The Tales of the Forgotten Frozen Hell

Chapter 10: chapter 10:- Great Halls

[Four days before execution]

As I was trying out new my abilities, I realised my true potential. The fact that I can seal and object irrespective of space means if my abilities were to awaken once again I'll be able seal literally anything. Just thinking about it makes me excited.

Also since I am the only one who can move the objects I sealed, i can definitely make up some interesting applications.

As I was thinking about more possibilities, a sound of something similar to a horse carriage was heard.

Elysa came down from her room upstairs and I saw her excited face. As I followed her outside, I saw a large carriage, but Instead of horses it was being pulled by two wyverns. It was a sight to behold.

These wyverns were tamed and looked as if they were pets of some kind of royalty.

"These are special kind of wyverns that are the descendants of wyverns that Great King has raised personally."

Elysa explained as she saw me looking at those wyverns with surprised eyes.

"These are so damn cool."

"of course they are. The Great King had them specially instructed by the greatest beast masters."

Man that sounds so much cool. This Great King guy really sounds like a chill guys.

Anyways, I guess now we have to get our bagpacks for journey. At the of this journey would I be able to finally find Rosa and get my answers.

As I was standing there, looking forward to the journey, sudden light flashed from the sky as if a star had suddenly just born.

I looked up into the sky squinting my eyes only realise this newborn star was getting bigger and bigger every second until suddenly, it crashed right besides me.

Of course it was this dumb ass who can't even properly land. As he crashed, it left a burning patch of circular shape, right where Elyse was growing her [The Great King daisy flower], as I tried to look towards Elysa, earth trembled as the birds from the trees flew into the sky, the ground seemed to shaking vigorously, so much so that the [special edition Great King pots] that Elysa purchased from a premium dealer were now smashed into dust. Luke raised from ground while fixing his clothes.

"That bastard. Making an overdramatic entrance."

Luke scoffed at Deeno approaching us. As Deeno approached, Luke was glaring daggers at him.

"Hey, Muscle head what are you doing here?"

Luke asked in a rude voice.

"Nothing. I Just can't leave an important person in care of a dumb Assbrain."

Deeno said with a smug face.

As Luke and Deeno were shooting glares at each other, suddenly both of them were caught off-guard by a huge tornado ferociously spining. Elysa came up to me and smilling scarily she said-

"Let's go inside and pack our things, Zai. Those two might come a little later."

She walked inside the house and left the tornado outside with Luke and Deeno getting thrashed inside of it.

I pittied them for a moment before going inside to get ready.

Two hours later Elysa and I were ready, with our necessary luggage. As Elysa undid her tornado, Luke and Deeno crashed to ground and quietly walked into the carriage.

I guess Elysa is as scary as she is kind. The four of us started climbing inside the carriage. First were Deeno and Luke. They bickered with each other and opened the carriage door but for some reason there was only a black screen.

They both went inside the black screen much to my surprise. Elysa noticed my nervousness and held my hand. As she gave me assuring smile, we both went inside.

As I took a step into the carriage and my eyes went blurry as Somehow I blacked out for a second but next second I was able to regain my conciousness and looked at sight in front of me in an awe.

It was a luxurious floor with a hall, 2 bedrooms and a kitchen. Like those 5 star luxury apartments they show in the advertisement. How the hell can something like this exist?

Elysa saw my dumbfounded expression and while smiling explained

"it's a simple portal door. This room is a hotel room which is simply connected to this carriage by this portal door."

"Wow. This is so cool"

I exclaimed like a child.

"It is indeed"

Elysa looked at me like a mother looking at her child.

But wait a minute. If they were have portal and teleportation then

"Why didn't we just took a portal to the Kingdom?"

I asked Elysa. Elysa looked at me in a complex expression and explained

"Actually, that was our previous plan. But I was not able to contact the central authorities due to which we have to take this carriage"

"But shouldn't there be a headquarters nearby, from where we could use the portal and you guys are such high ranking officials in the Kingdom."

I was a bit angry and It was genuine doubt.

I'd like to reach there as soon as possible and talk to Rosa. Every second Rosa was reaching close to death.

Elysa now, was having hard time to find words to explain, when suddenly

"Teleportation or portal magics are not that easy to conjure, Zai."

Luke spoke on her behalf,

"For an average magic user, the magic they are affiniated with, is most easy to control and master but that doesn't mean they can't learn any other type of magic. In fact, most of magic user uses more than two type of magics including their affiniated magic"

"Like, in my case, I have earth magic giving me advantages over armies or crowd but if the enemy uses an aerial attack or some kind of a illusion than I would have a very hard time against them. That's why I use arcane magic as a secondary magic which gives me mental protection as well as projectile type magic."

Deeno added in the explanation as well.

"But it still doesn't explain why we can't take a portal to Great halls"

"That's the part. We can't. Teleportation or portal magic is originally a branch of spatial magic. But it is never a primary magic. No one is affiniated with teleportation magic. Portal magic on the other hand can be primary magic but it has many restrictions. Too many of them. Only one person has ever mastered the portal magic, whose company manufactures and run the service of these carriages under Great king's authority." Elysa explained.

I see. So thats how it was. I really am a fool for even starting to question them about the world they live in.

Then everyone looked satisfied and went into their respective rooms. Wait. This carriage only has 2 rooms.

It means...

Some one has to...

Share a room with Elysa!!

Before I could even speak.

"This room is mine"

Elysa told, no, she warned all three of us. There goes my degenerated fantasies. So naturally all three of us look at the last room.

Tension began to rise between Luke and Deeno. It was pin drop silence as they both looked towards the room. I could feel earth rumble and the room get brighten with light.

I was intensely waiting for the moment of their clash. The moment they were fully locked in and about to take off from their place I could see, it happened in a flash, tree roots tied onto their ankle and threw them around the room like some kind of ragdoll.

Elysa sighed and told me

"that's why I asked for a carriage with 4 rooms."

The tree roots than detached from their ankles and transformed into Elysa's bright yellow hair. It was her secondary magic.

Seeing my expression she again started

"It's my secondary magic. The [The roots of the great tree] it's a special kind of magic only those with royal blood of elf can wield."

I see.

Seeing my satisfactied expression she goes into her room with Deeno and Luke laying on the floor.

Sometime later we decided the room by a game of rock, paper and scissors. I lost and was now made to sleep in the hall.

According to Elysa it would take us 2 days to reach the Great halls. So, nightime arrived and at the end of the day we all slept calmly not knowing the danger that was lurking around us.


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