Chapter 6: Ch 6 Frozen Hell
'The Author'
He was the person who made the vast wasteland of the Frozen Hell, the place it is. But he had a strange condition to not disturb him, until he was finished with construction of the land of harmony called The Frozen Haven.
The Author was a mysterious figure. Everyone could see his face but no one could interpret nor remember how he looked. The remainder of the races now faced a dire situation where they had to abandoned the only land they had.
The Author proposed to create a habitable place for them but for 3007 years but they had to go through the cycle of reincarnation in one of the three worlds.
Even though the duration of the proposed condition was short for the races where an individual could live for tens of thousands of year, the mere idea of being confined to the cycle of reincarnation caused an uproar among the elite class of all the races.
They, who saw themselves as unique and superior beings could not tolerate to live among humans even for one year. Thus, the races were split between two factions of radicals and conservatives.
The radicals sided with The Author and thus he was crowned as the first Great King of soon-to-be Frozen Haven.
The conservatives also made their own faction. Their main representative was the Leader of Strongest tribe of Dragons, Tiamat.
She was strongest dragon in the history and the only remaining dragon of her kind. Tiamat, a proud and mighty dragon could not accept to be stuck in reincarnation.
Thus, she gathered the strongest individuals of various races and waged a war against the Author. It was the most ferocious war ever fought.
The war between Gods and Demons was a necessity but the innocent lives that were sacrificed in this war could not even be reasoned with.
Unlike the previous war, that was for control and domination, this war was only fueled by hatred.
Tiamat was now known as the [Tyrant Queen of wrathful chaos].
She gathered eight kings including herself and established the 'The Imperial Army of The World'.
They manipulated people and had them cause destruction on their behalf. The Author's forces were quick on uptake and took serious actions.
Author inspired the people of diverse race to leave the Imperial Army and succeeded. This caused a great uproar between the eight kings, and one night, the schemes of the tyrant queen was finally revealed.
It was the most gruesome and tragic night the land of frozen hell had ever seen.
The Queen along with seven other kings, planned the destruction of this land, for once and for all. It started within their own army.
[Duke Archinus], was a well known chemist back in his original world and now he was known by the title [Sloth of Black Venom]'.
He poisoned his own men, released the [Cloud of death] upon the entire land. Children were ill, elderly died in the span of few minutes. Rotting bodies of dead littered the land. But it was only the beginning.
As soon as the radicals got the news of enemy attack, the army rushed into the battlefield without consulting The Author.
Special Elite forces, comprising of some of the strongest people of that time, were deployed to fight the enemy army. Author was furious but he had hope in his men.
Nearly 12000 people entered the battlefield only to be baffeled to find a group of only 8 people.
At the base, Author was preparing for a large scale magic rune circle to finally begin mass transmission of people from Frozen Hell to earth when he received the news about the army.
It was reported that out of 12000 personell only 1 survived. Author was deeply shocked.
Suddenly when the messanger began to choke on something and as he held his head, he let out an agonizing scream.
In an instant his head burst open, green blood of a goblin splattered and the splattered blood began floating in the air and as if someone was writing something, blood stood stilled in the air and said
'Tonight, this land will perish alongside it's people and the Author '.
The messanger's body now disintegrated into dust. Author knew he had to do something.
He completed his magic rune and activated the circle.The vast wasteland now grew into lush beautiful plains. The time of the world accelerated.
The process that would have taken atleast thousands of year now took only few seconds. It was beautiful, clouds, lakes, forest etcetra, it truly became a paradise.
One by one the people were being picked and teleported from all over the region near the magical rune and their body slowly began freezing. Author guided them. He told them to just hold their hands and let the light consume their soul.
The darkness of night was now covered by the bright blue light of Author's conviction and determination to help the people of this land damned land.
As the people quickly teleported, Author noticed a strange humanoid figure wearing a darkened expression. As the Author approached near him, the man started weeping.
"I can't do this"
he whispered. Author was now in front of this man's face when suddenly
The Author quickly retreated but he was just milliseconds late. He examined himself and saw his stomach was cut open. Blood gushed out like fountain and the man suddenly emitted a black smoke enveloping the entire area.
Author quickly casted another teleportation spell and teleported himself and the man away from the innocents.
'Disguised Ghoul of Envy' ,
was one of the eight evils, the real identity of this person was the Great King of lizardmen of North but now he was consumed by the evil of demonic ghouls of hell. The author froze the time on his body to maintain his composure.
When suddenly the earth began trembling, the blue light covering the land was now enveloped in an unending darkness. Eight figures with glowing eyes emerged from the darkness.
The white aura of Author was now emitting brightly. When the entire land fell into a dead silence.
It finally finished.
The second stage of rune finally began. In an instant the Frozen bodies of people vanished, thier souls disappeared. Now in the entire land, there were only 9 people present.
Outraged, the eight evils revealed thier true form, The Author released his brilliant white aura and split the land between light and darkness. Author raised his hand and with a single flick of his finger, the heavens roared, white light beams of light descended disintegrating every part of darkness.
The darkness that seemed never ending was now reduced to a mere shadow of a tree.
The eight evils did not give up and continued their attacks. Earth shook, waves of water ferociously crashed, storms and tempests leveled the land, infenal fire covered the surface. Molten lava waves crashed everywhere, the lush green life were now being decayed.
The Author, though his face was not visible, could be seen having a saddend and furious expression. He waved his hand in the air, glorious white light covered entire world, sharp shards of white plasma light rained down on land. In an epic clash of light and darkness,
Light stood on top.
But he used too much of his power, after the great attack, evil eight stood again somewhat weakend yet standing strong. Tyrant Queen approached the weakend Author and when she was just about to end her nemesis, another yellow light struck her hand.
It was 'The Corrupted elf of betrayal' ,
previously known as Celandor the great king of his hybrid nation, he was the kind and optimistic ruler of his land where all the hybrid races that were abandoned by their own kind, lived.
No one knows why he choose to side with tyrant queen but now it didn't seemed to be the case.
Furious by the Celandor's betrayal, Tyrant Queen and other six evils fought him but instead of fighting them, he stabbed himself. Wherever the blood of Celandor fell, new life emerged.
Tyrant Queen quickly grasped on his motives, but it was too late. Celandor was standing right above the Author. Blood gushed out as he stabbed himself over and over again.
A great explosion occured sending all the kings a great distance back. As the kings approached the site, their worst nightmare was now manifested in front of them.
The Author stood there, now fully healed and having abundant power, holding the body of Celandor in his arms. Author looked the kings in the eye and started his onslaught of attacks. Overwhelmed by sheer force oh his powers, The kings sought withdrawal.
But it was too late. Land was destroyed, people lost their lives, it was runied. The plan to make a land of harmony, plan to make a Frozen Haven where happiness always resided was now over. This place, which was dreamt to become a sacred gateway for anyone, now became a hell.
The Author still didn't give up on this land. He used his greatest spell and used the power of evil kings as a catalyst to revert all the damage done to this land.
He neutralized all the kings and used their power to destroy in order to protect and repair the destruction.
In the end, he was successful. He made this damned wasteland into a beautiful world with forests, mountains, snow, desert. A place where everyone and anyone could live. But the sacrifices were too great thus this place always remained as
'The Frozen Hell '.
With his last remaineder of energy he revived the half-elfen King Celandor and crowned him as the
'The First Great King of Frozen Hell'.
Overtime, those who competed their time on earth started coming here. Author guided them and soon enough the Kingdom and the civilization was established.
But one strange day, Author suddenly disappeared but before disappearing, he gave blessings to the Great King and his descendants. He then proceeded to blessed the entire land and thus, became the
God of Frozen hell...
And that's the history of this place"
Elysa said while smiling proudly.
"Woah, that's one hell of a crazy backstory. Pun intended."
I said while yawning. Sitting besides me I could see Luke barely keeping his eyes open. Yeah, this guy never listened to backstories, even if his favourite movies.
"So, tell me, what's our connection to this place? Why the hell I am being attacked and protected by you guys?"
Elysa hesitated for a second.
"Even I don't know what the great king has been thinking. I am also as clueless as you are about this, Zai. "
She was not lying and I could see it in her eyes.
I was about to open my mouth to ask another question when we heard a knock on the door. Luke and Elysa were both alerted. Elysa asked while getting in stance to protect me
"Who is it"?
The man replied a few seconds later
"I am the high messenger of The Great King and I am here to pass the notice of summon for
'The last vessel of damned darkness' - Zai Garfield and
'The last Master of virtues ' - Luke Goldheart and their protecter
'The Gluttonous wind' - Elysa silvahorn,
to the Great halls of Kingdom of United Frozen Hell. Please heed to the call on day of last moon . These are king's word and you must arrive.
Thank you now I'll be taking my leave"
Followed by a puff sound. Elysa cautious opened the door and only found a letter and invitation card.
That was weird. Elysa opened the royal invitation card and confirmed the statements said by the messenger.
"It says we have to reach the Great Halls three weeks from today."
Elysa said. Suddenly, her expression got suddenly serious, Luke noticed it first and asked what happened.
Elysa didn't spoke, so Luke took the letter from her hand and read the mentioned part along with me. In a bold and distinct writing, it was written
...on the day last moon and attend the execution of Rosa Goldheart.