Chapter 17: Chapter 17
A week passed from when Rickard came to Highgarden. He obviously came here to meet influential people in House Tyrell. He had failed in it miserably but not utterly. Hugh Wenman had come in contact with Olymer Tyrell, a distant nephew of Lord Mace Tyrell.
While, for a minor northern noble, getting in touch with Olymer Tyrell was a significant step this did not mean Rickard achieved his goals. As Olymer Tyrell did not have any powerful position in the Tyrell household but his knighthood.
Now Rickard had to know whether Ser Olymer Tyrell could connect him to anyone prominent within Tyrell household. And this responsibility fell on Hugh Wenman.
Hugh Wenman met with Ser Olymer number of times to deepen their relationship. The crucial breakthrough in their relationship came when Ser Olymer invited Hugh Wenman on a hawking trip.
Hawking is the sport of hunting with hawks, falcons, eagles or other birds of prey.
Hugh Wenman himself had a white eagle which he used to hunt with in the wilderness of his fief. So he felt at home in going out to hawk with Ser Olymer.
Hawking party of Ser Olymer proceeded to nearest prairie where rabbits were abundant.
"Let's see who hunts most rabbits. The man with most kills gets to enjoy free food and driks today." Ser Olymer bellowed as they readied themselves for hawking.
"Hail! Hail!" Men shouted boisterously after hearing Ser Olymer's challenge. "Let us empty the tavern tonight." More enthusiastic of them bellowed.
Ser Olymer loosened his hawk and shortly thereafter it chased a rabbit it found. Following Ser Olymer everyone else also loosened their respective birds of prey.
Ser Olymer asked Hugh Wenman when all of the hawks were hunting their prey.
" Sir Wenman, What is your goal in coming to the Highgarden? Is it just for sightseeing?"
Hugh Wenman recounted his journey.
" We came to the Reach to buy some warhorses for our cavalry from the House Webber. Our young lord also wanted to travel to Oldtown to request a maester for Flint lands. We are here resting for while here before heading to Oldtown."
"How did it go with House Webber? Were you able to get them?" asked Ser Olymer.
" We weren't able to get horses from them." Replied Wenman.
Screeeeeeeh! Screeeeeeeh!
The screech of hawks halted the conversation. Both of them looked towards the birds diving to get the rabbits.
" Congratulations! Ser Olymer. Your hawk gotten the first kill of this hunt. " Hugh Wenman congratulated Ser Olymer and soon others also congratulated him.
The hawks were once again loosened to find rabbits. This time hawks flew farther away in search of prey. Ser Olymer remarked " Let us move towards the birds. "
As they were about to move forward Hugh Wenman spotted a pair of white ear on top of a grass mound. He took out his longbow and aimed at the white ears.
Hugh wenman released his arrow and it swooshed through the air towards its intended target.
"Did it hit?" Someone asked curiously.
"By the Sevens! It hit!" Someone spotted the arrow as they rode towards it.
"By the heavens! How did you hit from beyond 200 yards?" Ser Olymer tapped Hugh Wenman's back as he questioned in astonishment.
"It probably was a very lucky shot." Wenman said humbly.
Haha! Haha! Everyone laughed at the faux humbleness showed by Wenman.
The men took out their bows and shouted. "Let us show we, knights of reach, can also get very lucky shots."
As the dusk approached hawking was concluded and everyone raced back to the tavern on their horses.
The hawking was very successful with more than 50 rabbits hunted. Ser Olymer alone netted 10 kills while Hugh Wenman netted 6. Others also killed respectable amount of rabbits between 5 and 9. The bowmanship showed by Hugh Wenman had the effect of more than 10 rabbits fell by the arrows of hawking partymen.
The Hawking party ordered drinks and dinner. They started happily enjoy it. Ser Olymer promised
" My distant cousin has recently started to breed horses. If he agrees I'll set up a meeting between you."
Due to the efforts of Hugh Wenman, Rickard had secured a meeting with heir of Highgarden, Willas Tyrell.
Willas Tyrell invited Rickard & co. to his stable to buy any horses they liked.
" Welcome. Please, look around and do tell me if you fancy any of the horses here." Willas Tyrell welcomed his guest and then he turned to Hugh Wenman in particular "Sir, I heard you are quite skilled in hawking. I would like to join me if you are free sometimes."
" It is my pleasure to join you, sir Willas." Wenman slightly bowed his head.
After the pleasantries were exchanged Rickard and his retinue went to see the horses. Vulfgar helm choose a fine black destrier. Others would mostly choose coursers.
"Thank you for allowing us buy your fine steeds." Rickard thanked Willas Tyrell after buying himself a white colt with an orange red stripe starting from mouth to tail, which bisected by the eyes and ears, and had saffron tail.
"I, also, should thank you for buying from such an inexperienced breeder. These are my my batch of horses. I hope these horses serve you well."
"I would love to purchase your horses in the future. If you'd like I, even, am ready to sign a Letter of Intent in this regard." Rickard proposed it so that he can have longer relationship with heir of Highgarden.
"That would be great help to me. I heard that you are heading to Oldtown after leaving here. May I ask what is your goal in Highgarden?" Willas inquired.
"I am going there to request a maester from the citadel. As I have now acquired enough gold for it."
" I may able to help you with it if you let me name your horse."
"I hope this is the start of everlasting relationship of us." Rickard humbly accepted.