Chapter 6: The chase
Elia thought she was seeing wrong. Was her glasses not working properly? She really had to question herself. She even doubted getting drunk even though she did not have any drinks that evening. The fight happening before her made her flinch in fright even though she was not involved in it. The blows the Feral man was raining upon the creep were bone-chilling. It would be a surprise if he even has any working bones left after this.
But that was not what troubled her. That creep could die and rot in hell for all she cared. But what she did care about was the hands that were delivering the creeps his deserved punches. The man delivering hits had razor-like claws protruding out of his fingers while a greyish fur covered half of his hands. It was some kind of wild fantasy come to life. Her reaction to it was confusion more than fear.
Elia had a habit. From a young age, she was considered quite brave even though she had little presence otherwise. While her sister and brother got scared of lizards, cockroaches, and horror movies, Elia remained stoic. Unlike them, she didn't scream, shout, or make a fuss; maybe it was because she instinctively knew that no one would care even if she did all that. Yes, she was scared of ghosts and things but it never showed in her face. She removed herself from the places that made her uncomfortable to not give out a reaction. Maybe that was why, even now, she started to slowly move away from the fight while the crowd watched on. She didn't make a single sound as she slipped out of the club.
Even though fear gripped her, she managed to loosen out of it thanks to her habit. And only when she stepped out of the club did she start to panic; she fumbled with her phone and called the last number on her call log. That was the only thing she could do. Her mind was still processing what she had seen inside the club.
"Hello?" Elia snapped out of her haze when she heard a sound from her mobile. She pressed it against her ear almost desperately and answered, "Hello!?"
"Elia?" A familiar voice made Elia sigh in relief.
"It's you Lena.....thank God, thank God. I was so scared...." She rambled on with a nervous voice while Lena tried to calm her down, "Elia, relax. What happened? Try to be calm and slowly explain"
Elia looked up at the glaring neon lights of the club before replying, "Can you please pick me up? I'm so scared, my legs won't move." In the back of her mind, she knew that it was ridiculous to ask for help from someone who she had just met today, but Elia had no other option. She couldn't call her family because they didn't exist to her anymore and Jake...just the thought of him made her feel pathetic. He stopped caring for her a long time ago, so asking for his help would be like talking to the rock; it was useless.
"Please, Lena. Help me" Elia was ready to beg if need be. She was scared out of her mind but did not have enough courage to leave the place. She felt like she would get chased by the Feral man if she tried to leave. She didn't know where that thought came from, but it just did. And when she relaxed a little and looked around, she didn't see a single taxi in the vicinity. It was as though this was some kind of a forbidden place that no one visited.
Lena, on the other side, got worried hearing Elia's words, "Where exactly are you right now? At least tell me that, You are making me worried, Elia"
Elia breathed rapidly while glancing around, "I'm in front of some club, there is nothing else here. What the hell was I thinking coming to this isolated place? Oh my god, I'm going to die!"
"Elia...."Lena sighed, "Please calm down. I will not be able to help you if you don't calm down; try sending your GPS location or at least tell me something about that place. Any landmark? Buildings or signboards? Wait, what was that club's name?"
Elia let out a breath before urgently answering, "Name? Yes, I'll tell. It's written as Darkmoon, yes that's it! It's Darkmoon Club by Donova...."
"Darkmoon club by Donovans?" Lena completed Elia's words.
As soon as Elia confirmed it, the line went silent for a second. Lena didn't talk back for a long time, and when she did, it was something that sent chills down her spine.
Lena's voice was grim and terror was clearly visible from it, "Elia, listen to what I say carefully. I want you to get away from that place as soon as you can. I don't care where you end up; I will find you but get far away from that club. Run if need be; don't waste another second there; move!"
"Move, Elia!" Lena shouted through the phone making Elia's eyes go wide, "Please, now!"
That was it. Elia removed her ridiculously high-heeled shoes from her legs before sprinting from that place. She didn't care the least about decorum or etiquette and ran like her life depended on it. She never knew she had a talent for running. And she did it fast, something in Lena's voice made Elia's fear double. By her words alone, it was clear that the Darkmoon club was dangerous. It was not at all suited for someone like her 'simple ol me' self. Elia didn't like dangerous things; she was not a mysterious type, and she wasn't the one who got intrigued to explore haunted mansions and strange artifacts. Heck, she never even tried playing Ouija board, even when her siblings called her a coward.
And as for the current situation? She didn't want to learn about that Feral man. Not at all. She wanted to forget everything that had happened today as a bad dream. She knew well that curiosity killed the cat. She refused to become a dead cat, thank you very much.
As she ran fast, she went out of breath pretty fast. Her bare feet were starting to hurt due to the mud and rock-filled way. When she couldn't bring herself to move anymore and stopped, she felt an unfamiliar presence behind her. Her throat felt parched, and her breath hitched when she was forcefully pulled behind. Ghost of a hand encircled her waist and struggle seemed futile with the kind of power in the said hand' grip.
Elia almost passed out when she felt a rough and hot breath on the back of her neck. It slowly traveled from there to the side and finally came to a halt near her right ear.
"The chase is over now, mate," a man's voice said to her, "I caught you"