Chapter 42: A Feast with Unsettling Gaze
He left the room, scanning through the courtyards and only nodding his acknowledgement to fellow Slytherins who briefly stated his name. Word had started to spread outside to the other houses that he had wordless magic. As had the rumors of his bargain.
He hadn't been approached by Calum, which was in itself surprising.
Adrian stopped, glancing over his shoulder and mentally cursing when he saw a stocky and aggressive Hufflepuff approaching him from down the hallway.
"Yes, Macmillan?"
"What's this I hear about you making an oath with Susan!" The blond-haired Hufflepuff hissed, looking absolutely furious.
"I don't make oaths," Adrian corrected, his tone making it clear that he didn't like how the Hufflepuff was asserting himself. The blond-haired boy was acting far too similar to another boy Adrian once knew.
"Then what do you call that thing you made with her!"
"I make bargains."
"Yeah, like your slimy snake." Macmillan growled angrily, whipping out his wand to hold under Adrian's chin.
Lutain reared, looking threatening with his fangs unhinged. Lutain had grown, eyes bright and scales glossy in the October light.
Macmillan didn't falter, which was in itself surprising.
"I bet you're plotting something evil," Macmillan said. "That's all you pathetic lot do!"
"I suggest you lower your wand. You're making a scene," Adrian reprimanded sharply. "Not that I think you know any worthwhile spells to begin with."
"You're right," Macmillan agreed all too quickly. Surprisingly the Hufflepuff lowered his wand. Before Adrian could react, Macmillan pulled back his fist and clobbered the Slytherin.
Adrian's head recoiled back. Macmillan had hit his nose. It was bleeding slightly, which had Lutain rearing, thoroughly angered.
"You badger den weasel! Your fur is sour and dirt!" Lutain hissed.
Something about Lutain's insults and the throbbing pulse in Adrian's face brought a rising tug of something to a crescendo.
He imagined Bellatrix's laughter over it all.
Adrian giggled, reaching up with one hand to staunch the bleeding the best he could. He went cross eyed, trying to stare at his nose. His one eye was already straining to do so with the darkening marks of a bruise.
Adrian's face shifted, unhinging to look relaxed with a bright excited smile parting his lips and getting him giddy.
Macmillan looked stunned, not actually expecting to do any damage. Adrian's eye hurt and the skin felt pulsating warm. It was a familiar sensation, hadn't Bella always told me that second blood was always justifiable.
"Master?" Lutain asked, his voice low and soothing. Adrian ignored him.
"An eye for an eye," Adrian said, grinning. He tasted blood. His teeth tinged pink.
Why wasn't Macmillan finding it funny as well?
"What- I- I didn't-" Macmillan stuttered, and Adrian's eyes dilated and his knuckle popped.
Adrian felt the exhilarating rush as his blood and magic beckoned to a call he didn't know yet. There was something distinctly satisfying watching Macmillan's eyes bulge as it undoubtedly struck him.
Macmillan gagged, retching with both hands moving to his mouth. With almost exaggerated slowness, Macmillan pulled away a hand from his bleeding mouth. He was holding the lower segment of a cracked tooth.
"A bargain is a bargain." Adrian announced, looking at Macmillan through the latter's horrified gaze, "Next time you try something, you know what to expect."
One of the Slytherin upper years healed Adrian's black eye efficiently with lingering curiosity. She knew who she was, likely one of the few upper years who actually believed him too.
His eye was healed, his nose fixed, and just in time for the Halloween feast.
He walked with Theo, who had gotten rather attached to Adrian as of recent. Likely because even Theo was smart enough to recognize, with his family being a predominantly dark family, that having a strong ally was important.
Theo took his seat next to Adrian, Draco sitting on his other side. Across from them sat Crabbe and Goyle, with Pansy next to them. Daphne and Millicent were further down the table, trying to avoid them as best they could.
Draco scoffed when a group of bats swept close to the Hufflepuffs and they squealed.
"A bunch of sheep they are," Draco muttered, trying to ignore Pansy's barking laughter.
"It's a bad design" Theo sniped, snatching an apple from a nearby bowl. "All the houses get good traits except that bunch,"
"I think I get it, the Hufflepuffs are too loyal for their own part," Blaise murmured, taking the seat on the far side of Theo. "Too loyal to a single person."
Adrian snorted quietly, remembering just earlier that day.
"Speaking of Hufflepuff, I heard a Hufflepuff boy was in the hospital wing earlier," Daphne said, sliding over and leaning into Pansy to address the group. Her eyes were silvery sharp, "Something to do with you, Selwyn?"
Adrian looked at her blankly.
"You sent a boy to the hospital wing?" Draco drawled. The 'again?' was implied and everyone knew it.
Adrian reached for a roll, opening it and spreading some apple butter on the inside. "I have no idea what you're talking about."
"I also heard that Maricia Holdwyn had to heal a black eye," Daphne added, holding a slightly tilted smile. "Seems whoever it was got a good hit in."
Adrian felt a small inkling of anger. Was Daphne now challenging him as well?
Draco looked pointedly at Adrian, who was calmly looking at Daphne. Adrian shook his head dismissively, saying, "I heard the Hufflepuff boy is missing a few teeth. I wonder why, when he had no bruises."
Daphne backed down, suddenly more interested in the food on her plate. The others seemed to become a bit more interested in their own meals too. They all knew that they hadn't learned any hexes to remove teeth.
"Adrian?" Theo muttered under his breath, taking a large slice of moist turkey. Adrian glanced sideways, seeing his slightly sheepish expression. The conversation topics had changed, everyone was involved with their own debates at the moment.
"Yes, Nott?" Adrian sighed, turning to face the thin blonde hair boy more directly. Adrian's use of his surname seemed to heighten his anxiety.
"What were the uh, the things?" Theo started, shifting uncomfortably. "That the other people couldn't see?"
"Thestrals," Adrian answered, glancing through the hall where a Thestral was sleeping near the large pumpkin. It was likely staying for the feast and then would help tug the pumpkins out. "They're omens of death."
Theo inhaled sharply.
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