and forth with one hand like a club, while using a shield stolen from a Demon shielder to protect himself from the still raining fire arrows.

For every swing of his giant weapon, three or four soldiers were torn apart.

A red monkey leapt out of nowhere from the forest of armored legs of the Demons, starting to stab with knives stolen from Imps at the eyes of a Demonic Knight, before being impaled by a Demon's spear, only for a giant boar to charge at another Demon, sending it flying, though said boar was quickly torn apart and turned into Swiss cheese by the amount of swords and spears that were stuck in it.

A barrage of spells fell upon a section of the Demons, sending them flying in all directions, while ghostly carnivorous heads got in between the Demons and tried to bite their armor, annoying them more than anything, but still being useful. Especially when said heads turned into smoke and got into the helmets of the Demons, suffocating them.

An ocean of shadows with teeth and claws chased after the 12th Seat, with dozens of pink fireballs and other spells raining down on said pile of Shadow Demons from White Orchid.

Morgol had a greenish aura covering him, healing his wounds, however superficial they may be. Courtesy of Divine Chant.

On the other hand, 9th had a similar green aura covering him, coming from Elise. Though for some reason, 9th stumbled after this, slightly confused, and was barely saved by her drab metal arms.

Likewise, the 6th Seat was showing off, brandishing his sword and finishing off another Demon, then combing his hair with some pride… Afterwards, he reached out a hand to the side, grabbing a Hellhound by the neck, then breaking it with just the strength of his hand, then looking for the next Demon…

However, the only reason why they didn't finish off all the Demons even though they seemed so few before was that more and more squads of armored Demons were arriving… Not to mention that more and more lesser Demons were coming from the snow or elsewhere.

Such a thing was like the stories that came from different sides about a creature called Hydra, cutting off one head two more came out… Killing a single Demon, three more came out from somewhere.

But… So much shaking… So much fighting… It caused something…

All the Demons, all the humans, and all the non-humans, including Black Abyss, Seraiah, and the Lord of Pride, looked up when they heard a thunderous sound…

"Ah…" Black Abyss blurted out as she watched an avalanche approach…

Strangely, not even after several minutes of planning with Dont and Bachelory, did it occur to anyone that an avalanche could happen- No, wait, Bachelory was going to talk about some snow on top of the mountain… But Dont stopped him… No, rather, Dont distracted her by using her little foot to tease her under the table… Ugh…

This… It wasn't planned…

An avalanche was a natural disaster where the snow on a mountain or hill reached such a height, that the weight of the snow itself caused its own collapse, creating a fall of enormous amounts of snow, thousands of whole tons, towards the base of the mountain. But a strong enough effect could also cause it, like an earthquake. A natural disaster strong enough to wipe out steel constructions, rock walls, even reinforced concrete buildings. It was nothing for a level 100 player, but the only one like that was Titania right now… Well…

Black Abyss and the Pride Lord stared at each other in silence, before Seraiah joined in on the staring contest that lasted a couple of seconds…

The Captain of the Black Scripture blinked as both Titania and the Pride Lord shrugged…

Afterwards, the fight between the Paladin and the Demon Knight continued, with Seraiah joining back in as he came out of his mild shock of seeing such a strange, almost comical scene…

"Uh… 11th." Orchid called out as she didn't stop a spell catalyzed by her staff, which launched a constant flare of pink fire towards the wave of Imps and Shadow Demons trying to pounce on her.

"What!? [Twin Magic: Lightning]!" The blue-haired girl shouted irritably as she kept casting spells, trying to hold back the enemy mages.

"We need you to… Ugh!" The mage stopped when an Imp jumped after flanking Elise, jumped on top of her, and used her as a platform to jump onto Salyria's back.

The little Demon laughed maniacally, only for him to be turned into a statue by the gaze of the Giant Basilisks, which began to cover White Orchid while the giant bear began to charge at the Demons coming from Elise's side.

"2nd, watch out." 5th growled, summoning creature after creature. "I'm running out of summons…" He muttered in concern.

Elise pointed her hand towards the present to cast healing spells, but the sudden rumble and tremor in the mountain made everyone stop what they were doing, and looking ahead again, they saw how a rock shattered an Imp… Seeing more rocks beginning to fall…

"Tch! 11th! Put a shield on us!"

"Ugh! "[Magic Barrier]!" She growled, a greenish dome filled with magical symbols appearing over the Scripture, though it did not cover Brain, 9th, 10th, Morgol, or any Demon. Much less Black Abyss, the Lord of Pride, and the Captain.

And suddenly for everyone on the ground without cover, a huge amount of rocks and dirt fell upon them.

The second avalanche of snow and rocks hit harder, starting at the bottom of the mountain, sweeping through it like a river cleaning out an ant colony, impacting with thousands of tons of force at the base of the mountain, having buried almost all living things on the mountain. Still, at the base of the mountain, different powerful explosions showed that the three strongest were still in battle despite the natural disaster. All the while higher up, the sound of a second threatening avalanche could be heard.

Brain looked at said first avalanche, beginning to sneak between Demons to try and escape from it.

Morgol only roared loudly as he held back different shielded Demons, with several stopping what they were doing to spread their shields to hold back the avalanche.

The 10th Seat extended the shield he stole from one of the Demons and placed it for cover, grabbing 9th and pulling her next to him to save her as well.

On the other hand, the Demons did not flee. They did not protect themselves unless it was the shielded Demons, who were only preventing additional casualties among their own.

The Demons did not stop their furious bloody charge.

Dozens of armored Demons began to stab their spears at 10th, driving their weapons deep into his flesh and making him grunt as he tried to push the Demons away.

9th helped out a bit by having his metal arms cut through several Demons and deflect several weapons, but…

Several Imps slipped through the arms, starting to attack 9th herself, scratching and biting her.

"K-Kyaaa!" She screamed as she tried to push the Demons away, with 10th grabbing an Imp and crushing it, trying to help her, only to be rewarded with a spear to his shoulder.

Brain looked at the scene, and instead of continuing to run away… He clicked his tongue.

"Tch. [Lesser Speed]" He muttered, gaining greater speed and dodging the Demons' spears and swords as best he could, though not without earning several cuts across his body.

Ah, did anyone remember 6th? He himself had been within the range of 11th's barrier, so he could only look worriedly at his two Writing companions.

On the other hand, 12th simply melted into the shadows, deciding to tolerate the Shadow Demons rather than be crushed by the avalanche.

However, with no such avalanche coming just yet, countless Demons began attacking 11th's magic barrier, scratching, biting, slashing, hitting, everything… Especially in the face of the rain of spells from the mages, and the arrows from the archers, which had never stopped, and had only been held back thanks to Elise, reluctantly of course.

The barrier, thankfully, did not break.

White Orchid stepped back, seeing the Shadow Demons and Imps she had attacked earlier stepping over the statues of the unfortunate ones affected by the Basilisks' eyes and furiously hitting the barrier, laughing as they did so…

"… 11th, how long can you keep the barrier…?" The mage asked.

"Tch, for a few minutes even with these blows. You know about my Mana." The blue-haired girl growled irritated.

"[Release 2] [Release 3] [Release 4]" The 3rd Seat chanted, with all of its spheres shining, while the Spirit that it summoned before looked on with a frown.

The first one was a creature of unpleasant and frightening appearance, with white hair that waved upwards, long, very large arms, with eyes in its hands, many, having dark, dead skin, 6 eyes on its face and a dark-colored garment that covered its body.

{Spirit 2} 

The second spirit was female, with yellow papers written in red ink as seals on her big hat, holding several dolls made of light blue fabric with the same paper on their foreheads. She stuck her very long tongue out of her mouth, falling down to her chest, having her body lightly covered, but covering the important parts, with a short dress with metallic embroidery.

{Spirit 3} 

The last spirit was very tall, as tall as Black Abyss, having completely white skin and hair, wearing clothes made of large fabrics of different colors and many masks inside, in his left hand he had a very long sword, and his golden greaves had large claws.

{Spirit 4} 

"Attack the Demons outside the barrier." He ordered.

The Spirits stared at him in silence for a few seconds, before reluctantly beginning to obey, stepping out of the barrier as if it didn't exist.

The first Spirit began to grab Imp after Shadow Demon, devouring them eagerly.

The second one extended its hands, with its dolls falling to the ground and began to head towards several accumulations of Demons, opening its mouths and beginning to suck an ethereal greenish energy from the nearby Demons, who tried to attack the dolls without success.

The 3rd Spirit, on the other hand, unsheathed its sword, and began to easily cut Demon after Demon in quick slashes as it advanced, seeking to get close to the mages who were flying and casting a barrage of spells at the barrier, or the archers, who continued to fire a rain of fire arrows.

And if that wasn't enough, a wind started to blow stronger and stronger thanks to the first avalanche, which brought a lot of snow that flew everywhere.

And if that wasn't enough, even the roars and laughter of the Imps and other Demons started to be drowned out by the sound of the second avalanche...

Black Abyss brandished her spear after chanting a divine element buff, only for the Lord of Pride to move to the side, avoiding his head being pierced by the halberd, but losing his left hand in the process.

"Tch, damn it." The Demon spat, spreading his wing and thus deflecting Seraiah's spear, to duck and avoid the Paladin's halberd again, and instead, shoot his sword at pure speed towards the Paladin's leg despite his position.

The sword did indeed stab into the second foot, as Black Abyss raised her other foot to avoid the slash, but evidently couldn't lift both feet.

Of course, the sword got stuck between the pieces of armor, and Black Abyss certainly had to admit that it was an annoying pain, as between Seraiah and Black Abyss, the Demon became quite federated in his signature passive skill, especially coupled with the increasingly insane amount of buffs he relentlessly applied to himself.

With force, the Pride Lord pulled his sword back, causing a sawing effect and causing Black Abyss's true blood to spill out in light droplets onto the snow, though it was barely visible due to its golden color.

Thus, the Pride Lord narrowly avoided Black Abyss' stomp in response.

But in doing so, he couldn't avoid Seraiah's spear, which stabbed into one of his wings until it stuck the spear into the snow, immobilizing the Demon for a bit.

Black Abyss closed her fist on her shield, and, this time with all her strength, she struck it with the edge of her divine shield, causing it to be violently buried in the ground, breaking it like an explosion and making the surroundings tremble.

Seraiah took a step back, somewhat shakily, sighing as he felt the cold icy wind on his face and his breath turning to steam from the cold, even if he wasn't at the top of the mountain.

However, he wasn't given a second of rest, with the Lord of Pride emerging from the ground behind Black Abyss… And then…

"[Sin of Hell: Pride]!" He muttered in a serious tone, causing Black Abyss to genuinely consider getting totally serious and crushing the Demon if he went overboard with the act…

It's not like the Demon had actually tried to hurt her much even within his little ability to do so… But she had just heard him use his ultimate skill…

Therefore, she released her divine aura to the second level, starting to shine brightly as she swung her halberd back at him with all her speed, which spanned almost less than a second…

However, if Black Abyss was fast, the Lord of Pride was even faster.

The Demon evaded the attack with a light and calculated movement, with much greater speed than Black Abyss herself.

He extended his sword, and chanted again. "[Hellish Blade]" Making his golden and diamond weapon take on a dark reddish aura, he quickly swung the weapon towards the Paladin.

Black Abyss growled, putting up his shield to block the sword.

The weapon clashed against the shield, not moving Black Abyss an inch even through the snow on the ground. All thanks to her equipment.

However, the Angel knew. If she was strong, at this moment, the Lord of Pride was stronger than her.

The Demon used his sword against the shield as support, jumping and doing a somersault over the Paladin who could barely keep up, not to mention Seraiah, who retreated somewhat overwhelmed by the divine aura of the Urielle and the overwhelming speed at which they both moved.

Once the Demon landed, Black Abyss kicked back, hitting the Evil Lord's shin… However, if Black Abyss herself had an impressive defense, now, Pride was more resistant than her…

Therefore, an attack without buffs or weapons, as much as it was given by Black Abyss against a being 20 levels lower and without appropriate equipment, did not cause more than a slight annoyance to the Demon at that moment.

And with that, the Lord of Pride swung his sword, aiming for the Paladin's neck, at a speed faster than her by relatively much…

However, the legendary, tragic, epic, and story-worthy scene was obscured by snow, which finally arrived, consuming both monsters that far surpassed the power of humanity.

And Seraiah could only click her tongue as she placed her spear in front of him and began to spin it at high speed, creating an improvised shield that prevented much of the snow from devouring him.

Back with the Black Scripture and company, constantly attacked by Demons from all sides of the barrier… Suddenly they saw the light diminishing, not only because of the thick clouds that began to form from the rising snow, but also because of the avalanche that was getting closer by the meter.

The first avalanche alone had quickly accumulated sediment on top of such a barrier, so many tons, coupled with the constant attacks of Demons, that a 'crack' was heard above the Scripture.

"Tch. [Magic Barrier]" The 11th Seat chanted back, summoning a second barrier below the first, cursing herself for getting distracted by seeing 9th and 10th outside the barrier.

Brain ran, ran, and ran, while cutting, cutting, and cutting.

He didn't stop. Even when he almost lost an eye, when he almost lost his head, an arm, no matter how many cuts he had on his body, deep or shallow, no matter if he was stabbed, he ran and slashed.

Not towards the barrier.

He ran towards the closest one.

"Morgol!" He screamed as he slashed at a Demon spearman.

The Orc roared in pain as a Demon shieldman's sword stabbed into his ankle, only for the Orc to swing his sword towards said somewhat exposed shieldman, and his sword stabbed firmly into the Demon's flesh from the shoulder, making the monster roar in pain and fury, before Morgol pulled his axe and swung another blow to the side, forcing another armored shieldman to put up his shield to avoid the axe.

However, even though a mountain of corpses was, or should have been, beneath him, if it weren't for these Demons disappearing when they died, Morgol was wounded.

Beyond what made sense.

Morgol was strong. Very strong. In fact, even as an Orc, he entered the Realm of Heroes. Not in what a human interpreted as that, but in what an Orc interpreted as such.

In a hand-to-hand combat against the 10th Seat, Morgol would have the upper hand because of his brutal strength, especially since he was not so much brains as muscle.

While he might seem barbaric because of his lack of words, it was due to a war wound where he was rendered mute… But that did not mean he was stupid, much less weak.

However, for every blow he gave a squire, he felt his muscles ache for some reason. The more he hit, the more he cut, the more damage he received…

And against an onslaught of Demon Squires, attacking him from all sides, Morgol simply did not have the upper hand just this once.

When he heard his name being shouted by the small human… The blue human… He glanced at him out of the corner of his eye…

He did not know him. He only had a few days of just seeing him, of receiving a couple of surprisingly polite and respectful words towards him… But nothing more.

He didn't consider him a friend. He wasn't. They hadn't fought dozens of battles, they hadn't drunk beer until they were drunk, they hadn't acquired scars together…

But as an Orc, as a hero, if there was one thing he did consider him, it was a comrade in arms. And even if the human was weak compared to him, even if he could defeat him 8 to 2… He respected him.

And when he saw him approaching, slashing after Demons that could kill him if he took a single wrong step, using martial art after martial art, even receiving wounds in the process, but not collapsing… Morgol growled.

He gripped his sword tightly, looked towards the avalanche that was a few meters away from him… Then at the demonic shield where he could see that the two Black Scripture humans were being attacked by other Demons as they prepared for the avalanche… And he roared louder than ever, even if his wounds and scarred vocal cords revived the damage from so long ago and made him start to taste something metallic in his mouth.

Morgol charged at the shield-bearer who decided to shift his attention to the blue human, and stabbed his sword into the human's chest, ignoring the angry roar of the Demon that still lived despite the damage, ignoring the stabbing pain that pierced his chest despite no weapon doing anything to him at that moment.

He threw the Infernal Protector aside, and crushed two Demons who were going to stab Brain's back with their spears.

Brain glanced at him, but didn't take his attention away from the pair of Demons in front of him, slashing and deflecting...

Only to be grabbed from behind by the Orc's muscular hands...

"Huh!? What-!? W-Wah!" Brain cried out in surprise as he was suddenly overcome by a feeling of vertigo. Not surprisingly, he was suddenly thrown backwards, towards where the two members of the Black Scripture were.

Morgol saw the blue one fly away, and in that, a spear stabbed into his good leg, making him grunt in pain, and swing his sword back, cutting the Demon in half.

He gritted his teeth as his injured legs faltered for a moment, but he rested his sword on the ground, and his knees didn't touch the earth.

He looked around… Even though he killed so many, there were still countless incredibly strong Demons everywhere…

And that was even though he had it easy, with all the lesser Demons attacking the barrier, and the mages and archers as well…

He sighed as he looked towards the avalanche, and gripped his sword tightly.

It was time to finally show the might of the Argland Council.

Brain gritted his teeth as the freezing wind kept his eyes from being more than half-closed and tearing up from the fall.

Again… Tch…Again he couldn't do anything to save a comrade…

He cursed himself. He cursed himself ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times…

However… It was no time for regrets.

"Gaahhhhh! [Fourfold Slash of Light]!" He roared furiously, brandishing his katana towards the group of armored Demons he was going to fall into.

His katana slashed, and from his slash, 3 blades of reddish light magically shot out not far away, deeply cutting into the backs of different Demons while the main blade, covered in another slash of light, decapitated another.

As he did this, he rolled as best he could in the new cover of armored corpses, with Demons around him noticing his presence and quickly starting to attack.

"[God Flash]!" He chanted one of his personal martial arts. The one he spent so much time polishing in the past, the one he took so much pride in. Now it was just a bitter memory of his past, but it was still a weapon he wouldn't hesitate to use for the sake of others.

In this case, for the sake of surviving. After all, he couldn't die. He shouldn't die.

Not because he's afraid of death. Not because he wants to breathe just a little longer and gloat about defeating so many Demons.

No. He couldn't die because he still had to go back and buy a bouquet of flowers for Climb to give to the princess, or duchess, after they had a few beers and told her about the powerful people he met...

He shouldn't die, because he had to live to protect the only thing he had.

His sword flashed at an impressive speed. The high-quality, rune-enchanted katana handed over by Lady Nyx cut through the Demons' armor, allowing Brain to slaughter nearly a dozen Demons in an instant…

However, he couldn't rest even if his breath was draining from all the stress.

He turned around, enchanting the Demons who were constantly stabbing and piling on a muscular human and a nun with metal arms next to her that slashed.

"[God Flash]!" He roared again, slicing through several Demons who were in the process of damaging the overly large man.

At this, the Demons looked at him, starting to change targets… However…

The thunderous sound and trembling overshadowed even the roars of any Demons, Brain's shout over any martial arts…

But it didn't matter…

It didn't matter.

"[Field]!" He roared with all his energy. Blood rushed out of his nose from the stress of suddenly feeling so much around him. Demons, blood, snow, tremors, wind…

Even if it wasn't his enhanced version of [Field], after using so many martial arts, and with so much around him… No, it didn't matter.

He leaped, avoiding spears, somehow placing himself right in front of the 9th and 10th Seat of the Black Scripture.

The Demons charged fearlessly at him, despite the avalanche on the other side of the shield that was just a couple of meters away from impact.

… A silence flooded Brain's mind for a moment, despite the thunderous sound of snow…

At that moment, he could only hear his heartbeat and his breathing…

And he said.

"[A Man That Cuts Through Demons]"

And he simply moved his sword as if it were his own hand, without even opening his eyes, without listening, without breathing. Even when everything around him began to shake, when the light was lost due to the snow that began to pass over him in response to the shield placed behind him to avoid the impact…

This is what he was. A swordsman.

Therefore, his purpose was not to be the strongest. It was not to be the best. It was to use his sword and cut.

Even if he began to lose consciousness, even if he coughed up blood and heard a beeping sound… Cut, cut, cut.

Brain did the only thing he did his entire life since the tournament he lost to Gazef, cut. But instead of doing it for himself… He did what a true warrior should do.

He fought for someone else.

"GYAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" A scream of a man, no, a swordsman was barely heard on the mountain.




Name: Seraiah Ruvik Isaev




Name: Hanzel




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