The Red Words

Chapter 11: Ch.9 Family

Dear Dad,

It's been a year Daddy and I really miss you. I finished school and I made the honor roll. All I wanted that day is to see you between one of those who clapped for me, when my name was announced. I hope you are proud of me Daddy. I start thinking of universities, do you really think that I will be a doctor? I tried to not cry, but it hurts that you left so early. I remember that day, the day that you passed away, I was devastated, I fell down and sadly there was no you anymore to catch me as you used to when I was seven years old. Do you remember the first time that you taught me how to ride a bike, the red one? You caught me every time I was about to fall. Your loss is a scar on my heart, which is bleeding and will always be. Do you remember that night when my friend passed away and I kept myself locked on the roof, you told me that death takes people quickly and accidentally. You also told me that I shouldn't cry because my beloved one who passed away will be watching me from the sky. I hope that I can watch you too. Do you remember what I replied? I wish that I could be a sky, so I can hug all my beloved ones who passed away, because I miss your warm hug daddy, I miss feeling safe when both your arms are around me. I know Dad you belong there, you belong to heaven.

"I know you will be looking down, swear I'm gonna make you proud..

I will be living one life for the two of us"

-Two of us by Louis Tomlinson

I will graduate from university, I will be a successful doctor, I will marry the right man and I will have many children, that I will tell them a lot about how much their grandfather was strong and kind-hearted. I will do it all just for you, I will be living a life for the two of us. I love you so much, and remember you are the first man and will always be, RIP DADDY.

All love, your little girl

The most important person in my life just passed away a year ago. I stopped writing, I didn't believe them at first, I kept shouting for his name to shut down the lights for me, I kept calling him to drive me, I kept checking the kitchen if he cooked delicious food. After some time, I realized that he is not here anymore and my mom is sleeping alone in the bed. Yeah I don't know whether this chapter should be considered as a life lesson but it is considered as an important station, a station that really defines who you are.


Dear People,

You can't to not love your family or you don't know how to love them enough because it's humanly impossible to not love the people that are with you through ups and downs, yes there are edge cases of less than perfect family conditions. But love still found there at the end. Family is given gift from God, to make you feel lucky, safe and happy. If your mom cooks for you everyday, if your dad drives you everyday and your brothers and sisters talk and play with you, you are so lucky. I believe that whatever you do or you will do your family are the only people that will always accept you with open arms. I lost my dad a year ago, it was the biggest loss, I feel scattered sometimes without him. His loss made me realize that the family is the most important piece in the puzzle of my life, or it is like the main foundations of my life. Yes we all fight and yell at our parents and our family members but it is all out of love. So if you shouted at your parents today or if you made them feel sad or disappointed, leave the book aside and go to apologize, say you are sorry, promise them that it will never happen again, also promise them that you are going to make them proud of you always. If I had a wish, it would be to hug my dad again. Stop blaming your parents, stop thinking that they are annoying or they just want to control your life by their advice, because they are not they are just trying to help you. Yes you should try to experience new things but don't forget to listen to them. She is the one who held you 9 months, and he is the one who worked everyday to make you live in the best conditions. Know their worth before it's too late. Family is always there, where no one else is. Family has many definitions, if you are a child or teenager you define it as having parents, sisters and brothers, if you are an adult you can define it as being married and having children but if you are old age being taken care by your grown-up children, you can define it as spouses and their children, family is the main support in your life. They steer the child's life till a certain age when the child learns how to behave not in a perfect way, but he starts learning new things by his experience, but parents still advise him in order to help to see the correct direction. Parents are the first teachers that guide us on how to deal with life. Dear all, love your family, respect them and know their worth. If you are living far from your parents call them and ask how they are doing not just on mothers and fathers day. If they are close to you don't forget to hug them today. Family defines who you are. Family is exactly the same as the tree, we grow up in different directions like the branches, some of us leave, some of us stay but we all have the same roots.

Advice: don't hurt your family members, share love and happiness because family is everything.

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